CHARECTER CHART___________________
Character full name: Saiketsu Kodo Tsumetai
Reason or meaning of name: Saiketsu: Sounds cool. ^^ / Kodo: hearbeat / Tsumetai: chilly or cold-hearted
Character nickname: Tsu
Reason for nickname: Meh, why not?
Birth date: Doesn't remember his real birthdate. Was 'made' into a vampire on the 13th of June.
Gender: Male
Blood Type: ...anything he drinks, really. XD
Reason or meaning of name: Saiketsu: Sounds cool. ^^ / Kodo: hearbeat / Tsumetai: chilly or cold-hearted
Character nickname: Tsu
Reason for nickname: Meh, why not?
Birth date: Doesn't remember his real birthdate. Was 'made' into a vampire on the 13th of June.
Gender: Male
Blood Type: ...anything he drinks, really. XD
Physical appearance_______________
Age: Depending on RP.
How old does he/she appear?: 15-20
Weight: Grr! How would I know?! >.<
Height: ... 5'7"?
Body- build: Lean for quick movement, yet well muscled.
Eye color: Red.
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Pale. Duh.
Distinguishing marks: Light purple hair/red eyes
Predominant features: Fangs
Hair color: Light pruple/white
Type of hair: Just short enough to stay out of his eyes.
Hairstyle: Doesn't style his hair.
Voice: Usually talking in a sing-song tone, sometimes condenscending or bored. Speaks in anger rarely, but never yells.
Overall attractiveness: He's a vampire. What do ya think?
Physical disabilities: Weak without blood.
Usual fashion of dress: Loose fitting vest and average black pants, with a trench coat to hide weapons.
Formal wear: None.
Favorite outfit: He really only changes his vest, and he likes his red one the best.
Jewelry or accessories: Has a ruby that's shaped as a tear drop in the form of a necklace. He doesn't remember how he got it, but somehow he remembers that it was important to his human self, and holds onto it.
How old does he/she appear?: 15-20
Weight: Grr! How would I know?! >.<
Height: ... 5'7"?
Body- build: Lean for quick movement, yet well muscled.
Eye color: Red.
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Pale. Duh.
Distinguishing marks: Light purple hair/red eyes
Predominant features: Fangs
Hair color: Light pruple/white
Type of hair: Just short enough to stay out of his eyes.
Hairstyle: Doesn't style his hair.
Voice: Usually talking in a sing-song tone, sometimes condenscending or bored. Speaks in anger rarely, but never yells.
Overall attractiveness: He's a vampire. What do ya think?
Physical disabilities: Weak without blood.
Usual fashion of dress: Loose fitting vest and average black pants, with a trench coat to hide weapons.
Formal wear: None.
Favorite outfit: He really only changes his vest, and he likes his red one the best.
Jewelry or accessories: Has a ruby that's shaped as a tear drop in the form of a necklace. He doesn't remember how he got it, but somehow he remembers that it was important to his human self, and holds onto it.
Good personality traits: Playful / enthusiastic / comliments people easily
Bad personality traits: Taunting / angers easily when in a bad mood / doesn't do what others tell him to.
Mood character is most often in: Playful / childish
Sense of humor: Sadism
Character greatest joy in life: Fresh food.
Character greatest fear: Dying without remembering his human life.
Why? He desperately wants to fill the empty space in his memory, whether with good memories or bad. He just wants to remember. It's the only real thing he lives for, anymore.
Other Phobias: His prey getting away. (Has never happened before.)
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? ((See character's greatest fear.))
Character is most at ease when: Eating.
Most ill at ease when: Hungry.
Enraged when: Someone keeps him from his food / orders him around.
Depressed or sad when: Not really ever, except if he's pretending.
Priorities: Food, food, food! And following any leads on his old life.
Life philosophy: "Either you are the hunted, or the hunter."
If granted one wish, it would be: Regaining memory. >.>
Why? Oh come one! I anwsered this!
Character soft spot: Pretty/shiny things. (Jewels or things that sparkle. He has a suspision that he was a theif or jewel collecter in his past life.)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? If they're ever around jewels, then it's pretty freaking obvious.
Greatest strength: Poison.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Blood loss.
