Oh s**t...what am I to do? I have a problem, there's 3 of you, it's 3 now, although it used to be 2, for one of these love interestsz are new. How have I gotten myself into this? I'm taking my best friends love, I don't mean to be selfish, I call him by name, I call him a friend, I call him over && over again, I want to move up on the scale, you see, I want this man to be with me. Oh my God. my 'husband' is here, the day is in sight, it's coming so near, I thought the path I wanted was so clear, apparently it's not, so here comes the tears, they drip down my face, they fall by the dozen, there's still something there, when I thought there wasn't, the feelings are there, their mutual I see, buht yet && still, my heart, it flees. Who is this? His names Taquan, && he isn't just another pawn, he's someone I can see myself with, although at first glance it looked like we could be friends at the best, I want him && he wants me, I'm falling into unwanted history, I really want to change my ways, buht it's so hard, especially today, I want to go with my heart && let it choose, buht with that 2 loves I will lose && with that my heart will be bruised, && this is exactly why I have no clue what I'm supposed to do.