a short && simple poem;;
I don't know if I should take yu && put yu back in my good graces, I don't know if I could take this pain I feel && erase it. I don't know if I want him back or not, half of me says : yu love him, forgive him for what he did && the other half says: uh-uh gurl yu do that && I'll snatch yu up by the head. I'm torn && frankly;; I don't know what to do, my heart won't seem to let me do anything, it won't let me let yu go && it won't let me keep yu, it won't let me know what I'm supposed to do && once again I am torn in two, for different reasons, but nonetheless, I'm torn again && I hope God will bless && let me know what to do, give me the strength to cut yu off or give yu back the power to break me. What will this love do to me? Will it shape me or will it obliterate me?