Ok so here is chapter 3 of my story "Lucky" for whoever is reading it...
Got lazy of fixing it so this is just a rough draft, there are a lot of typo's and grammer stuff that needs to be fix xp


Luis and Lain where betting on who knew what and Andrew ended up saying that Luis would lose, he just knew he would. I kept directing him in the direction to my house and I was beginning to feel a huge lump in my stomach beginning to get bigger. Once he was about to do the turn I saw the slick black hummer that he drove and I knew that he was home but, where exactly was he? Andrew could see me dig my nails into the seat of the car and door, at one point told me to chill. Like if it wasn’t that obvious that I was trying to cool down.
When he did the turn and slowly drove up the street I saw what I didn’t want to see.
His friends where there; I was in for it. A long night was awaiting me and I wasn’t even 17 well, not until December but that was still a long ways ahead.
I couldn’t think straight forward and I could hear his friends awing at all the houses, wondering which of them all was mine. I couldn’t contain myself and yelled out stop.
At that moment Andrew hit the break as hard as he could and asked what he hit but before he could ask me; I was already out of the truck and running to grab me backpack.
He kept on asking me to wait and tell them what was up but I couldn’t, every second that past was a second that would cost them. I thanked him as fast as I could and ran up as far from the truck, once I was a house away from mine I stopped and took a breath. I could feel their gazes on me and all I wanted was for him to drive off and go to where ever he was going. I walked towards my house and saw my brother’s friends eying me. Disgusted, I glared at them and walked past them without acknowledging them.
“Samantha, when you get here?” a familiar yet irritating voice asked me.
I turned my head and saw Michael in between two of his guy friends holding a beer can.
“Just now, why do you care?” I said coldly.
“Cause I’m your brother and your suppose to report everything to me; what happened at school?”
“Now you want to be a brother, nice timing for that and what makes you think that I will tell you what happens at school when I don’t even tell mom or dad?”
“I’m not a dog of the military like you so I don’t take orders from you; get use to it.”
And I stormed to the front door.
I could feel that he was following me and I pray that Andrew wasn’t starring. Michael spun me around and yelled in my face. I ignored him and went back to opening the door again, he spun me around and this time he meant to hit me.
“Hey Sam?” a voice that would have me happy anytime but now called.
Andrew had parked right in front of our house and was standing in the middle of our lawn. He didn’t seem at all happy with whatever he had seen but he still kept his face compose. Michael got out of my face and question Andrew from where he was. I shoved past him and said to go play with his toy guns and cars and walked towards Andrew.
“Hey Andrew um, I’m sorry but now’s not a good time; I’m sorry for taking you off guard and yelling stop, it’s just that I didn’t want none of this to happen, let alone for you to see this.” I said half way trying to pull a tough look.
“You left your phone in the seat.” He said and handed it to me.
I took it and thanked him. Thinking that he would leave; I could feel him starring at me. I looked up and I could see that he was mad; I looked away and began to walk.
“Hey! If you need anything from us don’t hesitate to tell us, alright?” he said with assuredness in his voice.
I nodded once and mouthed for him to go.
He walked over to his truck and began the engine. I could see that his friends had witnessed the exact same thing that Andrew had seen, at a certain point Lain looked like she was about to come out and beat my brother up (wouldn’t have held her back for that.)He looked at me once and I smiled in reassurance that everything would be ok and, he drove away. I turned around and walked back to the door.
“Samantha, I don’t want to see that guy anywhere here, do you hear me; for the length of period that I’m here I don’t want to see him.”
I turned my head to see him and I glared.

It was a long evening and I could hear all his friends coming up the stairs and down, from time to time I could hear them knocking on my door and trying to open the door. If there was one thing that I was beginning to hate was the fact that Andrew was changing the script. Now I had no idea on what Michaels friends were up to, at least before Andrew came in to the picture I would know perfectly well what they were going to do but now, I was beginning to feel like something bad was going to happen.
At one point I had fallen asleep and didn’t feel what time it was. I ended up waking up to the noise of my door knob becoming unlocked.
I quickly got up and took out my baseball bat from under my bed.
The door opened up slowly and I held the bat with a good grip.
“Samantha? What are you doing locked up in your room? And why are you holding a baseball bat?” It was no one else but my mother.
I dropped my guard and dropped the bat on to the floor.
“I thought it was one of Michael’s friends that was trying to get in.”
“That’s ridiculous! Michael’s friends aren’t even here; they aren’t even coming until later in the evening to have bar b queue stake for diner.”
