CHARECTER CHART___________________
Character full name: Shaobi
Reason or meaning of name: sounded cool.
Character nickname: Shao
Reason for nickname: ...part of Shaobi.
Birth date: Sometime lots of years ago. ^^;
Gender: Male
Blood Type: B-
Reason or meaning of name: sounded cool.
Character nickname: Shao
Reason for nickname: ...part of Shaobi.
Birth date: Sometime lots of years ago. ^^;
Gender: Male
Blood Type: B-
Physical appearance_______________
Age: He's really about 17, but his body's been trapped in ice for over 2500 years.
How old does he/she appear? : .....17. I guess.
Weight: Really skinny. Like, almost unhealthy. Keeps forgetting to eat.
Height: I'd say about average, if a bit on the short side.
Body- build: Muscled enough for him to be a bit strong, but had to keep his body light for speed.
Eye color: Red - kinda like dried blood red.
Glasses or contacts: No.
Skin tone: Pretty dark, from living in the desert.
Distinguishing marks: A tattoo burned into his back.
Predominant features:
Hair color: Auburn to brown...
Type of hair: Pretty short.
Hairstyle: All over the place - rarely brushes it.
Voice: A bit high - has an insane tint to it.
Overall attractiveness: Cute, I guess. ^^;
Physical disabilities: None.
Usual fashion of dress: He loves jewelry - mostly gold. And baggy pants. Tight shirts, though. He has a thing for capes, but...
Formal wear: Doesn't go to anything formal. He'd probably just put on a cape and some extra jewlery...
Favorite outfit: One in pic.
Jewelry or accessories: Lots and lots of jewelry. He always wears one necklace - something he was given from his mother - and will rarely let anyone touch it.
How old does he/she appear? : .....17. I guess.
Weight: Really skinny. Like, almost unhealthy. Keeps forgetting to eat.
Height: I'd say about average, if a bit on the short side.
Body- build: Muscled enough for him to be a bit strong, but had to keep his body light for speed.
Eye color: Red - kinda like dried blood red.
Glasses or contacts: No.
Skin tone: Pretty dark, from living in the desert.
Distinguishing marks: A tattoo burned into his back.
Predominant features:
Hair color: Auburn to brown...
Type of hair: Pretty short.
Hairstyle: All over the place - rarely brushes it.
Voice: A bit high - has an insane tint to it.
Overall attractiveness: Cute, I guess. ^^;
Physical disabilities: None.
Usual fashion of dress: He loves jewelry - mostly gold. And baggy pants. Tight shirts, though. He has a thing for capes, but...
Formal wear: Doesn't go to anything formal. He'd probably just put on a cape and some extra jewlery...
Favorite outfit: One in pic.
Jewelry or accessories: Lots and lots of jewelry. He always wears one necklace - something he was given from his mother - and will rarely let anyone touch it.
Good personality traits: ...He's hyper-active... and has a... sense of humor.
Bad personality traits: ....He's a mass-murderer for one... He's rather insane - loves to make a mess of things on an un-healthy level. Basically, normal people would walk away before they even see him.
Mood character is most often in: Hyper and sadistic.
Sense of humor: Likes when people die...
Character greatest joy in life: ....killing....
Character greatest fear: Zombies...
Why? Well, ya know, he's killed a hell of a lot of people, and if they all come back from the dead...
Other Phobias: Cars. Any large, high-speed machinery.... and toasters... along with their cousins the microwaves...
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? If the world was over-run by Zombies with cats who knew how to use technology. This is not a joke.
Character is most at ease when: ...really, I've never seen him tense...
Most ill at ease when: Don't know... yet, at least.
Enraged when: ....probably if someone steals his chickens.
Depressed or sad when: Well I saw him sad once, when he... ripped a wing of one of his chickens.... ><;
Priorities: Having fun, I guess.
Life philosophy: ...he doesn't even know what 'philosophy' means...
If granted one wish, it would be: ...*sigh* It's Shao. He wants gold, chickens, and unlimited killing rights...
Why? It. Is. SHAO!
