04 August 2008
Well today was my 1st day back at rusty and going to work it is hot and im tired i woke up at
0900 to trun in laundery then i went and paid my online i payed then went to commo picked some
things up there i got to leave my wife a messamge on yahoo and through gaia but then some MP/
Miliatry Police Battalion got hit and they lost 2 of there own and we went on commo black out
and what that means is that they trun off all phones on line access and they pick up everyones
cell phones and we dont get to trun them back on untill the army gets a hold of the family
memebers who lost there lifes. They also did what they call flight for the heros it is where
they fly the fallen soldiers out to send them home we had a formation they bring them out and
out them on a chopper and then plans fly over and peal off out of respect for the fallen soldiers
it is something to watch but sad at the same time because it means someone has lost there life
over nothing well i dont think it was worth it i also hope we dont have to do anymore of those
for anyone. so to the familys and soldiers that new the 2 people that lost there lifes im sorry
and you have my respect. I also havent got to talk to my wife in 2 days now and i miss talking
to her i hope the commo black out isnt on for to long well thats about it for today. Gambit09.
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