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Lilly's Diary
personal thoughts here
skype logs part 2
08:57 Skype Mic Test
But I guess thats expected

08:57 Ghost
where are skype conversations stored on the computer?

08:57 Ghost
I'll go dig through the logs

08:57 Skype Mic Test
Why bother, you made your choice

08:58 Skype Mic Test
practically a livelong friend < stupid b***h your crushing on

08:58 Ghost
You'd think so, until you blocked me 2 months after the fact for seemingly no reason

08:58 Ghost
I could understand if you blocked me immediately after

08:58 Ghost
but 2 months after is a bit silly.

08:58 Ghost
also, I don't 'crush' on her.. I'm actually pretty apathetic towards almost everyone these days

08:58 Ghost
It worries me, sometimes I think I might be a sociopath

08:59 Skype Mic Test

08:59 Ghost
I know, it's silly

08:59 Skype Mic Test
I told you a long as time ago thats what you were

08:59 Ghost
I can admit I'm wrong though, sociopaths can't

08:59 Ghost
I don't constantly place myself in the victim seat, like sociopaths do

08:59 Ghost
there are a lot of base logic things I can parse that sociopaths can't

09:00 Ghost
like learning from my mistakes, that's VERY easy for me to do

09:00 Skype Mic Test
Sure thing man

09:00 Skype Mic Test

09:00 Ghost
how strange, bast does the same thing

09:00 Ghost
are you trying to hint that you're the same person? that'd be so weird

09:00 Ghost
except I've seen him on cam

09:01 Skype Mic Test
Actually, the second I hit enter I realized that

09:01 Skype Mic Test
I was like "..oh s**t what"

09:01 Skype Mic Test
Then again, the bast brand sarcasm fits here so w/e

09:02 Skype Mic Test
Point is

09:02 Skype Mic Test
You're a d**k

09:02 Skype Mic Test
I'm a d**k

09:02 Skype Mic Test
and 42

09:03 Ghost
I still don't understand why you'd block me 2 months after

09:03 Ghost
I told chloe, "that can't be the reason, that's something so stupid"

09:03 Ghost
"he wouldn't throw away our friendship over a stupid skype chat!"

09:04 Ghost
but you did, and here we are

09:10 Skype Mic Test
A: it wasnt two ******** months later. It was a week, which I waited to see if you'd realize what a d**k move you pulled
B: Keep calling me stupid, that's sure to make me want to be civil. Beacuse something YOU dont see as hurtfull surely must be stupid, am I right?

09:11 Ghost
I'm not calling you stupid, I'm calling the reason stupid

09:11 Skype Mic Test
And even then that was after you flat out ignored me

09:11 Skype Mic Test
It was -my- reason

09:11 Skype Mic Test
Ero im stupid

09:11 Skype Mic Test

09:11 Ghost
I ignored you because you constantly ignore me, and I didn't even ignore you on purpose.

09:11 Ghost
looking through the chat though, for when I first add catbug

09:12 Skype Mic Test

09:12 Ghost
You said she insulted you first

09:12 Ghost
oh wow, I can filter explicitly by just you two

09:12 Skype Mic Test
It was in video call -_-;

09:13 Skype Mic Test
Well, the first strike at least

09:13 Ghost
I'm talking specifically about the skype chat

09:13 Skype Mic Test
"I looked at your facebook picture WHERE ARE YOUR LIPS WHITEY HUHUHUHUHUHU"

09:14 Skype Mic Test
And as for the chat, what pissed me to the point of becoming hostile?

09:15 Skype Mic Test
Was her trying to spin me rejecting her (which I tried to do in the nicest way possible, honestly) into painting me as a desperate who SHE rejected

09:15 Skype Mic Test

09:15 Skype Mic Test

09:15 Skype Mic Test

09:16 Ghost
you both tried spinning it that way

09:16 Ghost
I'm reading the chat right now

09:16 Skype Mic Test
I didnt spin s**t

09:16 Ghost
14:25 Gil
But seriously, I never said s**t about catbug. I think catbug is adorable

14:25 Gil
That ******** she was fawning over?

14:25 Gil
Thats where my problem was

09:16 Ghost
I can feel the hate

09:17 Skype Mic Test
How is this spinning anything?

09:17 Ghost
I'm going through every sentence, this is going to be a while

09:17 Ghost
I distinctly remember both of you trying so hard to prove to the other that neither of you cared

09:17 Ghost
It made me sad that neither of you could admit to caring

09:18 Skype Mic Test

09:18 Skype Mic Test
Stop thinking I'm this complex guy with hidden emotions

09:18 Skype Mic Test
if I dont care, I dont ******** care

09:18 Ghost
I guess that was me projecting the relationship onto you two then.

09:18 Ghost
It's not her fault, if that's the case, because I talked to her the same way I talked to you

09:19 Ghost
Also, she actually did feel for you. Bummer that it wasn't mutual

09:19 Skype Mic Test
Did I respect her? ******** yes I did. Shes Blazerine

09:19 Skype Mic Test
Did I want a relationship? No

09:19 Skype Mic Test
I said that SO MANY TIMES

09:19 Ghost
If you're as simple as you claim to be, you wouldn't be having this conversation, I should point out

09:19 Ghost
but it's a moot point I guess.