“Right mom, I’m the one to lie to you and steal your money when I’m not looking.” I said sarcastically.
My mother frowned in disapproval and told me to take a shower and put on the clothing that she had bought me for this ‘special’ occasion. She handed me the bag with the new clothing and my towel and told me that she wanted me out as soon as possible.

It was simply ridicules on how over board my mom was getting to, I mean he wasn’t gone for that long and he called every month so there was hardly any missing but, he was her first child and she missed him so much. I didn’t argue with what she got me although there was a lot that I could argue with her but I saved it for another night.
I grabbed my toiletries and bag and headed down the hallway bathroom when I heard a loud boom.
A distinctive voice that I never hear that often was coming from down the stairs. I began to pay close attention when it hit me.
Dad was home from his business trip.
So daddy comes home for his son but not for his daughter’s award ceremony.
I didn’t even hesitate to go down stairs even when, I heard him ask for me. I went directly in to the bathroom and try to take as long as I could but still not making my mom mad.

I came out of the bathroom not knowing what time it was, I quickly skidded down to my room and locked myself up in there. I began to get my hair decent enough to make my mom not too mad at me but not try to provoke the soldiers out in the back yard. I quickly looked for my key necklace, a bracelet and my sandals and quickly went downstairs.
It was overly crowded in the back yard and it made me feel a bit expose with the dress on. It was white and it went all the way down to my knees but, I was showing too much skin above. Note that I said I was showing too much skin up but I was NOT showing any boobs or any of that sort, I still kept myself with dignity.
I opened the sliding door and I saw my dad by the griller already grilling away. He turned to see me and waved for me to go over. Not wanting to, I still went over and said hi, he hugged me and told me that he had a present for me from his trip. I half smiled at him and said thanks for the thought of bringing me a gift and went to a table. I hated the fact that all of Michael’s friends were eying me with eyes full of lust and want. I quickly went back inside to where I felt safe and sat in the dining table. My mother was inside fixing some things here and there, never once did she look at me. She was busy in her own little world and then the devil came.
“Hey mom, can you get me and the guys some beers? Dad said that he can’t go cause he is working the grill so he asked me if you could go.”
“Of course Mike, I’ll go get you guys some beers; it will take me a while but can you and your friends wait for a while, some stores are close at this time.”
“Sure mom, thanks again.” And he left back outside.
She took of her apron and left it on top of the counter top for her to pick up once she came back. I only watched her as she fumbled to look for the car keys and then laughing to herself once she realize that she had them in her hands the whole time.
She went out the front door and then you could almost hear the car drive out of the drive way and of to where ever she was planning on going. It wasn’t until later that I realize that Michael had planned it all out.
I saw my dad hand over the griller to Michael and then he too left to go who knew where. Once the cost was clear, I saw one of the guys bring out a cooler filled with beers.
My heart started to speed up, I could feel the oxygen begin to disappear from me and I was beginning to realize that I was left all alone with them. I wasn’t sure exactly what I would do but I was beginning to wonder when suddenly I felt a cold wet hand stroke my bare back.
I jumped in place and turned to see who it was.
One of Mike’s friends.
He was drunk apparently and had lost all sense of reason.
“Are you alright?” I asked him as he came falling on me.
He began to mumble words that I couldn’t make sense of and I asked him over and over again what he was trying to say but, over and over he would mumble the same unintelligent words.
“Sir, you drank way to many cans of beers; you need to sit down and rest, you’re in no condition to go anywhere or do anything.”
At that point he looked at me and began to breathe in my face.
“Have you ever kissed a drunken man?” he asked not making any sense.
“Excuse me, what are talking about?”
“I’ll… Take that as a…No then.” He said stopping in every word to take a breather.
“Of course I haven’t what makes you think that I have?” I yelled.
“So then that means you’re still a virgin then. Don’t worry, I won’t tell your brother what happened between you and me.” He said and tried to kiss me.
I pushed him off of me and let him fall on the floor. I quickly went up stairs and in to my room; locked myself in there and stayed in there. I could feel the hot boiling tears come dripping down my face. I went over to my desk and sat there crying.
I stared at my phone and then remembered what Andrew did to it. I quickly looked through my contacts and searched for what I thought was in there. When I found what I was looking I pressed send and waited patiently.
“Andrew?” I sniffed happy to hear his voice for the first time.
“Hey Sam, thought I would be hearing from you soon, what’s up?” he said with joy in his voice.
“Um nothing, I just don’t want to be at home right now.”