Character soft spot: Anyone who gives him chickens, or takes away the 'bad things' (cars, trains, noisy technology)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Probably...
Greatest strength: Knives, thieving.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: He's only a 16-17 year old ancient Egyptian... >>
Biggest regret: Getting caught by his Pharaoh.
Minor regret: None.
Biggest accomplishment: Stealing from nearly every known tomb in ancient Egypt.
Minor accomplishment: 'Collecting' the amount of gold he has.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Getting caught by the Pharaoh.
Why? He has his own kind of pride...
Character darkest secret: The markings burnt into his back.
Does anyone else know? Nope.
How they deal with stress: Killing, playing with chickens...
Bad personality traits: ....He's a mass-murderer for one... He's rather insane - loves to make a mess of things on an un-healthy level. Basically, normal people would walk away before they even see him.
Mood character is most often in: Hyper and sadistic.
Sense of humor: Likes when people die...
Character greatest joy in life: ....killing....
Character greatest fear: Zombies...
Why? Well, ya know, he's killed a hell of a lot of people, and if they all come back from the dead...
Other Phobias: Cars. Any large, high-speed machinery.... and toasters... along with their cousins the microwaves...
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? If the world was over-run by Zombies with cats who knew how to use technology. This is not a joke.
Character is most at ease when: ...really, I've never seen him tense...
Most ill at ease when: Don't know... yet, at least.
Enraged when: ....probably if someone steals his chickens.
Depressed or sad when: Well I saw him sad once, when he... ripped a wing of one of his chickens.... ><;
Priorities: Having fun, I guess.
Life philosophy: ...he doesn't even know what 'philosophy' means...
If granted one wish, it would be: ...*sigh* It's Shao. He wants gold, chickens, and unlimited killing rights...
Why? It. Is. SHAO!
Character soft spot: Anyone who gives him chickens, or takes away the 'bad things' (cars, trains, noisy technology)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Probably...
Greatest strength: Knives, thieving.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: He's only a 16-17 year old ancient Egyptian... >>
Biggest regret: Getting caught by his Pharaoh.
Minor regret: None.
Biggest accomplishment: Stealing from nearly every known tomb in ancient Egypt.
Minor accomplishment: 'Collecting' the amount of gold he has.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Getting caught by the Pharaoh.
Why? He has his own kind of pride...
Character darkest secret: The markings burnt into his back.
Does anyone else know? Nope.
How they deal with stress: Killing, playing with chickens...
Drives and motivations: None.
Immediate goals: None.
Long term goals: None.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Blah.
How other characters will be affected: Blah.
Immediate goals: None.
Long term goals: None.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Blah.
How other characters will be affected: Blah.
Hometown: Ancient Egypt.
Type of childhood: Pretty normal...
Pets: A few chickens - of course.
First memory: His mother's gold earings.
Most important childhood memory: His father showing him his plans for one of the tombs - for the first time.
Why: The plans helped him with his thieving.
Childhood hero: Parents.
Dream job: Tomb Robber.
Education: None, but the things his father taught him about Tombs.
Religion: Inwardly religious - usually prays during stressful times.
Finances: He has a hell of a lot of gold - but he would never spend it. He sells the things that come with the gold he... 'collects' - like jewels or silver - and just keeps the gold.
Social Status: Well, he was a tomb robber, and now a thief and a murderer...
Nationality: Umm... Egyptian?
Ethnicity: ...I don't know... same as above...?
Where they've travelled to: Everywhere Kashii has in the last two-four years.
Type of childhood: Pretty normal...
Pets: A few chickens - of course.
First memory: His mother's gold earings.
Most important childhood memory: His father showing him his plans for one of the tombs - for the first time.
Why: The plans helped him with his thieving.
Childhood hero: Parents.
Dream job: Tomb Robber.
Education: None, but the things his father taught him about Tombs.
Religion: Inwardly religious - usually prays during stressful times.
Finances: He has a hell of a lot of gold - but he would never spend it. He sells the things that come with the gold he... 'collects' - like jewels or silver - and just keeps the gold.
Social Status: Well, he was a tomb robber, and now a thief and a murderer...