09:20 Skype Mic Test
What the ********?

09:20 Skype Mic Test
You make claims and not expect me to defend myself?

09:20 Skype Mic Test
What the ******** is wrong with you

09:20 Ghost
I laughed, and I don't know why

09:21 Ghost
I just pictured you sitting there so confused, I don't think we're even having the same conversation anymore

09:21 Ghost
lets get this back on point.

09:21 Ghost
I assumed we were talking because you care(d) about our friendship, and that's why you're still talking to me

09:22 Ghost
which would imply depth, as you've continuously said you wanted nothing to do with me

09:22 Skype Mic Test
You mean, those times Ive said it when we were arguring

09:22 Skype Mic Test
Hold up choking on ******** hair

09:23 Ghost
But you just said "if I don't care, it means I don't care"

09:23 Ghost
you were also arguing with me & catbug when you said those things

09:23 Skype Mic Test

09:23 Skype Mic Test
And I didnt care

09:23 Ghost
Then why are we even having this conversation, if you don't care?

09:24 Skype Mic Test
Beacuse this is now?

09:24 Skype Mic Test
That and you keep talking

09:24 Skype Mic Test
So I respond

09:24 Ghost
I'm trying to not come off as condescending

09:24 Ghost
so I'm going to try to find a way to word this that's not insulting

09:24 Skype Mic Test
This should be good

09:24 Ghost
are you ******** retarded?

09:24 Skype Mic Test

09:25 Skype Mic Test
That was actually great

09:25 Skype Mic Test
Now explain

09:25 Ghost
I thought so too, I was imagining you saying "WHAT THE ******** IS WRONG WITH YOU", and I rememered Samuel L Jackson

09:25 Ghost
you keep saying you're simple, but your actions prove otherwise

09:25 Ghost
if you were a basic individual, you'd literally have no depth to you, and we wouldn't have this conversation

09:26 Ghost
You wouldn't have attempted to get in touch with me, you'd essentially be a robot

09:26 Skype Mic Test

09:26 Ghost
See, if that's what you meant, then I was wrong about your feelings, because of your past, and for that I do apologize

09:27 Skype Mic Test
yeah, I ment that only for the catbug situation sorry if that wasnt clear

09:27 Ghost
That means I'm to blame for catbugs behaviour towards you, however, and so you can't be angry at her. I essentially mislead her beleiving you felt a way that you clearly don't

09:27 Skype Mic Test

09:27 Skype Mic Test
I made myself clear

09:27 Skype Mic Test
to her text and to her face

09:27 Skype Mic Test
She -still- carried on

09:28 Ghost
catbug has mental problems, I think she actually is slightly retarded, and I'm not being mean

09:28 Ghost
I think she has some brain damage, based off what bast has told me and what she's told me in the past

09:28 Skype Mic Test
Im glad you said that <__<

09:28 Ghost
her memory is nonexistant

09:28 Skype Mic Test
I know now its not just me

09:28 Ghost
she doesn't remember the 5+ years we knew eachother.

09:28 Ghost
If you asked, I could've told you

09:28 Ghost
I'm not afraid of the truth

09:29 Ghost
I just have to deal with people who have mental disorders, who can't properly understand or express their feelings

09:29 Ghost
It bleeds over into other facets of my life, where you start seeing it in everyone

09:29 Ghost
so I apologize for the situation I created

09:29 Skype Mic Test

09:29 Ghost
however, you did in fact create a hostile environment in that chat, and to be sure I wasn't just delusional, I asked ellie and grim, and both said you were making it uncomfortable for them

09:30 Skype Mic Test
Oh boo ******** hoo

09:30 Ghost
dismissive behavior

09:30 Skype Mic Test
Damn right

09:30 Ghost
it's a shame, how would you feel if I were dismissive of your feelings?

09:31 Skype Mic Test
You mean like always?

09:31 Ghost
Is that how you really feel, or are you just angry?

09:31 Skype Mic Test
Wait wait I know what this needs

09:31 Skype Mic Test
-drags a couch over and lays down-

09:31 Skype Mic Test

09:31 Ghost
I'm being serious

09:31 Skype Mic Test
How much is this costing btw?

09:31 Skype Mic Test
So am I

09:31 Ghost
I can't assume I know how you feel, as I've gotten it wrong before

09:31 Skype Mic Test
You want to play shrink? fine

09:32 Ghost
actually, I technically could qualify as a shrink, but I've only been an amatuer councilor for the college

09:32 Skype Mic Test
Yeah ok.

09:32 Ghost
college college is expensive.

09:32 Ghost
anyways, do you really think that I constantly dismiss your feelings?

09:33 Skype Mic Test
Yeah man, when I need all that love and stuff YOURE NEVER AROUND

09:33 Ghost
do you know why, after I kicked you from the chat, I kept telling you I was going to close it anyways, and that I was going to use it to manipulate people since you were gone?

09:33 Skype Mic Test
Always working

09:33 Skype Mic Test
Always busy

09:33 Ghost
It's because I didn't want to hurt your feelings

09:33 Skype Mic Test
I feel like im in the relationship by myself

09:33 Skype Mic Test
Its another woman, isnt it?