“Why? What’s wrong? What happened?”
“No, nothing happened I just, don’t feel comfortable here at the moment.”
“Wait a minute Sam,” and yelled something in a different language.
“Hey, sorry about that, were have a little celebration at the moment.”
“Oh I’m sorry Andrew, I’ll call another-”
“NO! It’s ok; just tell me what happened, you don’t sound to convincing at the moment.”
“Can I come over to your place, I know that this is awkward but, I don’t want to be here.” I said trying to hold back the tears of disgust.
“Yeah, just wait for me right there and I’ll drive on by and get you.”
“Can you wait for me around the corner, I don’t want them to see you or me so I’ll see you there in about five minutes, how does that sound?”
“Sure, whatever you say. I’ll see you there then ok?”
“Ok then, bye.”
I stayed there for a while and then hung up. I knew how to get out of my own room the problem was if there was any soldiers that were outside at the moment. I decided to take my chances and climb out. I turned the lights off my room and climbed out, I couldn’t change even if I wanted too, and I knew how to climb down from my room to the ground in a dress.
I removed the screen from my window and climbed out, I put the screen back in and then slowly went down the pipe that was against the wall (I’ve seen lots of firefighters go down a rail that I had taken some of their moves from them). Once down I looked both ways to check if the cost was clear and made a run for it. I ran down the block not looking back at all, once I was at the corner of the street I saw the Toyota truck waiting there for me. He came out of it and waved for me to go; I smiled in relief that I had a savior to save me from all of this mess and I couldn’t believe that I was saying this but, I was happy that Andrew could drive and come and get me whenever I needed help (I just needed to keep myself in check so that I wouldn’t abuse his friendship.)
I rushed on over and he unlocked the door to the passenger’s side. I quickly got in and put my seat belt on and I waited for him to start the car but he waited.
“What happened Sam?”
“Nothing happened; can we just go, please?” I asked as I wiped the tears that were trying to come out.
He started the engine and I felt like sleeping peacefully there. We were in silence up until we came to his place.
I never knew how close he lived to me; he was just 7 blocks away from my place and it wasn’t hard to memories the streets. His house was the first one around the corner. It was white and had a red mahogany color roof; the windows had flowers of all sorts of colors. There were rose bushes and daisies that I believed where probably planted by his mother; a small tree was growing of to the side of a window. I couldn’t tell what it was; I mean it could have an apple tree or a peach tree or a regular tree for all I could think of, I didn’t think too much of it and just continued starring at the house. I saw that his whole family was in the garage playing pool (at least the men were) and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.
He parked right in front of his house and came out of the car. I was still left in amaze at how his family came together. It was something to be jealous of but at least his family didn’t have any problems or issues as mine did. He came over to where I was and opened the door for me.
Startled out of the envious cloud I was in; I asked him what the occasion was.
“Oh, my uncle’s birthday; we threw him a surprise party here at my place since we know how much he loves to play pool. We were going to go get his cake before we dropped you off but I guess it was better we dropped you first; didn’t want you to get in to any trouble but I guess we did.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. It’s nice that you guys can trough these kinds of things for one another, let alone making it into a surprise.” I smiled at him and got out of the car.
He eyed what I was wearing and I just looked away.
“Don’t ask my mom made me wear it; didn’t want to take too long changing so I just came like this.”
“Nah, it’s all right. Actually you are wearing the right colors for the party.”
And he was right, everyone was wearing white.
He spoke to someone and then pointed at me as we walked in to the garage, the only thing that I prayed he wasn’t telling them was the incident that happened at school but, I knew he was telling them that.
“Sam!” Andrew called.
I walked on over and stayed behind him as he introduced me to his family.
One by one I felt the warmth of his family fill my lungs, like when you walk in from school and you smell all the different smells coming from the kitchen as you realize that your mom is making something truly good. I saw that his grandparents where singing karaoke and his little cousins where running about in the garage. He introduced me to his uncles and to the lucky uncle to get this surprise. At one point he asked Andrew if I was a birthday present to him but he laughed when he saw my reaction. He led me inside and I saw all the older and younger ladies running around the kitchen; laughing at whatever inside joke they were telling each other.
“Mom?” Andrew spoke as he tried to make his way into the crowd of ladies.
She was next to the stove cooking something delicious when she turned around to see Andrew walk up to her. She smiled and kissed him tenderly on top of his head.
After all of this, everything became out of audio, I couldn’t hear anything else and then I saw her turn to see me. She had this round strawberry face, some wrinkles and a few strands of white hair. Her eyes where a hazel nut color that seem to be melting every second; she had this warm look and she quickly clean her hands on a rag close by and glided over to where I was standing.
