At the beginning of April, my choir took a trip to Dallas for a choir event. We were done from early Friday morning to Sunday night. I'll explain each day as best as I can... ~Friday~ I woke up at 5:40am to make all of my final preparations and to be sure I had everything packed. About an hour later I arrived at the school. There weren't that many kids there. There were two buses: one for the honor choir (the ones who were in choir the previous year at the high school and put effort into their performences) and the other one was for the mixed choir (the freshman and the others who didn't make it to honor choir). So while my choir directers and the few kids were just standing around, I asked the bus driver if I could start loading up. After I did I walked back to the other side and everyone just came up out of no where...that was strange. I got on the bus first. I was one of the only 3 guys in the mixed that went on the trip. I would have sat in the back, but too many kids that I'm not interested in being friends with were back there. So I sat in the middle towards the back. After every got on their buses and all the parents left we took off. 2 hours after that we get to a McDonalds...and the batteries for my CD played went dead! Those were the only ones I had! I thought they would last much longer. sweatdrop After we got back on the bus I went to sleep out of boredom...I woke up a couple of hours later and watched the last 30min of The Incredibles. A few minutes after that we arrived at our first set destination: Celebration Station. I rode the go-karts seven times because it was free. I'm pretty good at manuevering around other people and making tight turns. We had pizza there. It was too small, and we only got two slices. I later ended up playing Laser Tag with 7 of the guys from the honor choir. Everyone had alot of fun, then we got back on the bus and made it to the hotel. I roomed with the best male singer in my choir and two guys from honor. After a few hours at the hotel we went to a place called Medieval Times. That place was full of swords and alot of other medieval stuff! I wanted one soo bad! The swords that is. I also had this weird strawberry drink. The place was very crowded. After that everyone went to the arena where we had dinner and watched some knights fighting. It was pretty cool, especially since they used real swords, they did some serious acting. We went back to the hotel when that was all over with. I was rooming with two causasians and a mexican. I knew my room would be cold but not frezing cold! I didn't plan on sleeping with the guy from the mixed choir because he isn't straight, but I ended up doing so. There were only 2 beds and I slept with the one on the side furthest from the air conditioner..... ~Saturday~
Ryukinzo · Sun Apr 30, 2006 @ 02:42am · 1 Comments |