09:33 Ghost
I'm sorry, I do try to use skype on my phone at work, but they've been cracking down lately.

09:34 Ghost
Well, that's actually irrelevant as we haven't actually talked in 2 months.

09:35 Skype Mic Test
See, this right here. I'm trying to drop the s**t (in the fact im treating this as silly as I thnk it is) and you keep trying to play whatever it is your playing

09:35 Ghost
I'm trying to be an adult

09:35 Ghost
I don't know what you think is going to happen if we "drop the s**t"

09:36 Ghost
we're discussing our problems like adults, if you don't want to do that then we don't really have anything to talk about

09:36 Ghost
we aren't suddenly going to go back to being super buddy bestfriends

09:37 Skype Mic Test
Alright, well if thats the case. I have enough "adults" to talk to as it is. A friend to talk to? I guess not. So you just enjoy being that super edgy adult you are, alright? I tried.

09:38 Ghost
we both tried, and we failed

09:38 Skype Mic Test
No, you failed.

09:38 Ghost
actually, I can just quote myself verbatim on that one, heh

09:38 Ghost
I did, I tried to get you to talk to me, and see if we could start this friendship over again fresh, but that's not going to happen

09:38 Ghost
some things that are broken just can't be mended, I guess.

09:39 Skype Mic Test
Uh, I was talking. I was fine

09:39 Skype Mic Test
You keep being a ******** woman though

09:39 Ghost
what's wrong with being a woman?

09:40 Skype Mic Test
Back to tumblr with you.

09:40 Skype Mic Test
Im done here

09:40 Ghost
thought so.

09:40 Ghost
I can't be friends with someone who uses "woman" as a derogatory term, sorry.

09:40 Skype Mic Test

09:41 Ghost
I'm transgender, so you're directly insulting me. '

09:41 Skype Mic Test
Yeah cant tell if serious or just being a asshat

09:41 Skype Mic Test
I cant ******** tell with you

09:41 Ghost
I guess that shows how little you know me, heh.

09:42 Ghost
My insistance on only RPing as a female when possible...

09:42 Ghost
I only buy games that let me make a female character..

09:42 Skype Mic Test
I do the exact same thing

09:42 Skype Mic Test
Am I transgender?

09:42 Ghost
Are you?

09:42 Skype Mic Test

09:42 Ghost
I always thought so.

09:43 Ghost
I thought it was common ground between us, but you clearly think of women as lower life forms, so I don't see how.

09:43 Ghost
I suppose you could be a self-loathing woman..

09:43 Skype Mic Test
Yeah now this is getting stupid

09:43 Ghost
I don't think so.

09:43 Skype Mic Test
I do.

09:43 Ghost
I think this is showing more and more how little you actually knew me, and it's a bit upsetting, frankly

09:44 Skype Mic Test
Yeah, allright

09:44 Ghost
I kinda of always knew, though.. I could never be honest about myself around you

09:44 Ghost
I just told myself it's because you were raised "oldschool", and that it was OK

09:44 Skype Mic Test

09:44 Skype Mic Test
******** WHAT?

09:44 Skype Mic Test
What a load of s**t

09:45 Ghost
You didn't even know I was transgender, bro.

09:45 Skype Mic Test
Beacuse your ******** not

09:45 Ghost
Oh, thank you for telling me what I think.

09:45 Skype Mic Test

09:45 Ghost
Oh, that's right, you already did that when I told you I was asexual

09:45 Ghost

09:45 Ghost
I mean, I think I'd know, but alright

09:46 Skype Mic Test
You're not though -__-

09:46 Ghost
Any time I admitted anything about myself to you, it was dismissed

09:46 Ghost
Ask chloe how often we have sex

09:46 Ghost
It's every few months.

09:46 Skype Mic Test
I dont need to ask

09:46 Skype Mic Test
Like I said

09:46 Ghost
Ask me how many people i've had sex with, it's one

09:46 Skype Mic Test

09:46 Skype Mic Test
She never stopped talking about it

09:46 Ghost
I have no desire to have sex. Sex is boring.

09:46 Ghost
It's a waste of time.

09:47 Ghost
I don't get aroused from anything, either

09:47 Skype Mic Test

09:47 Skype Mic Test
What a load of horse s**t

09:47 Ghost

09:47 Ghost
I'm sorry, I was unaware that I was your puppet. Please, master, tell me how I feel!

09:48 Ghost
Tell me how to act, how to feel, how to think!

09:48 Ghost
But you can't. You dismiss me everytime I admit a truth about myself because.. I don't know.

09:48 Ghost
You built a barrier where I felt I couldn't be myself around you, and that's not OK.

09:48 Skype Mic Test
Oh god

09:48 Skype Mic Test
Are you serious?

09:48 Ghost
Serious as a heart attack, actually

09:49 Ghost
I'm baring it all before your very eyes, I'm finally being 100% honest with you.

