CHARECTER CHART___________________
Character full name: Jikken Atsumaru
Reason or meaning of name: Jikken: Experiment / Atsumaru: Kashii's last name
Character nickname: None. Just Jikken.
Reason for nickname: -.-
Birth date: Never 'born'. MADE (finished): May 13th
Gender: Unknown really, but most likely a boy.
Blood Type: Multiple.
Reason or meaning of name: Jikken: Experiment / Atsumaru: Kashii's last name
Character nickname: None. Just Jikken.
Reason for nickname: -.-
Birth date: Never 'born'. MADE (finished): May 13th
Gender: Unknown really, but most likely a boy.
Blood Type: Multiple.
Physical appearance_______________
How Kashii Made Me
Age: Just a year or two.
How old does he/she appear? : Around... 14? 15?
Weight: Probably less then 100, but just barely.
Height: Short. Like kid short. I don't know exacts.
Body- build: Skinny
Eye color: Green
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Slightly above pale.
Distinguishing marks: Nothin'.
Predominant features: Nothin'.
Hair color: Dark brown.
Type of hair: Messy and a little past chin length.
Hairstyle: Held back from his eyes with a hair band, and some pretty random braids.
Voice: Child-like, but a very serious child-like.
Overall attractiveness: ...he's kinda cute. Like, little kid cute. XD
Physical disabilities: None.
Usual fashion of dress: Anything available that fits, usually hand-made, because he doesn't want Kashii to spend any unneeded money on him.
Formal wear: Never needed formal wear before.
Favorite outfit: One in pick.
Jewelry or accessories: Headband.
How old does he/she appear? : Around... 14? 15?
Weight: Probably less then 100, but just barely.
Height: Short. Like kid short. I don't know exacts.
Body- build: Skinny
Eye color: Green
Glasses or contacts: None.
Skin tone: Slightly above pale.
Distinguishing marks: Nothin'.
Predominant features: Nothin'.
Hair color: Dark brown.
Type of hair: Messy and a little past chin length.
Hairstyle: Held back from his eyes with a hair band, and some pretty random braids.
Voice: Child-like, but a very serious child-like.
Overall attractiveness: ...he's kinda cute. Like, little kid cute. XD
Physical disabilities: None.
Usual fashion of dress: Anything available that fits, usually hand-made, because he doesn't want Kashii to spend any unneeded money on him.
Formal wear: Never needed formal wear before.
Favorite outfit: One in pick.
Jewelry or accessories: Headband.
Good personality traits: ......doesn't speak out of turn? Definitely not rude... most of the time...
Bad personality traits: Very spacey. Brain problem. Currently attempting to be fixed.
Mood character is most often in: Pretty emotionless. Almost always. Happy when of service to Kashii.
Sense of humor: Little to none.
Character greatest joy in life: Proving useful to Kashii / becoming a 'successful experiment'
Character greatest fear: His body failling.
Why? That would mean he's a 'failed experiment', and thought Kashii would still treat him nicely, he knows it'll make Kashii sad.
Other Phobias: None.
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? 'Failing'.
Character is most at ease when: Helping Kashii in the lab.
Most ill at ease when: Alone.
Enraged when: Never. Kashii didn't give him the emotion 'anger'.
Depressed or sad when: He's being a nuisance.
Priorities: Kashii. Everything Kashii.
Life philosophy: "The person who brought you into this world, can also shove a scapel into exactly 82 different parts of your body to kill you. Oh, wait... is that just me?"
If granted one wish, it would be: Becoming Kashii's perfect experiment. (It'll never happen.)
Why? It was what he was made for. (Kinda.)
Character soft spot: Kashii's experiments, and babies. (Human/animal/etc.)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yup.
Greatest strength: Practically a zombie body. Super-human strength and flexibility. Sometimes Kashii's 'bodyguard'.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Sometimes his body fails, and his brain's not exactly up to speed.
Biggest regret: None. He's almost a robot. He makes sure he doesn't have regrets.
Minor regret: -.-
Biggest accomplishment: Getting his memory working.
Minor accomplishment: Starting to run his own check-ups, instead of Kashii.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: None. Robot boy. O.O
Why? -.-
Character darkest secret: Well... he keeps from humans that he's... ya know... not exactly human.
