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RolePlaying Characters
It's a perfect place to put all these ultra mega long character descriptions, yeah?
MY OC #1 [[Kashii Stein Atsumaru]]
CHARECTER CHART___________________

Character full name: Kashii Stein Atsumaru
Reason or meaning of name: Kashii: It sounds cool >.> / Stein: Ya know, Frankenstein? XD / Atsumaru: To gather/collect/assemble
Character nickname: Stein sometimes, for 'colleges'.
Reason for nickname: 'Cause they think he's just as much a freak as Frankenstein. Mostly other scientists use the name.
Birth date: Unknown. He's older then he looks.
Gender: Hopefully male. O.x
Blood Type: Probably multiple...

Physical appearance_______________

User ImageUser Image
Age: Unknown.
How old does he/she appear? : Mid to late teens.
Weight: REALLY skinny. Like, un-healthily. Probably less then a hundred pounds.
Height: I'd say... a bit on the tall side, but not too much. I'm not good with the actual numbers... around 5'6"?
Body- build: Extremely skinny, and put together like a doll. Clawed hands from some kind of animal/demon, probably implanted organs and muscles. No end to it.
Eye color: A bright yellow, probably also not his natural eye color.
Glasses or contacts: Nope.
Skin tone: Dozens of different colors. Natural: pale. Has a patch of red skin on his forehead, and his body is littered with different stitching and skin color.
Distinguishing marks: Jeez. Everything.
Predominant features: Probably the skin.
Hair color: Grey-ish. (On the lighter side)
Type of hair: He's fused it with a metallic substance, making it as hard as armor. Don't let it poke you. O.x
Hairstyle: Spread out in something like blades.
Voice: Always has an insane tint to it. Usually he's an extremely fast speaker, often trying to get out too much information at once.
Overall attractiveness: ...If you like the freaky scientist look, then he's your freak! XD
Physical disabilities: Not many. He's replaced anything that would cause him disability... I'd say how skinny he is. That can't be healthy.
Usual fashion of dress: Whatever he has with him. ALWAYS WEARS A LAP COAT!!
Formal wear: ... I don't think he knows the meaning of formal. >.<
Favorite outfit: Labcoat. Tie. Collared shirt. Baggy pants. Boots.
Jewelry or accessories: He has practically everything in that coat of his. XD


Good personality traits: Uh... smart? Talkative? Intent listener? Haha, sure...
Bad personality traits: There's lots. 1) Likes to ask people to be his 'guinea pig'. 2) Doesn't understand personal boundaries. 3) Doesn't have much insight on people's 'feelings'. 4) Etc.
Mood character is most often in: Dissective mood? >.<
Sense of humor: Sadism.
Character greatest joy in life: His science. (Dissecting things, 'improving' them, getting new creatures to study, etc.)
Character greatest fear: One of his experiments.
Why? No one told him that the body he fused with a gorilla's was a serial killer. He didn't destroy the experiment, because Kashii's a freak like that, but has it locked in one of his labs for further study. He's sure it won't get out, but it still freaks him out.
Other Phobias: Guns. He hates guns. Won't go near one. Completely freaks out when one's near him.
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? Really, there's not much. His mind is really too... disturbed, to really be that effected by anything.
Character is most at ease when: At work. (Doing his freaky science thing.)
Most ill at ease when: He's near a gun.
Enraged when: Someone insults his work. He doesn't care it it's called freaky, or inhuman, but if it's ever called BAD, then he gets engraged.
Depressed or sad when: Experiments go wrong.
Priorities: Learning all that he can.
Life philosophy: "Live life while you can. Not everyone can extend their life by dozens of years with surgery. And while you're at it, let me cut you open?"
If granted one wish, it would be: Bring his mom back to life.

Why? 'Cause he wants to say 'sorry' (explained further on).
Character soft spot: His experiments.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Those who care to stick around long enough to see his freaks of nature.
Greatest strength: Knowledge. He knows the human body like the back of his hand, and can hit the best pressure points in an instant to paralyze his opponents. (To then run away.)
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: He's pretty insane, and kinda looses it sometimes...
Biggest regret: Messing with his brain that one time. He didn't have a mirror, and he thinks that he poked something wrong.
Minor regret: Filing his teeth to fangs. It makes it hard to eat... But it was fun!
Biggest accomplishment: His own body. Experiment #063. The only thing that he still has, that he was born with, is the memory section of his brain.
Minor accomplishment: He made a puppy! Once. Out of scraps. Unfortunately, he grabbed a gerbil's brain. It was right next to the 'german shephard'. Bit mistake.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: His Gorilla serial killer.
Why? ...do you seriously need to ask?
Character darkest secret: He tried to bring his mother back to life after she died, using parts from the rest of his family who had died as well. It barely worked, and it only proved to torture her until he lost it and put her once again out of her misery.

Does anyone else know? Nope.
How they deal with stress: Sciency... stuff.


Drives and motivations: To make a living body from scratch.
Immediate goals: Learn everything he can about each and every creature's bodies.
Long term goals: Same as 'Drives/Motivations'
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Any means nessesarry.
How other characters will be affected: Oh, a few dozen people/animals will be taken apart... and put back together... and driven insane...