09:49 Ghost
I'm tired of pretending

09:49 Skype Mic Test
Well, sucks to be you then

09:49 Ghost
I don't think so, but OK

09:49 Ghost
also, I checked the logs, and you got hostile first in that chat

09:49 Ghost
so there's that

09:50 Skype Mic Test

09:50 Ghost
I can send them to you if you'd like

09:50 Ghost
you need a program called "Skyperious" to read them

Ghost then realizes that I'm still being far too nice to someone who literally admitted they don't give two shits about me and my feelings

09:51 Ghost
I guess I don't learn from my mistakes, heh

09:51 Skype Mic Test

09:51 Ghost
Ellie used to do the same thing, now that I think about it

09:51 Ghost
and yet I'm still her friend, too

09:51 Ghost
I suppose I'm a glutton for punishment

09:51 Skype Mic Test
Self inflicted

09:52 Ghost
I agree, I should cut toxic people out of my life

09:52 Ghost
Yet here I am, talking to a misogynist who dismisses everything about me

09:52 Ghost
Human mind, am I right?

09:52 Skype Mic Test
Whatever you think man

09:53 Ghost
Literally, heh

09:54 Skype Mic Test
Seriously though, you're intent on just draging this on, you've made it clear you're unable to remain friends, so what are you doing?

09:55 Skype Mic Test
If I upset you so much, just close the window, and dont worry about it

09:55 Ghost
I guess I keep hoping you'll have a moment of clarity, but it's just not going to happen

09:55 Skype Mic Test
Jesus ******** christ

09:55 Skype Mic Test

09:55 Skype Mic Test
What the ******** do you want?

09:55 Ghost
scroll up, and read through the past ~5 minutes

09:55 Ghost
read how dismissive you're being, and how misognynistic you sound

09:55 Ghost
Maybe.. just maybe, realize you're being a massive a*****e to me, and .. stop?

09:56 Ghost
It's not going to happen, though.. but atleast I get a clean break, and real closure for once..

09:57 Ghost
I'm sorry we couldn't work things out, man. We had a good run, and it was a long ******** 10 years. I'm just not the person you thought I was, I guess

09:57 Skype Mic Test
No, you couldnt work things out

09:58 Ghost
If that's what you need to tell yourself, so be it. If in your mind, I'm the villain? I'm OK with that. It's how we deal.

09:58 Skype Mic Test
No, not a villain, never said that

09:58 Ghost
Maybe one day we'll see eachother again, two ships passing in the night

09:58 Skype Mic Test
OH FOR ******** SAKE

09:58 Skype Mic Test

09:58 Ghost
I'm saying goodbye, man.

09:59 Ghost
I'm saying that maybe in another life, maybe even in this life, we might chance across eachother again, and that would be nice. Maybe we'd find eachother all over again, and not even realize it, wouldn't that be strange? I wonder if things would work out, then? I like to think so.

10:00 Skype Mic Test
Enough. You're either trolling me something hard, or you've lost it. This is so far beyond stupid its not even funny

10:00 Ghost
I guess I "lost it", or maybe I never had it, heh

10:01 Ghost
See you, space cowboy..

10:06 Skype Mic Test
Get help. Thats all I'm saying. If this is "you" then the last 10 years have been a lie and I have no idea how to deal with you anymore. So whatever, I tried to sit here multiple times getting things back on track, but you're just hell bent on villifying me and ending it.

10:08 Ghost
If that's you trying, then I'm sad. I'd be glad you were saying "get help", if you didn't mean it insultingly.

10:08 Skype Mic Test
I wasnt meaning it insultingly

10:08 Ghost
I don't think you're a villain, honestly. Just ignorant and unwilling to change your ways. & I guess they have been, a lot of people live lies for a long, long time.

10:08 Ghost
Homosexuals have to pretend to be straight for a long, long time.

10:08 Ghost
Asexuals have to pretend to care about sex for a long, long time.

10:09 Ghost
I'll stop replying now though, sorry for that. I just wanted to clarify I didn't think negatively of you.

10:10 Skype Mic Test
"Just ignorant and unwilling to change your ways"

10:10 Skype Mic Test
Yeeah, thats not negitive at all huh

10:11 Skype Mic Test
I'd have beleived some of this if I hadnt had thee past 10 years to learn that you like to be an a*****e

10:11 Skype Mic Test
But whaver

10:20 Ghost
Ignorance isn't negative, especially not if you recognize your ignorance

10:20 Skype Mic Test
Actually, you know what? If this IS you, and all you're going to be is this whiney little tumblr c**t, then fine. I can do without you. And for the reccord, I'm not a mysoginist, I'm all for womens rights. and you can ask chloe about the gay rights talks we have had, she knows I'm accepting as anything. But what you're doing? Playing the victim card to your "friend" and using complete BS to end the friendship? Trying to be this ******** little sad story? nah, get ********. Instead of trying to act like some authority on emotions, constantly condicending me, constantly saying everything I think is wrong and just said straight up "heres the thing man" I might have listened and not instincly gone into anti-troll mode. But whatever, point still stands, if this is going to be your demenor as of now? I have no use for you. I want friends I can talk to and not have to worry about them going into a bitchfit.

10:21 Ghost
Using woman as a derogatory term is misogynistic.

10:21 Ghost
Saying "need a tampon?" is misogynistic.

10:22 Ghost
I'm glad you agree, though. You can't "use" a friend like me, and I don't need someone who I can't be myself around, especially not if I consider(ed) them a best friend.