Does anyone else know? Kashii and anyone Kashii trusts.
How they deal with stress: Unknown. (Has never been stressed before.)
Bad personality traits: Very spacey. Brain problem. Currently attempting to be fixed.
Mood character is most often in: Pretty emotionless. Almost always. Happy when of service to Kashii.
Sense of humor: Little to none.
Character greatest joy in life: Proving useful to Kashii / becoming a 'successful experiment'
Character greatest fear: His body failling.
Why? That would mean he's a 'failed experiment', and thought Kashii would still treat him nicely, he knows it'll make Kashii sad.
Other Phobias: None.
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? 'Failing'.
Character is most at ease when: Helping Kashii in the lab.
Most ill at ease when: Alone.
Enraged when: Never. Kashii didn't give him the emotion 'anger'.
Depressed or sad when: He's being a nuisance.
Priorities: Kashii. Everything Kashii.
Life philosophy: "The person who brought you into this world, can also shove a scapel into exactly 82 different parts of your body to kill you. Oh, wait... is that just me?"
If granted one wish, it would be: Becoming Kashii's perfect experiment. (It'll never happen.)
Why? It was what he was made for. (Kinda.)
Character soft spot: Kashii's experiments, and babies. (Human/animal/etc.)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yup.
Greatest strength: Practically a zombie body. Super-human strength and flexibility. Sometimes Kashii's 'bodyguard'.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Sometimes his body fails, and his brain's not exactly up to speed.
Biggest regret: None. He's almost a robot. He makes sure he doesn't have regrets.
Minor regret: -.-
Biggest accomplishment: Getting his memory working.
Minor accomplishment: Starting to run his own check-ups, instead of Kashii.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: None. Robot boy. O.O
Why? -.-
Character darkest secret: Well... he keeps from humans that he's... ya know... not exactly human.
Does anyone else know? Kashii and anyone Kashii trusts.
How they deal with stress: Unknown. (Has never been stressed before.)
Drives and motivations: Kashii's his role model. >.>
Immediate goals: Learning as much from Kashii as possible.
Long term goals: Surprising Kashii by making his own body better.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Studying, experiments. Follow after Kashii.
How other characters will be affected: ...Kashii. Is. His. Role. Model. >.>
Immediate goals: Learning as much from Kashii as possible.
Long term goals: Surprising Kashii by making his own body better.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Studying, experiments. Follow after Kashii.
How other characters will be affected: ...Kashii. Is. His. Role. Model. >.>
Hometown: One of Kashii's labs. Location is Top Secret, sorry.
Type of childhood: Had spurts of random consiousness while suspended in... one of those tubey things filled with water you sometimes see experiments in. Kashii was always there.
Pets: None.
First memory: A clawed finger tapping on the glass, and a foggy voice that sounded somewhat like, 'ah yoo whahe?' (Are you 'wake?)
Most important childhood memory: Finally being able for his body to survive without any machines or medicine. (Despite regular screw-ups and check-ups.)
Why: Hahahahaha.
Childhood hero: Kashii.
Dream job: Scientist under Kashii. (already)
Education: Kashii's stuff. (knowledge, books, visuals, etc.)
Religion: Doesn't know what religion is.
Finances: Kashii buys him anything he wants, but he doesn't want much.
Social Status: None.
Nationality: None.
Ethnicity: None.
Where they've travelled to: Everywhere Kashii's been.
Type of childhood: Had spurts of random consiousness while suspended in... one of those tubey things filled with water you sometimes see experiments in. Kashii was always there.
Pets: None.
First memory: A clawed finger tapping on the glass, and a foggy voice that sounded somewhat like, 'ah yoo whahe?' (Are you 'wake?)
Most important childhood memory: Finally being able for his body to survive without any machines or medicine. (Despite regular screw-ups and check-ups.)
Why: Hahahahaha.
Childhood hero: Kashii.
Dream job: Scientist under Kashii. (already)
Education: Kashii's stuff. (knowledge, books, visuals, etc.)
Religion: Doesn't know what religion is.
Finances: Kashii buys him anything he wants, but he doesn't want much.
Social Status: None.