Hometown: A laid-back and small town in the middle of nowhere.
Type of childhood: Pretty nice, actually. It was when he started getting into dissecting things that he was abandoned and treated as a freak. By everyone. He didn't mind it at first, but by the time it started driving him insane, it was already too late to change it.
Pets: None.
First memory: Like any kid's. His mom's face.
Most important childhood memory: His family's death. Died in a fire when he was eight.
Why: It's pretty sad...
Childhood hero: Mom.
Dream job: Already earned every science degree imaginable, despite his methods.
Education: Taught himself until he was old enough to move on his own to a big city, and went straight into college, graduating with every science degree in little under 5 years.
Religion: Hates religion. With a passion. Ever since his family's death. (They were big time believers in god.)
Finances: Made a lot of money through his feild of work, enough to live comfrotably for the rest of his life, with money to spare. Now he's off on his own.
Social Status: Freak and outcast, but respected scientist.
Where they've travelled to: Changes city every time someone's close to finding his 'labs'.



Current location:
Currently living with:


Mother: Calla Atsumaru
Relationship with her: The only one that would ever talk to him. Loved his work. Deceased.
Father: Deamon Atsumaru
Relationship with him: Hated each other. Father wanted him to become a farmer, to take over his job. Now Kashii hates himself for actually enjoying cutting the man open.
Siblings: Two sisters.
Relationship with them: Often made fun of him, but they were the type who would beat up anyone else saying, "Only WE can call him that!"
Other important family members: Jikken. He treats him like a son.


Color: Red.
Least favorite color: Anything bright enough to make him squint.
Music: Calming, likes the piano. Doesn't usually take an interest in vocalists.
Favorite Food: Anything meat. He's accidently switched his stomach with a carnivore's, and doesn't feel the need to change it back.
Least favorite food: Anything.. not meat. But he likes sweets.
Literature: Anything science.
Form of entertainment: Dissecting/experimenting/etc.
Expressions: Very exhaggerated expressions. Doesn't hide emotions.
Mode of transportation: Normal. Usually walking, doesn't care how long the trip is.
Most prized possession: Scapel. And a locket around his neck, hidden under his clothes. (With his mom's and sister's pictures. His dad seemed to have been cut out...)


Hobbies: ...seriously? Ugh. Science.
Plays a musical instrument? Piano.
Plays a sport? Nope.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Normally. Wouldn't even take notice.
Spending habits: Anything he needs, and only things he needs.
Smokes: No.
Drinks: No.
Other drugs: Do medical drugs count? I'm sure he takes dozens. >.< ((Always drugged on morphin [is that the name of the painkilling drug?] because he doesn't like/want to feel pain, at an unhealthy level.))
Other bad habits: Playing with his body. Really, further experiments would probably kill him.
What does he/she do too much of? Mad scientist things. >.<
What does he/she do too little of? ...everything else? Especially eating. Needs to do more of that. >.>
Extremely skilled at: Science. Piano.
Extremely unskilled at: Taking pain. Anything social.
Languages Spoken: Every language.
Nervous tics: Plays with his scapel. Sometimes even randomly cuts himself open, just to take his mind off something else.
Usual body posture: Freaky. Sometimes a limb or organ fails, and he has so many painkillers, he doesn't notice until it phisically gets in the way of something.
Manner of writing: Messy, scribbled, mostly coded.
Manner of speaking: Fast and sometimes intelligent, if crazy.
Manner of walking: Usually leisurely. Doesn't like exerting himself.
Places in their schooling they excell(ed) at: Science.
Mannerisms: He wouldn't know manners if it bit his eyes.
Peculiarities: Thousands upon thousands.
Health Problems: None yet, but if he keeps messing with his body there'll be problems. Those pain killers have got to do something to him too...


Optimist or pessimist? Optimist, but speaks pessimistically.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert.
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious.
Logical or emotional? Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy. (But it's those 'neat-messes'. Where he always knows where to find things.)
Prefers working or relaxing? Working, but at his own pace.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident.
Animal lover? If he can dissect them.


How he/she feels about himself/herself: Likes his body, but only because most of it's not him. He's perfectly happy with his life, despite his past.
One word the character would use to describe self: Scientist.
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "Describe...? Sure. My stomach is that of a male lion's, my bones mostly from althletes, my mu- what? You don't want to hear that? Then what are you talking about, you insignificant bi-product?! Oh. Sorry. That was mean... I'm bored. Bye."
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Humor. (Most of it's not funny.)
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Random fits of insanity
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Everything. He's practically made his own body from scratch, of course he'd be proud of it.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Whatever part of his brain he poked on that one experiment... he really needs to fix that...
How does the character think others perceive him/her: A freak. Complete and utter freak. But he's learned not to care.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: That brain thing.

Relationships with others______

Opinion of other people in general: Mostly thinks of them as material for something else, or ways he could improve them.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? No. Not really.
Person character most hates: Father.
Best friend(s): Jikken, Lupus
Love interest(s): None at the moment, but soon~
Person character goes to for advice: Kashii? Advice? Seriously? His pride and brain is too big for that.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Jikken.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Lupus, rarely.
Person character openly admires: Mother.
Person character secretly admires: Father. (Really doesn't know it himself.)
Most important person in character life before story starts: Mother.
After story starts: Depends on the 'story'. I'd say mostly Lupus.

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