10:22 Skype Mic Test
See ya then.

10:23 Ghost
It was fun. Bye man.

10:56 Skype Mic Test
OK, this is enough. Are you going to tell me this was just a troll, or that you were 100% serious. If it was just to mess with me, grats you got me good. enough for me to be sitting here going "..the ******** is actually going on" If not? I'll just leave. No fuss, I'll just leave, since thats clearly what you want. You know, to throw away a 10 year friendship for something so insane, then again, you have all your other "adult" friends to talk to now huh. Seriously, turning into this person in literally a couple of days? (since you didnt seem to have these issues the other night) What the hell? But whatever, I'm just making 100% sure of whats happening here.

To be clear, if this isnt a troll, I'll delete you as you so clearly want. Not block, delete. This is our only form of comunication as of this moment, I'll block you on FB along with chloe so after I delete you, there wont be any way to contact me again (im shutting down my email too) So you better be sure this is what you want.

10:58 Ghost
do you not remember our conversation the other night? it was about how the media has brainwashed you

10:58 Ghost
we discussed men wearing womens clothing

10:58 Ghost
it's not what I want, but what I want isn't attainable, as you've clearly said

10:59 Skype Mic Test
What isnt attainable?

10:59 Ghost
you're very misognystic, whether intentionally or not, and you just don't care

11:00 Ghost
I told you straight up that I can't be myself around you, and you told me "don't be a woman"

11:00 Skype Mic Test
I cant tell if your trolling me or that

11:00 Skype Mic Test

11:00 Ghost
when's the last time I trolled you?

11:00 Skype Mic Test
We've spent 10 years doing this s**t to each other

11:01 Skype Mic Test
and all of a sudden you lay this heavy s**t on me and expect me just to go "oh..cool I totally believe you man"

11:01 Ghost
after a huge falling out, that lasted 2 months?

11:01 Ghost
after the emails I sent?

11:02 Skype Mic Test
Well, got my answer then

11:03 Skype Mic Test
I blocked you, so I didnt say s**t while I calmed down. But this crap?

11:03 Skype Mic Test

11:03 Ghost
glad my feelings are crap, thanks

11:03 Skype Mic Test
No, no they arent.

11:03 Skype Mic Test
How your acting is

11:04 Ghost
I'm acting the same as I always have

11:04 Skype Mic Test
I asked you a simple question a-

11:04 Skype Mic Test
No, no you arent

11:04 Ghost
finish your thought

11:04 Skype Mic Test
Which is -why- im suspicious

11:04 Ghost
I'm acting how I'd act with someone who repeatedly insulted me and belittled/dismissed me

11:05 Skype Mic Test
Oh, still the victim huh?

11:05 Ghost
If I were trolling, I'd never take it this far

11:05 Skype Mic Test
You would, and have

11:05 Ghost
no, I pussied out in the past

11:05 Ghost
(a clear example of misogyny because we use p***y for weak)

11:06 Skype Mic Test
Yeah I cant do this.

11:06 Skype Mic Test
I really cant

11:06 Ghost
I understand.

11:06 Skype Mic Test
I doubt that very much

11:07 Skype Mic Test
Anyway, you're legit then? This is you now?

11:07 Ghost
I do understand, and I don't expect anything from you

11:07 Ghost
and this is how I've always been, just much less friendly than I've ever been towards you

11:08 Skype Mic Test
Well, great then. At least I know this wasnt from my failing to patch things up.

11:09 Ghost
we both failed, honestly

11:09 Ghost
but there was nothing either of could have done

11:09 Skype Mic Test
Yeah, no. You did.

11:09 Ghost

11:09 Ghost
I suppose I could have harassed you until you accepted me for who I am

11:09 Skype Mic Test
I've sat here and done everything to salvage this.

11:09 Ghost
but i'm not a savage

11:09 Ghost
did you?

11:10 Ghost
you never apologized, nor did you even try to accept my side of the story and believe me for one second

11:10 Ghost
you didn't even try to understand me

11:10 Skype Mic Test
Apologized for what exactly?

11:10 Ghost
the constant insults, for starters

11:10 Ghost
blocking me for 2 months with no words, as well

11:11 Ghost
I didn't even know if you were mad or if you died IRL

11:11 Skype Mic Test
Thats bs

11:11 Skype Mic Test
you knew, chloe told you

11:11 Ghost
after I asked

11:11 Ghost
after a week or so

11:11 Ghost
it took you 2 months to tell me why you were angry

11:11 Ghost
and you know what? I am about feelings, and about talking things out like an adult

11:12 Ghost

11:12 Skype Mic Test
I'm sorry I was dealing with a child that just got out of hospital.

11:12 Skype Mic Test
Next time I'll tell her dad cant be there beacuse his friend needs coddling instead

11:12 Ghost
which I couldn't possibly know about, because when I tried to find out, I was blocked from everything

11:13 Ghost
thanks for trying to throw her in my face, though

11:13 Skype Mic Test
It is what it is

11:13 Ghost
when my dad was laying in the hospital dying, you said "I don't really care"

11:13 Skype Mic Test
No I didnt.