Nationality: None.
Ethnicity: None.
Where they've travelled to: Everywhere Kashii's been.
Current location: Depends on RP.
Currently living with: Depends on RP.
Pets: Depends on RP.
Religion: Depends on RP.
Occupation: Depends on RP.
Finances: Depends on RP.
Currently living with: Depends on RP.
Pets: Depends on RP.
Religion: Depends on RP.
Occupation: Depends on RP.
Finances: Depends on RP.
Mother: None.
Relationship with her: None.
Father: None.
Relationship with him: None.
Siblings: Kashii's 'children'. (Other experiments.)
Relationship with them: Well... depends I guess. On how messed up the 'child' is.
Other important family members: Kashii.
Relationship with her: None.
Father: None.
Relationship with him: None.
Siblings: Kashii's 'children'. (Other experiments.)
Relationship with them: Well... depends I guess. On how messed up the 'child' is.
Other important family members: Kashii.
Color: White.
Least favorite color: None.
Music: Nothing really. Won't complain about anything.
Favorite Food: Anything healthy. Good for his body.
Least favorite food: Anything unhealthy.
Literature: Kashii's lab books. Etc.
Form of entertainment: Reading, training his body (mostly so it doesn't fail), surprisingly, he likes board games.
Expressions: Usually none, occationally a simple smile or frown. Nothing to complicated.
Mode of transportation: Anything really. Mostly walking or regular human transportation.... sometimes stuffed in a suitcase.
Most prized possession: Stuffed animal from Kashii as his first 'patient'.
Least favorite color: None.
Music: Nothing really. Won't complain about anything.
Favorite Food: Anything healthy. Good for his body.
Least favorite food: Anything unhealthy.
Literature: Kashii's lab books. Etc.
Form of entertainment: Reading, training his body (mostly so it doesn't fail), surprisingly, he likes board games.
Expressions: Usually none, occationally a simple smile or frown. Nothing to complicated.
Mode of transportation: Anything really. Mostly walking or regular human transportation.... sometimes stuffed in a suitcase.
Most prized possession: Stuffed animal from Kashii as his first 'patient'.
Hobbies: Reminding Kashii... of everything. >.<
Plays a musical instrument? Almost every one but the piano.
Plays a sport? Not really. He's a pretty good fighter, but probably won't do much good against anything super-natural.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: However Kashii wants him to first. (Chores/etc.)
Spending habits: Doesn't need much. Eats less food then a normal human. Likes to get board games, though.
Smokes: No.
Drinks: No.
Other drugs: Medicine drugs.
Other bad habits: Nope.
What does he/she do too much of? Likes to keep a balanced life, but he does read a lot.
What does he/she do too little of? Socializing.
Extremely skilled at: Reading. Sciency... stuff. (Maybe just a bit above average. Only been alive a couple years.)
Extremely unskilled at: Socializing without Kashii's coat there for him to grab onto for a life-line. X3
Nervous tics: None.
Usual body posture: Child-like. A bit bouncy when he walks, always slouching a little (except he tried to do his best around Kashii).
Manner of writing: Just... normal. Normal in a legible way.
Manner of speaking: He doesn't like talking much, but when he does, it's quiet. Child's voice. Only talks normally when alone with Kashii.
Manner of walking: ...a little bouncy, but a little shy, always trying his absolute best to stay out of people's way, even to the point of jumping.
Places in their schooling they excell(ed) at: Memorized everything Kashii taught him and everything in his books. Anything other's tell him he usually forgets, unless Kashii looks interested.
Mannerisms: Always, somehow, has whatever Kashii needs within hands reach. (Is that a mannerism?)
Peculiarities: No idea. >.<
Health Problems: Multiple, being fixed and getting new ones occationally, but he's slowly stabilizing.
Plays a musical instrument? Almost every one but the piano.
Plays a sport? Not really. He's a pretty good fighter, but probably won't do much good against anything super-natural.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: However Kashii wants him to first. (Chores/etc.)
Spending habits: Doesn't need much. Eats less food then a normal human. Likes to get board games, though.
Smokes: No.
Drinks: No.
Other drugs: Medicine drugs.
Other bad habits: Nope.