“So you must be Andy’s new friend then. He was quite worried about you when he got home, did something bad happened?”
“Oh um, nothing serious but I’m alright.” I said reassuring her.
She smiled and walked me over to the kitchen and introduced me loud and clear to all of Andrews’s aunts, cousins and nieces.
Mrs. Vang began to ask me to taste some of the soups and fruits that seem to be coming and going, at one point I began to cook some of the things that they where cooking and cutting carrots here and there and peeling potato’s there and here. Mrs. Vang was amazed that I knew how to cook and seemed quite impressed at my familiarity with my spices. She told me to go sit down to eat something since my stomach was grumbling every second. I eat and watched them in this warm sensation.
“So, are you feeling better?” Andrew asked me when he came in to check on me.
“Yes, I feel much better now. Your whole family seems so nice, so friendly; it’s a bit strange and foreign to me.”
“Is it really? We’re just like that. When Lain came over one time and my mom asked her to join her in the kitchen to help her cook; she almost burned down the kitchen. My mom is impressed with you; you’re the first girl that knows how to cook!” He half smiled the last two words.
“Well, I am Hispanic; I should know how to cook.” And took a bite of the delicious dish that seemed to tingle in my mouth.
Once I had finished I went over to wash my dish but Andrew made me put it down and took me outside to enjoy the shows that some of his family members were putting for one another. I sat down in one of the many chairs that where set in the garage and watched Andrew play pool with his uncle.
To be truthfully honest, I was a bit happy that my mom and dad had no clue where I was and they still hadn’t even found out that I was gone. Being here with Andrew felt much safer and secure, and at times I felt like asking myself why hadn’t I ever seen him before? I mean Michael always took me trick-or-treating around these blocks so how come I never saw him? Maybe I never paid much attention to it.
“Hey Samantha!” I heard Andrew call me. “Want to see how I beat my uncle in his own trick?”
His whole family began to tease him but, he didn’t pay much attention to it.
I nodded once and he held his hand out so that I could walk over and see for myself the trick his uncle left for him.
He explained what the goal was and what each one had done, apparently this was a new form of playing pool or at least a game they had made up. I watched diligently and got the concept pretty well at times I would ask a question or two to clarify something and soon realize that I could have answer the question myself.
I moved back to let him finish the game and it was over. A crowd of groans was released from all the men and he only seemed pretty happy about beating him. His uncle placed something on the table and Andrew took it with no hesitation.
His other relatives came over and started to pat him on the back as each one said something to him. Before I knew it he was surrounded in a crowd of men, I rolled my eyes and made my way inside the house; he’d find me soon enough.
I walked in to the living room where there was no one. Deserted as it seemed I looked at my entire surroundings and then found a piano by the window. I wondered who played piano in his house and walked over to see it. I felt the cold keys on the tips of my finger tips and stood amazed at the state it was in, such beautiful piano and yet, it seemed like they had bought it that exact day; they could have bought it but, how was I suppose to know.
I looked around to see if the cost was clear and took a seat by the piano.
“I hope I still remember how to play it.” I said to myself and began to play softly.
I remembered a song that had always stayed stuck in my head and played it with no hesitation. I began to notice that I was playing a bit more louder then I had intended and decided to let the music run through the house. I closed my eyes and let my mind run free, no hesitation of any sort; memories began to fill my mind and then bits and pieces of my script life began to pop up. Everything was running wild and then I remembered why I had stopped playing piano such a long time, my father hated the fact that I was always wasting my time by the piano. I remembered him saying to me that the only reason the pianos were created were to show emotions of love from a women to a man. I didn’t understand what he meant (I was only 7 at the time) but I stopped playing it, my brother took time to play it and when my father heard the piano being played again, he walked over to tell me to quit playing but, it was Michael. My dad stood there listening and when he finished he told Michael that he wanted to see his son with a future girlfriend sitting by him as he played for her.
Whatever happened to the piano being created for women to show their feelings to men?
I never understood and stayed away from the piano for a long time. In this occasion I felt the need to be by it and play; it was this pull that came from the piano; a magnetic force exerted from it towards me. I began to feel the end of the song coming to a close; I opened my eyes and watched my fingers press the keys ever so delicately. I was amazed at my fingers for moving that fast and remembering where C was and G where. I sped the last couple of notes and then came to a stop as I could no longer hear the song any more in my head.