11:14 Skype Mic Test
Ive asked you to show me

11:14 Ghost
I read chloes skype

11:14 Skype Mic Test
Show me

11:14 Skype Mic Test
Show me that s**t, or ******** off

11:14 Ghost
I'll have her sign on when I get off work tonight

11:14 Ghost
"James dad is in the hospital, he almost died"

11:14 Ghost
"Honestly, I don't care."

11:14 Skype Mic Test
If I did say that, its either HORRIBLE timing of a reply

11:14 Skype Mic Test
or something complete misunderstood

11:15 Skype Mic Test
You show me that s**t

11:15 Skype Mic Test
And I will apoligize for that s**t

11:15 Ghost
I will when I get access to her skype again

11:15 Ghost
but like you said..

11:15 Ghost
"It is what it is"
[Frost], 19.04.2015 11:13

11:15 Skype Mic Test
Thats so out of context and you know it.

11:16 Ghost
is it?

11:16 Ghost
"I'm sorry that you need me to coddle you while my daughter is dying in the hospital" really out of context of "I don't care that your dad is dying"

11:16 Ghost
same sentiment

11:16 Ghost
except I've never once even implied I didn't care about your daughter or family

11:17 Ghost
I'd never say that about them, because I actually do care

11:17 Skype Mic Test
You did that with the first email

11:17 Skype Mic Test
Er second, sorry

11:18 Ghost

Then Chloe tells me there's a facebook post about your daughter, whom I ******** care about because I care about you & your family, (like an idiot, apparently) and find out you deleted me from facebook.

11:18 Ghost
from email 2.

11:19 Skype Mic Test
The fact you sent me that email even with that line and the rest was full of bile. Said "******** your family"

11:20 Ghost
No, it said "I care about you and your family, like an idiot, because you don't care about me or mine"

11:29 Skype Mic Test
Ok, let me get this right. for the last 10 ******** years, you have literally decived me into thinking you were someone you're not? For 10 years you just sat there and let me contiunue to be how I am with you, after I have opened myself to you, been 100% straight with you, let you into my ******** family? And you have the nerve to sit there now and say how much of an a*****e -I- am?

11:29 Ghost
You didn't even tell me you had kids until we had been friends for 5 years

11:30 Ghost
every time I tried to admit who I truly was to you, you dismissed it.

11:30 Ghost
I've tried several times and you kept shutting me down until I gave up.

11:30 Ghost
I thought the transgender thing was obvious

11:30 Skype Mic Test
Well guess what, its not

11:31 Skype Mic Test
Not when you spend all that time pretending to be someone else

11:31 Skype Mic Test
when youi spend all that time, joking around and trolling each other

11:31 Ghost
I wasn't pretending, I just didn't tell you everything about me

11:31 Ghost
because I couldn't

11:31 Ghost
even when I tried I couldn't

11:31 Skype Mic Test
No, you ******** were.

11:31 Ghost
If that's how you want to see it, I guess.

11:32 Ghost
I've always been a fan of, "live and let live". If people don't tell me something, there's a good reason for it

11:32 Ghost
that's why I didn't get mad when you told me you had kids, or cancer

11:32 Ghost
live and let live.

11:36 Skype Mic Test
******** THIS SKYPE

11:37 Skype Mic Test
Anyway, really. You didnt get mad when I told you the most intimate parts of my life

11:37 Skype Mic Test
how gracious of you

11:38 Ghost
not after you had been keeping it from me for most of our friendship

11:38 Skype Mic Test
Yet you managed to sit there not being the person I was sharing with

11:38 Ghost
not after you had been outright lying about "lanas little brother"

11:39 Skype Mic Test
Actually, lana does have a little brother, and he was staying with us for a time

11:39 Ghost
also, how am I not the person you were sharing that with?

11:39 Ghost
how does being asexual change me in any way?

11:39 Ghost
well, actually, if we're being 100% honest? it's not even asexual

11:39 Ghost
it's demisexual, which means you have a super low sex drive

11:39 Ghost
virtually non-existant but it's still there once in a blue moon

11:40 Ghost
also, technically? not transgender, gender fluid, which means I feel like both genders, it just changes.

11:40 Ghost
there are days where I will literally want to rip my d**k off, and days where I want to become a lumberjack.

11:40 Ghost
I just didn't feel like clarifying because you already made the "tumblr" comment.

11:41 Skype Mic Test
Well, to be honest, everything you're saying smacks of tumblr. Which is also why I was suspicous beacuse its ******** tumblr

11:42 Skype Mic Test
Which I have never seen you do

11:42 Skype Mic Test
So forgive me if I dont ******** buy it right away

11:42 Ghost
I'm learning about myself more every day.

11:42 Ghost
I'm growing and figuring out who I am.

11:43 Ghost
I wasn't a rich kid who got to go to europe backpacking to figure out who I am, or to clear my head, I've had to do it my way

11:43 Ghost
sitting alone in the dark, and thinking. Figuring out what's me, and what that means

11:43 Skype Mic Test
By lying to your "friend" for 10 years

11:43 Skype Mic Test
Good job

11:43 Skype Mic Test

11:43 Ghost
I guess I did.

11:43 Ghost
I know a lot more about myself

11:43 Skype Mic Test
Just to be clear

11:44 Skype Mic Test
I would not have cared what/who the ******** you are

11:44 Skype Mic Test
I -still- wouldnt even after this

11:44 Skype Mic Test
But this whole thing?

