-'Believe it or not I care for my master' Bakura in referance to Ryou
-Bakura couldn't stand Ryou suffering when he was working with Malik so protected him
-Ryou carries around the Millenium Ring
-They look cute together
-They're sweet together
-They're Yami and hikari
-Ryou's father felt that Ryou was destined to have the ring and therefore!e be with Bakura
-Ryou doesn't like girls (manga 6)
-Bakura is obsessed with Ryou
-Bakura is nicer to Ryou than anyone else
-Ryou moved away so he could live alone with Bakura
-Ryou is defintely gay
-Ryou is the only one Bakura has ever shown any caring feelings towards
-Bakura is a very troubled person and needs someon sweet and caring like Ryou to heal his wounds razz
Reasons against:
-Some people may claim they're the same person (not true!)
-Some people are homophobes
-Bakura has never shown him much compassion (but then again he never has to anyone)
So as you can see, there is much more evidence for than against, so therefore,
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