Nationality: Umm... Egyptian?
Ethnicity: ...I don't know... same as above...?
Where they've travelled to: Everywhere Kashii has in the last two-four years.
Current location:
Currently living with: Kashii
Pets: Lots of chickens...
Religion: Same.
Occupation: Thief.
Finances: Same.
Currently living with: Kashii
Pets: Lots of chickens...
Religion: Same.
Occupation: Thief.
Finances: Same.
Mother: Stay-at-home mom - great cook, and very well educated.
Relationship with her: Loved her dearly, and looked up to her.
Father: Craftsman and Builder - worked to build tombs.
Relationship with him: Loved him and practically worshiped him for teaching him about the tombs.
Siblings: Big family - four siblings, only one older then him.
Relationship with them: Littler ones looked up to him, older one looked after him. Very good family life.
Other important family members: Practically everyone in the 'village'.
Relationship with her: Loved her dearly, and looked up to her.
Father: Craftsman and Builder - worked to build tombs.
Relationship with him: Loved him and practically worshiped him for teaching him about the tombs.
Siblings: Big family - four siblings, only one older then him.
Relationship with them: Littler ones looked up to him, older one looked after him. Very good family life.
Other important family members: Practically everyone in the 'village'.
Color: The color of desert sand - and red.
Least favorite color: Black and dark green - doesn't really like brown, either.
Music: Anything fast - never usually listens to the words, just anything he can spazz to.
Favorite Food: Anything he makes himself - usually his mother's recepies, and usually mixed together things that normal people would shy away from, like bugs and stuff.
Least favorite food: Anything tasteless. He likes an explosion of taste.
Literature: He loves to read / write things in his own language. Otherwise, he just kinda ignores books.
Form of entertainment: Killing - chickens - the 'red fairy'.
Expressions: Always very dramatic expressions.
Mode of transportation: Running. Fast.
Most prized possession: His necklace.
Least favorite color: Black and dark green - doesn't really like brown, either.
Music: Anything fast - never usually listens to the words, just anything he can spazz to.
Favorite Food: Anything he makes himself - usually his mother's recepies, and usually mixed together things that normal people would shy away from, like bugs and stuff.
Least favorite food: Anything tasteless. He likes an explosion of taste.
Literature: He loves to read / write things in his own language. Otherwise, he just kinda ignores books.
Form of entertainment: Killing - chickens - the 'red fairy'.
Expressions: Always very dramatic expressions.
Mode of transportation: Running. Fast.
Most prized possession: His necklace.
Hobbies: Collecting gold and chickens... and finding new ways to kill.
Plays a musical instrument? Double Clarinet (
Plays a sport? He used to wrestle with his siblings and father a lot - but he's usually just a runner.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Inside. Shao's not used to rain.
Spending habits: Doesn't usually buy... anything. Any money he makes is usually given to 'Pharaoh Kashii' as a sort of tribute or sacrifice...
Smokes: He probably doesn't even know what a cigarette is...
Drinks: ...I have no idea... >>
Other drugs: None that I know of.
Other bad habits: ....well, he kills a lot...
What does he/she do too much of? ...killing...
What does he/she do too little of? ...not killing...
Extremely skilled at: Thieving.
Extremely unskilled at: ...language. it's hard to understand him sometimes.
Languages Spoken: His own is the only fluent language he knows (Ancient Egyptian). He knows bits and pieces of other languages from following Kashii around everywhere - and is able to talk pretty fluently in English... most of the time.
Nervous tics: Squirming or twitching - usually getting away from whatever is making him nervous.
Usual body posture: Dramatic and exubrant, usually can't stop moving.
Manner of writing: He doesn't write in any language but his own - and then it's just a bunch of pictures.
Manner of speaking: Extremely fast, most of the time without pause between words, and barely pausing between sentences.
Manner of walking: Usually running - but if he walks then it's always fast.
Places in their schooling they excell(ed) at: Building things - tombs.
Mannerisms: Hardly has manners...
Peculiarities: .....lots....
Health Problems: Little to none.
