Alrighty then, well I noticed that the last time I even put anything in this thing was back in June I believe, well, alot has changed of me. I'm currently taking a break forom writting any stories*my muse is gone and I'm wating for it to come back*

So my first week at SDSU made me feel a bit home sick, if you know what I mean, I was missing the old me but I knew that I had to let the little Giselle behind and become the young woman that I am now. I will not lie, it was hard, and I sometimes ran back to my old habits that I tried so hard to let go of. Besides the fact that my friend was in search of someone for me to fall in love with; I was busy studying for all my classes. I hadn't made any friends up until the last few weeks before I got out, I still keep in touch with them its just....
I sure am a mystery, atleast to my teachers. They think I'm funny lol biggrin . Any who, I have been up and down with so many things, I'm one big giant mess, but what can I say, thats just me. I have my friends mom who suffered a stroke on the 20th of december and I don't know how her mom is, I am very worried for her mom and ask for a miracle. Then there other things that keep haunting me in my sleep that I thought where out of my system for good. It's trully frightning and I wish I wasn't to afraid of them,their faces seem to pop from the darkest corners in my room and they just stare at me as I sleep, even when my eyes are shut I feel their gazes pircing right through me, trully a frighting thing for someone like me*even though I trully enjoy a fright here and there*.

I've been on a weird roller coster for some days now, I don't understand myself and neither do my parents, they just thing I am going through a rebelliuos moment, what ever that is, I feel like nothing is the same and I'm going to wake up in a house that I am not familiar with but I'll know by heart that that house is mine, and only mine. Yeah times like these just makes me want to shoot myself in the head just to shut myself up LOL xp but, it feels good to let out the small darkest secrets of myself and let the world know what the heck is going on in my life, but then again I know that they don't need to know these things when they have their own issues.
Ok, so I'm going to stop rampaging and just go on with good stuff. I went shopping two weeks ago on myself, it feels good, and I noticed I got alot of dark color clothing that makes me look mysterious and in my mothers term's "You'll knock those guys down on their knees when they see you",hahaha I laughed and I did look quiet different,I'm thinking on cutting my hair tomorrow super short, long hair getting anoying and its a drag to fix in the mornings to go to school, I'm also going to learn how to drive so that I can get me my used 2004 shiny volvo, I'm in love with that car, or my Mercedes Benz of the year 4laugh , that certainly would make my day, hahaha. Well I will leave now knowing that the majority of you wont even read this or will read this but, what the heck, it don't matter to me. I'll post pics of spring in SDSU.
Mood:Neutral smile
Listening:Loveholic's Pain
Eating:nothing but the air
Watching:my screen and keyboard to type
Drinking:delicious water