What does he/she do too much of? Likes to keep a balanced life, but he does read a lot.
What does he/she do too little of? Socializing.
Extremely skilled at: Reading. Sciency... stuff. (Maybe just a bit above average. Only been alive a couple years.)
Extremely unskilled at: Socializing without Kashii's coat there for him to grab onto for a life-line. X3
Nervous tics: None.
Usual body posture: Child-like. A bit bouncy when he walks, always slouching a little (except he tried to do his best around Kashii).
Manner of writing: Just... normal. Normal in a legible way.
Manner of speaking: He doesn't like talking much, but when he does, it's quiet. Child's voice. Only talks normally when alone with Kashii.
Manner of walking: ...a little bouncy, but a little shy, always trying his absolute best to stay out of people's way, even to the point of jumping.
Places in their schooling they excell(ed) at: Memorized everything Kashii taught him and everything in his books. Anything other's tell him he usually forgets, unless Kashii looks interested.
Mannerisms: Always, somehow, has whatever Kashii needs within hands reach. (Is that a mannerism?)
Peculiarities: No idea. >.<
Health Problems: Multiple, being fixed and getting new ones occationally, but he's slowly stabilizing.
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert around everyone but Kashii.
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious... except when Kashii's in danger. ^^;
Logical or emotional? Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat. As opposed to Kashii's 'disorderly and messy'.
Prefers working or relaxing? Working, but makes time to relax for his body's sake.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Unsure of himself.
Animal lover? Yesh.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert around everyone but Kashii.
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious... except when Kashii's in danger. ^^;
Logical or emotional? Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat. As opposed to Kashii's 'disorderly and messy'.
Prefers working or relaxing? Working, but makes time to relax for his body's sake.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Unsure of himself.
Animal lover? Yesh.
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Shy about it, but proud of himself because Kashii made him.
One word the character would use to describe self: "Genius" (Kashii's design, not his IQ.)
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "U-uh, well, Master Kashii made me a few years ago... I'm his first human he put together from scratch that didn't end up dying... now we're simply monitering how my body works. Master Kashii still hasn't told me why, though. It's almost like... he wants to make another after me..."
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Fearlessness.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Anything 'defective', even if it's easily fixed.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Eyes. (They're cute, used to help Kashii when bargaining fails and needs 'cute-little-kid-sympathy' act.)
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? None. Proud of the body Kashii made.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: Doesn't care. At all. Except when Kashii's showing him off, then he (hopes) they thing highly of him.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Wants to become 'perfect'.
One word the character would use to describe self: "Genius" (Kashii's design, not his IQ.)
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "U-uh, well, Master Kashii made me a few years ago... I'm his first human he put together from scratch that didn't end up dying... now we're simply monitering how my body works. Master Kashii still hasn't told me why, though. It's almost like... he wants to make another after me..."
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Fearlessness.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Anything 'defective', even if it's easily fixed.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Eyes. (They're cute, used to help Kashii when bargaining fails and needs 'cute-little-kid-sympathy' act.)
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? None. Proud of the body Kashii made.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: Doesn't care. At all. Except when Kashii's showing him off, then he (hopes) they thing highly of him.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Wants to become 'perfect'.
Relationships with others______
Opinion of other people in general: He thinks of people as 'just there'. Neither good nor bad. Doesn't pay too much attention to them, is sort of polite. When Kashii doesn't have interest, he doesn't either. When Kashii does, the boy's almost like a servant.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Not usually. Sometimes.
Person character most hates: Any scientist who doesn't respect Kashii. (Even if they call him a freak.)
Best friend(s): Kashii
Love interest(s): None.
Person character goes to for advice: Kashii.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Himself.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: None.
Person character openly admires: Kashii.
Person character secretly admires: None.
Most important person in character life before story starts: Kashii.
After story starts: Kashii.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Not usually. Sometimes.
Person character most hates: Any scientist who doesn't respect Kashii. (Even if they call him a freak.)
Best friend(s): Kashii
Love interest(s): None.
Person character goes to for advice: Kashii.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Himself.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: None.
Person character openly admires: Kashii.
Person character secretly admires: None.
Most important person in character life before story starts: Kashii.
After story starts: Kashii.