I watched the keys and then sighed.
“Oh my goodness! Was that you playing?” someone asked from behind me.
I spun around and looked at who was there.
I guessed it was one of Andrews’s aunts who was standing there and then I saw that she was not alone. From behind I saw faces that where in awe and astonishment. I got up quickly and moved away from the piano.
“I’m sorry, I know that I should have not been in here but it was getting a bit cold outside so I decided to come in and then that’s when I saw the piano and…” I began to just let my voice just fade away and stare at them. I could feel my face flush with the pure embarrassment that I was in.
“Where’s Andrew? Get Andrew in here right now.” I heard someone yell with excitement.
I was beginning to wonder if what I did was wrong or if it brought excitement to them, was this piano just a decoration in the house?
“I’m here aunty, and I heard; I was sitting right here the whole entire time.” I heard him from the other side of where his aunt was standing.
He was casually sitting in a stole by the kitchen counter top, sipping on who knew what. My eyes widened and I began to make a run for it, he ran towards the garage door and blocked it.
“Where do you think you’re going, Bach? Do you think we’re going to let you walk out without telling us what you where playing?”
I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder and then I realized that it was his mothers.
“Why are you a shame?” she asked with this honey melting voice of hers.
“I’m not a shame,” I said, pausing at one point to control my heart beat. “I’m just not use to playing for a lot of people, let alone playing way to loud.” I said and faced away.
“I haven’t heard that piano being played ever since we first bought it.” Andrew said to his mother.
“Well of course we haven’t heard it being played; the last time anyone has ever played it was me.”
I began to look for another door way out and didn’t see any. I knew that all of his family members had seen me and there was no point any more. So I relaxed and let myself take whatever punishment came; referring to the fact that I could again be humiliated by him in front of his family.
“Hey Sam? What else can you play?” I heard Andrew ask.
I looked at him with a suspicious look.
“I don’t know, I just go with whatever my mood is. Each mood of mine is classified by a certain song so the music always varies.” I shrugged my shoulders and starred at the piano.
Yet again I felt the pull coming from the piano; it was something I couldn’t help but feel. I felt a hand set itself on top of my shoulder and then a whisper.
“Go, I see it in your gaze; go and play whatever it is you feel.”
And as if I was released from my cage, I walked over to the piano taking very slow steps; I sat down and then felt the song that had been haunting my life without him. My fingers began to play the melody that gave a different view of me, a whole new view of who I was. Without even noticing, I had begun to sing; my voice not trembling or hesitating at any moment, feeling myself the need to yell them out and tell it to the world. I stopped when my eyes fluttered open and I knew perfectly well that I had made everyone cry.
I turned around and saw Andrew standing right behind me; a smile was painted across his face. Behind him I could see all his family members holding one another, I could even see his mom holding a tissue as his dad (I would have guessed), held her. I knew off hand that that melody was never meant to be played, it was meant to stay stuck forever in his memories, memories that should be long gone, but I still did, the deed was done, there was no going back.
I got up and stood there looking at the ground, really I didn’t know what to do now since the whole room seemed to be flooded by tears now so, I just starred.
“Hey?” I heard Andrews voice “there was nothing wrong with that melody; we could feel your mood.”
I looked up and saw that he meant it; there was no sign of him joking around.
“To be truthfully honest, I didn’t even remember how to play that song; I don’t even know if I was in the right key!” I said and laughed the song out of my head.
“You know” I said, continuing from where I had left off, “that were just barely knowing one another so, there’s so much of me that you don’t know and of you that I don’t know. I hope that one day you can see some of the crazy things that have happened to me in the past and I hope that I can see some of your crazy things that you have done in the past. I hope; I honestly hope that.”
I stood there smiling at him, trying to hide the fact that I wanted to call out his name, not by what he is known but by what I always knew him as, even if he wasn’t him, I couldn’t help but try to see if maybe he might look up but, I didn’t.
I looked at my cell phone and saw the time, I apologized for making them cry and they all said at simultaneous times that there was no problem, that it was fine. I walked towards the garage and then felt my phone vibrate. I checked and saw that my mom was calling. So they now realize that I’ve been missing.
I went out in to their front yard and stood there as I took the call.
“Yes mom?”
“Samantha Lacey Guerilla! Where are you?!” She yelled and I moved the phone away from my ear. It was a good idea to go outside.
“I went to a friend’s house-” She cut me off before I could even finish.
“To who’s house? Is it Laurens? Stephanie’s? I don’t think so because we have called already there and you’re not there, where are you?” Her words seemed to come out like venom and they might have.