11:44 Skype Mic Test
Its bullshit

11:44 Ghost
what whole thing?

11:45 Skype Mic Test
You using a stupid "fight" to drop this s**t on me and then act like im such a c**t

11:45 Ghost
no, it's me spending 2 months alone with my mind and doing soul searching, and then realizing how wrong you and I both were about a lot of things

11:45 Skype Mic Test
Alone. huh

11:45 Skype Mic Test
You mean aside from grim?

11:46 Skype Mic Test
and the others

11:46 Skype Mic Test

11:46 Ghost
I meant when I was away from the computer.

11:46 Ghost
You were the only person I ever cared enough to bring my phone with me for, and the only person I actively waited for

11:46 Ghost
despite me not receiving the same treatment.

11:46 Skype Mic Test

11:46 Ghost
I was essentially a whipped dog, heh

11:46 Skype Mic Test

11:46 Ghost

11:47 Ghost

11:47 Ghost

11:47 Skype Mic Test
Yes, beacuse I have a mile long skype list of people that I talk to

11:47 Skype Mic Test
its not like I only have you on it huh

11:47 Ghost
you have 7 people

11:48 Skype Mic Test
Adam and lana, dont ever get on. Bliss ive never spoken to once, Mina and ayame get on once damn year, and chloe is removed

11:48 Skype Mic Test
-you- are the only reason I have skype

11:48 Ghost
damn shame about chloe, she apologized and you bitched at her for the things she apologized about

11:48 Skype Mic Test

11:48 Skype Mic Test
Im sorry?

11:49 Ghost
it has nothing to do with us, i'm just amused

11:49 Skype Mic Test
gets involved > deletes me > gets upset?

11:49 Ghost
she apologized for deleting you

11:49 Ghost
and for overreacting

11:49 Skype Mic Test
And I apologized for having you on block for so long, and gave you the reason

11:50 Skype Mic Test
yet thats not good enough for you

11:50 Skype Mic Test
why should I have to forgive her?

11:50 Ghost
you never apologized lol

11:50 Ghost
and you don't have to forgive her, I'm not your keeper

11:50 Ghost
I had a feeling your relationship with her was solely because of me though

11:51 Ghost
which is another damn shame because she actually really cares about you

11:51 Ghost
she keeps pretending to not be cut, but she is

11:51 Ghost
it is what it is though

11:52 Ghost
I don't want you to apologize to me because I "forced you", and I don't want you to forgive her just to get on my good side (which wouldn't happen, because I don't like people trying to manipulate me)

11:52 Skype Mic Test
2: I was actually about to contact you a month ago to talk it out, because that's how ******** long it took me to get my s**t together and stop stressing about Hayley, but then chloe said you emailed me.

11:53 Skype Mic Test
From my first FB message to you

11:53 Skype Mic Test
and i'm finding the actual apology now

11:53 Ghost
I have all the messages from FB saved

11:53 Skype Mic Test
Read it then

11:53 Ghost
I did

11:53 Ghost
do you know what I said when I saw #2? "BS, you would've messaged me a lot sooner."

11:54 Skype Mic Test
Actually, its either in there, or I said it to chloe

11:54 Ghost
I didn't read i tin chloes log

11:54 Ghost

11:54 Ghost
which is manipulation, and just pisses me off

11:55 Ghost
every time someone tells me, "well I was GONNA, but boy you ******** up" I said "guess my chances are in the shitter, and now I'm going to do <x> twice as much, 'cus i'm already ******** huh"

11:56 Skype Mic Test
Messaged you sooner? Tell me, have you had a child that has no idea whats happening/happened to her after shes been knocked out and had ther throat ripped out?

11:56 Skype Mic Test
that for two months later is in pain every day not being able to take heavy meds?

11:56 Skype Mic Test
You think I had the ******** TIME to sit down and talk to you?

11:56 Ghost
not a child, no

11:56 Ghost
just a parent

11:56 Skype Mic Test
No ******** you

11:56 Skype Mic Test
Your parents know whats going on

11:57 Skype Mic Test
they know what to expect

11:57 Ghost
my dad didn't

11:57 Ghost
he didn't know what the hell happened to him until he was stable for a week

11:57 Skype Mic Test
He had doctors explain it to him, yes? he understood it yes?

11:57 Ghost

11:58 Ghost
his near death experience wasn't a result of the surgery

11:58 Ghost
it was a result of criminal negligence

11:58 Ghost
I'm guessing one of the nurses felt bad for him and wanted to end his pain, so she gave him enough medicine to stop his heart

11:58 Skype Mic Test
How do you know this?

11:59 Ghost
I was there the day after and I raised ******** hell until I knew every detail of every second of that night

11:59 Ghost
I can tell you when a fly s**t on the clipboard

11:59 Skype Mic Test
So you dont know thats what happened, gotcha

12:00 Ghost
I do ******** know

12:00 Ghost
because the ******** doctors told me.

12:00 Skype Mic Test

12:00 Skype Mic Test
you had someone to explain it, you can comprehend it

12:00 Skype Mic Test
try telling a 2 year old that can barely talk why her throat is bleeding

12:00 Skype Mic Test
******** off.