Biggest regret: Being a weak enough human to get transformed into a vampire.
Minor regret: Killing off his first 'pet'. (Was a human boy he kept with him in the first years of his "life"to feed from.)
Biggest accomplishment: Depends on RP.
Minor accomplishment: Mastering the "art" of chain fighting.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: He has only ever let his prey go once, distracted by a jewelery shop in an earlier town.
Why? He's known to never let his prey escape.
Character darkest secret: Killing off 'Amen'. (The human boy mentioned earlier.)
Does anyone else know? Not yet.
How they deal with stress: Loosing himself to the 'hunt'.
Bad personality traits: Taunting / angers easily when in a bad mood / doesn't do what others tell him to.
Mood character is most often in: Playful / childish
Sense of humor: Sadism
Character greatest joy in life: Fresh food.
Character greatest fear: Dying without remembering his human life.
Why? He desperately wants to fill the empty space in his memory, whether with good memories or bad. He just wants to remember. It's the only real thing he lives for, anymore.
Other Phobias: His prey getting away. (Has never happened before.)
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? ((See character's greatest fear.))
Character is most at ease when: Eating.
Most ill at ease when: Hungry.
Enraged when: Someone keeps him from his food / orders him around.
Depressed or sad when: Not really ever, except if he's pretending.
Priorities: Food, food, food! And following any leads on his old life.
Life philosophy: "Either you are the hunted, or the hunter."
If granted one wish, it would be: Regaining memory. >.>
Why? Oh come one! I anwsered this!
Character soft spot: Pretty/shiny things. (Jewels or things that sparkle. He has a suspision that he was a theif or jewel collecter in his past life.)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? If they're ever around jewels, then it's pretty freaking obvious.
Greatest strength: Poison.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Blood loss.
Biggest regret: Being a weak enough human to get transformed into a vampire.
Minor regret: Killing off his first 'pet'. (Was a human boy he kept with him in the first years of his "life"to feed from.)
Biggest accomplishment: Depends on RP.
Minor accomplishment: Mastering the "art" of chain fighting.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: He has only ever let his prey go once, distracted by a jewelery shop in an earlier town.
Why? He's known to never let his prey escape.
Character darkest secret: Killing off 'Amen'. (The human boy mentioned earlier.)
Does anyone else know? Not yet.
How they deal with stress: Loosing himself to the 'hunt'.
Drives and motivations: Finding his past.
Immediate goals: Depending on RP.
Long term goals: Getting his memory back.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Any means nessesary.
How other characters will be affected: He might kill a few... hundred or so. But that doesn't really matter now, does it?
Immediate goals: Depending on RP.
Long term goals: Getting his memory back.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Any means nessesary.
How other characters will be affected: He might kill a few... hundred or so. But that doesn't really matter now, does it?
((All this will be about his first years as a vampire.))
Hometown: Woke up in a mansion, far from civilization. He was told that he was taken from his village and brought to be 'changed'.
Type of childhood: He was mostly just taught how to fight. Couldn't ever leave the mansion. "Food" was brought to him in the form of live humans he was forced against his will to kill, until he didn't resist anymore.
Pets: Several different 'donators', none ever lasting longer then a week or two. Except 'Amen', who lasted an entire two years.
First memory: His "master's" glare and harsh voice.
Most important childhood memory: First kill.
Why: Pretty traumatic.
Childhood hero: None.
Dream job: None.
Education: Does learning to fight count?
Religion: Absolutely none.
Finances: He often steals any jewels or pretty things he comes across (silk, famous artwork,etc.) and sells it when he gets bored with it.
Social Status: Traveler.
Nationality: ...vampire?
Ethnicity: Big word. >.<
Where they've travelled to: Anywhere he's ever found 'clues', even the smallest ones.
Hometown: Woke up in a mansion, far from civilization. He was told that he was taken from his village and brought to be 'changed'.
Type of childhood: He was mostly just taught how to fight. Couldn't ever leave the mansion. "Food" was brought to him in the form of live humans he was forced against his will to kill, until he didn't resist anymore.
Pets: Several different 'donators', none ever lasting longer then a week or two. Except 'Amen', who lasted an entire two years.
First memory: His "master's" glare and harsh voice.