Plays a musical instrument? Double Clarinet (
Plays a sport? He used to wrestle with his siblings and father a lot - but he's usually just a runner.
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Inside. Shao's not used to rain.
Spending habits: Doesn't usually buy... anything. Any money he makes is usually given to 'Pharaoh Kashii' as a sort of tribute or sacrifice...
Smokes: He probably doesn't even know what a cigarette is...
Drinks: ...I have no idea... >>
Other drugs: None that I know of.
Other bad habits: ....well, he kills a lot...
What does he/she do too much of? ...killing...
What does he/she do too little of? ...not killing...
Extremely skilled at: Thieving.
Extremely unskilled at: ...language. it's hard to understand him sometimes.
Languages Spoken: His own is the only fluent language he knows (Ancient Egyptian). He knows bits and pieces of other languages from following Kashii around everywhere - and is able to talk pretty fluently in English... most of the time.
Nervous tics: Squirming or twitching - usually getting away from whatever is making him nervous.
Usual body posture: Dramatic and exubrant, usually can't stop moving.
Manner of writing: He doesn't write in any language but his own - and then it's just a bunch of pictures.
Manner of speaking: Extremely fast, most of the time without pause between words, and barely pausing between sentences.
Manner of walking: Usually running - but if he walks then it's always fast.
Places in their schooling they excell(ed) at: Building things - tombs.
Mannerisms: Hardly has manners...
Peculiarities: .....lots....
Health Problems: Little to none.
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert.
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil.
Logical or emotional? Emotional.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? DISORDERLY AND MESSY!
Prefers working or relaxing? Neither - doesn't like work but hardly ever stops moving.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident.
Animal lover? Yeah... mostly just Chickens, though. Hates cats and bulls.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert.
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil.
Logical or emotional? Emotional.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? DISORDERLY AND MESSY!
Prefers working or relaxing? Neither - doesn't like work but hardly ever stops moving.
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident.
Animal lover? Yeah... mostly just Chickens, though. Hates cats and bulls.
How he/she feels about himself/herself: The 'best tomb robber in his time'.
One word the character would use to describe self: "THIEF!"
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "Huuuuuhhh?! Why-you-asking-describe-me?! You-freak-like-stalker?! Ewww! Shao-don't-like-freak-stalkers! Go-away-go-away-go-away!!"
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? ...hyper-ness.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? His lesser knowledge of the English language - he's hard to understand at times.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? His skinny, yet muscular form.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? His back.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: Never thinks about it.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: His back.
One word the character would use to describe self: "THIEF!"
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: "Huuuuuhhh?! Why-you-asking-describe-me?! You-freak-like-stalker?! Ewww! Shao-don't-like-freak-stalkers! Go-away-go-away-go-away!!"
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? ...hyper-ness.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? His lesser knowledge of the English language - he's hard to understand at times.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? His skinny, yet muscular form.
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? His back.
How does the character think others perceive him/her: Never thinks about it.
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: His back.
Relationships with others______
Opinion of other people in general: "Too-many-evil-must-be-limit-DIE!"
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Nope.
Person character most hates: The Pharaoh who tortured him.
Best friend(s): Kashii, Erin, Shinsei and Lupus.
Love interest(s): He has ABSOLUTELY no idea what love is... yet.
Person character goes to for advice: Anyone within range - especially Kashii.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: None. Maybe Jikken at times.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Erin and Sei - RARELY!
Person character openly admires: Kashii.
Person character secretly admires: Erin, Sei.
Most important person in character life before story starts: Father.
After story starts: Depends - mostly Kashii, though.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Nope.
Person character most hates: The Pharaoh who tortured him.
Best friend(s): Kashii, Erin, Shinsei and Lupus.
Love interest(s): He has ABSOLUTELY no idea what love is... yet.
Person character goes to for advice: Anyone within range - especially Kashii.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: None. Maybe Jikken at times.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Erin and Sei - RARELY!
Person character openly admires: Kashii.
Person character secretly admires: Erin, Sei.
Most important person in character life before story starts: Father.
After story starts: Depends - mostly Kashii, though.