“I just told you that I was at a friend’s house-”
“ENOUGH!” She yelled and I knew that there was nothing that I could say to make her understand that I was really at a friend’s house.
“I want you home, and I don’t want you to take a long time so, you’d better be here in no less than 5 minutes, do you understand me?”
“Yes ma’am.”
She hung up the phone before she could even hear me say ‘Yes ma’am’. I couldn’t help but feel my rage bubble up in me, I began to laugh at the fact that she acted like this when Michael came home, I couldn’t blame her, she hadn’t seen him in a long time but, I didn’t want her to treat me like I was just trash and then treat me like her precious thing.
At that time I wanted to yell at her and tell her to make up her mind, and just keep a straight attitude, did she really wanted to act nice with me or did she wanted to act nice to Michael?
It’s pointless. I would never be able to win.
I heard footsteps approach me and I turned around and saw Andrew with the keys to his truck.
I nodded and we both walked over to his car.

I got home and found my mom and dad sitting in the living room with Michael. Andrew was right behind to explain to them where I was. I knew off hand that I wasn’t going to get off that easily but I didn’t want him to get yelled by my parents.
“Samantha, I want an explanation and I want-” she stopped and saw Andrew walk in behind me.
“Hey, um mom, this is Andrew my friend; my newest friend.” I said and looked at Michaels face. Not too happy.
“Well, what where you doing at HIS house?” she asked but this time she seemed to have directed it towards him instead of me.
“Mom, the only reason why I went to his place was so that I could get away from MICHAEL’S drunk friends who HARRASSED me!” I spitted at him.
“Don’t blame this on your brother now Sam, tell us what you where actually doing?”
“Why would you think I would be doing whatever you’re sick mind thinks? To be honest I called him and I asked him if I could go over to his place, his parents and whole family where everywhere; no, to be honest, they treated me like I was part of their family, something this family has never had.”
“Samantha don’t take that tone with your mother, we are sorry but this discussion is closed for our own family, it’s best for you to go home now.” My dad said and directed the last part to Andrew.
“No problem Sir but, if I may say something; she isn’t lying. She called crying, wouldn’t tell me anything but I did see her brother here with some other guys earlier, they were drinking so I wouldn’t be surprised if they continue to drink while you two ran to get some errand.”
Michael shot a glare at Andrew and I immediately got in front of Andrew. Dad only saw Michael and sighed.
“I’ll see you tomorrow Sam.”
I turned around and walked him to the door. He smiled and then headed to his car and drove off. All the warmth that I had gotten by being at his place seem to have vanished from me, I tried hard to remember how it felt but was hard. I closed the door and stared at the door knob.
“Samantha?” my dad called me.
I turned around and saw that he didn’t want me explaining anything, Michael was right and I was wrong, he was man and I was child. I walked past him and heard Michael say…
“She should have gone to military school.”
I stopped mid way from the stair way and directed my attention to him.
“I’m not going to be a dog of the military like you.”

Later that night, I snuggled in to my cover even if it was a very hot night. I was dead in sleep when I faintly heard my phone vibrate. I picked it up and saw it was Andrew.
“Hello?” I half yawned the last words.
“I caught you when you were asleep didn’t I?”
“Yeah, what is it, what’s up?”
“Nothing, just wanted to see if you where alright”
“I am, the conversation finished right when you left, I went to my room and just went to bed, why? You worried or something?”
He hesitated and I thought I had lost him or something. I yawned yet again and he let out a laugh.
“What?” I said and waited for him to replay.
“Its funny, I knew that you would have been asleep by now but I still needed to know if you where alright. I won’t bother you any more so just get some rest.”
“Its cool, I really wasn’t sleeping,” I lied and held the yawn that was trying to prove me wrong, “Don’t worry Andrew, so why did you call?”
“I already told you but you must have dazed off, just checking if you’re alright, that’s all.”
“Oh, shouldn’t you also be in bed?”
It took him longer to answer and I couldn’t even say anything. I was knocked out unconscious with phone in hand. I couldn’t even get the strength to hear his last words even if he had said it or not, but that night, I dreamed that I was sitting at Andrews kitchen table while I saw his mother walking around cooking. Even if I couldn’t feel it, it still felt surreal; the warmth of his family filled my lungs and I was back to where I was. Andrew was sitting by the couch watching something with his dad; its weird how I felt right at home even when we just knew each other for two days, still, you could feel the connection. I let the dream take its toll and I went with it until I’d wake up next day.