Most important childhood memory: First kill.
Why: Pretty traumatic.
Childhood hero: None.
Dream job: None.
Education: Does learning to fight count?
Religion: Absolutely none.
Finances: He often steals any jewels or pretty things he comes across (silk, famous artwork,etc.) and sells it when he gets bored with it.
Social Status: Traveler.
Nationality: ...vampire?
Ethnicity: Big word. >.<
Where they've travelled to: Anywhere he's ever found 'clues', even the smallest ones.
Current location: Depending on RP
Currently living with: Depending on RP
Pets: Depending on RP
Religion: None.
Occupation: None.
Finances: Said above.
Currently living with: Depending on RP
Pets: Depending on RP
Religion: None.
Occupation: None.
Finances: Said above.
Mother: Can't remember.
Relationship with her: Can't remember.
Father: Can't remember.
Relationship with him: Can't remember.
Siblings: Can't remember.
Relationship with them: Can't remember.
Other important family members: Can't remember.
Relationship with her: Can't remember.
Father: Can't remember.
Relationship with him: Can't remember.
Siblings: Can't remember.
Relationship with them: Can't remember.
Other important family members: Can't remember.
Color: Red.
Least favorite color: Anything bright enough to make him squint.
Music: Surprisingly, he likes calm music, and likes vocals more then he does instruments. He could listen to someone with a good voice sing for hours on end.
Favorite Food:, vampire. Blood. XD
Least favorite food: Anything else. Can eat meat if he has to put on an appearance, but he'll usually demand to wash the 'disgusting' taste down with a 'real' dinner afterward.
Literature: Any population records or police files on disappearances.
Form of entertainment: Sadism. Playing with people. "Hunting."
Expressions: Anything really, but his only 'true' emotions are pleasure, joy, insanity and sometimes anger. Occationally can become emotionless when bored.
Mode of transportation: Extremely fast runner (as all vampies are). Uses human transportation sometimes for appearances.
Most prized possession: His ruby necklace (mentioned above).
Least favorite color: Anything bright enough to make him squint.
Music: Surprisingly, he likes calm music, and likes vocals more then he does instruments. He could listen to someone with a good voice sing for hours on end.
Favorite Food:, vampire. Blood. XD
Least favorite food: Anything else. Can eat meat if he has to put on an appearance, but he'll usually demand to wash the 'disgusting' taste down with a 'real' dinner afterward.
Literature: Any population records or police files on disappearances.
Form of entertainment: Sadism. Playing with people. "Hunting."
Expressions: Anything really, but his only 'true' emotions are pleasure, joy, insanity and sometimes anger. Occationally can become emotionless when bored.
Mode of transportation: Extremely fast runner (as all vampies are). Uses human transportation sometimes for appearances.
Most prized possession: His ruby necklace (mentioned above).
Hobbies: Hunting, singing to himself, staring off into space (does this enough to make it a hobby. >.> wink
Plays a musical instrument? He has an unconsious talent at the piano and violin, and he believes the talents were from his human days.
Plays a sport? Not really.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Normally.
Spending habits: Buys things for his current 'pets'. Sometimes he buys polisher for weapons or ingredients for poisons.
Smokes: Nope.
Drinks: Blood.
Other drugs: Nope.
Other bad habits: He's a vampire. I'm sure you can think of plenty.
What does he/she do too much of? Staring off into space / playing with 'prey'.
What does he/she do too little of? Acts of kindness.
Extremely skilled at: Hunting / detective work / battle
Extremely unskilled at: Being 'nice' / listening to others
Languages Spoken: He can read every language he's ever layed eyes on, but can only speak english and some japanese
Nervous tics: Bad singers.
Usual body posture: Unusual. Crouched or bent in awkward positions. Pretty insane.
Manner of writing: Crooked and pointy.
Manner of speaking: Singing usually. Dull, lifeless tone when bored.
Manner of walking: Over exaggerated. Either taking 'robot steps' (not bending his knees or ankles), or skipping, or even dancing.
Places in their schooling they excell(ed) at: Er... schooling?
Mannerisms: Treats peple completely indifferently unless they're pretty, or they're strong.
Peculiarities: Sings when talking most of the time.
