Ties That Bond Hearts: Building Common Interests
All friendships of the heart have something in common, a thread that first knits the two hearts together.( Ladd & Kelly, 38 )
Whether it is a common hobby, interest, life experience, or similar taste in music...these can be the connecting ties of a lasting relationship.
What are some ways we connect with others?
Common interests.
Here are some normally known interests that friendships can be built upon.
Visual Art
Sometimes the deepest bond can be found in tragedy and the most difficult of times.
Friendships bon of compassion are lasting and true. ( Ladd & Kelly, 46 )
Be a good friend, and good friends will surely find you.
Do you have a friend you have bonded with through thick and thin?
Fortunately, I am truly blessed with two. One is my soul mate, my husband. God knows what a blessing he has been! He has been with me through the loss of friends, my sister Jeannine's health problems, my 21st birthday, and more. I am a truly blessed young woman!
The other friend is of two or more years. He has made a real effort to bring me up when I feel I have failed or fallen short. He has been a good friend and a blessing too.