Health Problems: None to speak of...
Plays a musical instrument? He has an unconsious talent at the piano and violin, and he believes the talents were from his human days.
Plays a sport? Not really.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Normally.
Spending habits: Buys things for his current 'pets'. Sometimes he buys polisher for weapons or ingredients for poisons.
Smokes: Nope.
Drinks: Blood.
Other drugs: Nope.
Other bad habits: He's a vampire. I'm sure you can think of plenty.
What does he/she do too much of? Staring off into space / playing with 'prey'.
What does he/she do too little of? Acts of kindness.
Extremely skilled at: Hunting / detective work / battle
Extremely unskilled at: Being 'nice' / listening to others
Languages Spoken: He can read every language he's ever layed eyes on, but can only speak english and some japanese
Nervous tics: Bad singers.
Usual body posture: Unusual. Crouched or bent in awkward positions. Pretty insane.
Manner of writing: Crooked and pointy.
Manner of speaking: Singing usually. Dull, lifeless tone when bored.
Manner of walking: Over exaggerated. Either taking 'robot steps' (not bending his knees or ankles), or skipping, or even dancing.
Places in their schooling they excell(ed) at: Er... schooling?
Mannerisms: Treats peple completely indifferently unless they're pretty, or they're strong.
Peculiarities: Sings when talking most of the time.
Health Problems: None to speak of...
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist, but loves to act a pessimist and put others down.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert, but when he wants to keep emotions to himself, there's no one on earth who could figure out that he is.
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil. To the extreme.
Logical or emotional? Emotional.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat, surprisingly.
Prefers working or relaxing? His "working" consists of hunting and trying to find his past, and his "relaxing" is hunting and waiting for leads to show up, so there's not really a difference between the two.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? CONFIDENT!
Animal lover? Nothing against them.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert, but when he wants to keep emotions to himself, there's no one on earth who could figure out that he is.
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil. To the extreme.
Logical or emotional? Emotional.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat, surprisingly.
Prefers working or relaxing? His "working" consists of hunting and trying to find his past, and his "relaxing" is hunting and waiting for leads to show up, so there's not really a difference between the two.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? CONFIDENT!
Animal lover? Nothing against them.
How he/she feels about himself/herself: He's confident about his physical state of mind, but knows for sure that he's completely insane.
One word the character would use to describe self: Monster.
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "Little birdie, little birdie better hide away~! Because the big bad snake has come out to play~! Huh? More? No. Boring. Bye."
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Persistence.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Fits of anger.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Hair.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Eyes.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: Blood-sucking inhuman beast that deserves to be wiped off the face of the planet. Descriptive enough for ya?
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Vampirism.
One word the character would use to describe self: Monster.
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "Little birdie, little birdie better hide away~! Because the big bad snake has come out to play~! Huh? More? No. Boring. Bye."
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Persistence.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Fits of anger.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Hair.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Eyes.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: Blood-sucking inhuman beast that deserves to be wiped off the face of the planet. Descriptive enough for ya?
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Vampirism.
Relationships with others______
Opinion of other people in general: Mostly think of them as lower beings, not worth his time. If they're 'interesting' them he might consider them pets. If they're able to keep up with him in battle or even defeat them, then he would respect them.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Very rarely. Sometimes hides surprise or seriousness.
Person character most hates: His "master", who turned him.
Best friend(s): 'Amen' (deseased.)
Love interest(s): None yet.
Person character goes to for advice: Never needed any.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Pets.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Anyone who says they 'like' or 'love' him.
Person character openly admires: His 'master'. Because he really has no choice.
Person character secretly admires: None.
Most important person in character life before story starts: 'Master' and 'Amen'.
After story starts: Depending on how it goes~!
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Very rarely. Sometimes hides surprise or seriousness.
Person character most hates: His "master", who turned him.
Best friend(s): 'Amen' (deseased.)
Love interest(s): None yet.
Person character goes to for advice: Never needed any.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Pets.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Anyone who says they 'like' or 'love' him.
Person character openly admires: His 'master'. Because he really has no choice.
Person character secretly admires: None.
Most important person in character life before story starts: 'Master' and 'Amen'.
After story starts: Depending on how it goes~!