12:00 Ghost
-I- can comprehend it, my dad couldn't

12:01 Skype Mic Test
Oh so you didnt tell him about it?

12:01 Ghost
"he didn't know what the hell happened to him until he was stable for a week"
Ghost, 19.04.2015 11:57

12:01 Ghost
2 weeks of him being completely out of it

12:01 Ghost
2 weeks of "don't go to sleep dad or you might not wake up"

12:01 Ghost
and him crying because he's so ******** tired

12:02 Ghost
but his body stopped breathing on its own as soon as he closed his eyes

12:02 Skype Mic Test
Thats what respirators are for

12:02 Ghost
didn't work if his lungs aren't working

12:02 Ghost
they had to shove a tube down his throat at one point so he could sleep

12:03 Skype Mic Test
they did that to hayley. A least your dad knows why

12:03 Skype Mic Test
hayley wont even watch Doc now beacuse she ******** wets herself thinking about hospitals

12:04 Ghost
I know that ******** feeling

12:04 Skype Mic Test
No you dont.

12:04 Ghost
right, how could I? I love hospitals!

12:04 Ghost
medical ******** haven't killed every single person in my immediate family, nope!

12:07 Skype Mic Test
You're a "grown a** man" that can rationalise about it, talk about it, deal with it. not a 2 year old that screams for her perents as shes getting put under not knowing what the ******** going on. then waking up covered in blood and spending the next two months coughing up (painfully) blood, flesh and puss STILL not knowing whats going on, pleading with her dad to make it stop

12:07 Skype Mic Test
Yep, you ******** dont know.

12:08 Skype Mic Test
And I'

12:09 Ghost
"And I'"
[Frost], 19.04.2015 12:08

12:09 Ghost
I'm assuming skype messed up, so that's where you left off.

12:13 Skype Mic Test
Yep, locked the whole comp up this time

12:13 Skype Mic Test
And I'm done talking about my family with you. Was the rest of it.

12:14 Ghost
Good, because I'm tired of talking about sad things that are beyond our control.

12:15 Skype Mic Test
Now as for chloe and the whole "only freinds becuse of me thing"

12:15 Skype Mic Test
Yeah, sure. at first obviously

12:15 Skype Mic Test
But I accpepted her into my circle

12:15 Skype Mic Test
but you know Im always saying that you're the only person I give chances to?

12:15 Skype Mic Test
Im wasnt joking

12:16 Skype Mic Test
you are the -only- person I will let things slide with, let you block me, let you vent at me

12:16 Skype Mic Test
You are the -only- person I will try to fix things with

12:16 Skype Mic Test
that is how much you ******** ment to me

12:17 Skype Mic Test
once you delete me or I delete you, thats it. you dont come back

12:17 Skype Mic Test
which is why I stressed if thats what you wanted above

12:17 Ghost
I already deleted you a few times though

12:18 Skype Mic Test
And you're the only person that can say that to me

12:18 Skype Mic Test
beacuse the others are dead

12:18 Ghost
actually, I could list quite a few people who you've given second chances

12:18 Ghost
none of them were worth it either honestly

12:18 Skype Mic Test

12:19 Ghost
umi, bast, catbug oddly enough, jen too oddly enough

12:19 Ghost
guy from mmo whos name I can't remember, not robert but other guy

12:19 Skype Mic Test
no, bast I only ever blocked, catbug beacuse you wanted me to talk to her, and no

12:20 Skype Mic Test
You could have thrown skyla in there to, which would have been a no too

12:20 Skype Mic Test
oh and lone

12:20 Ghost
i already said umi

12:20 Skype Mic Test
Skyla isnt umi

12:21 Ghost
I wasn't talking about skyla

12:21 Skype Mic Test
Lone isnt umi either

12:21 Ghost
Karl knew everything about everyone

12:21 Ghost
and I mean everything

12:21 Skype Mic Test
Yeah, I had both of them on cam

12:21 Skype Mic Test
So nope.

12:21 Ghost
did you know lone had a sister?

12:22 Skype Mic Test
a "sister" sure

12:22 Skype Mic Test
the one he addmited to making up

12:22 Ghost
you banged lone, is what im saying

12:23 Skype Mic Test
Uh, no?

12:23 Ghost
remember sly

12:23 Skype Mic Test

12:23 Ghost
remember .. biggs mom

12:23 Ghost
the vampires

12:24 Skype Mic Test
Again, Vaugely

12:24 Ghost
well, you banged lone

12:24 Skype Mic Test

12:24 Ghost
I'm not even trolling

12:24 Ghost
I kind of wish I was

12:25 Skype Mic Test
I never touched biggs's mom

12:25 Skype Mic Test
or any of the vamps now that I think of it

12:25 Ghost
skyla was lone all along

12:25 Skype Mic Test
Nah, got skyla on cam too

12:25 Ghost
I actually knew auron irl

12:25 Ghost
skylas cousin

12:26 Ghost
not lone, no

12:26 Ghost
that was a joke

12:26 Skype Mic Test

12:26 Ghost

12:27 Skype Mic Test
What was the joke?

12:27 Ghost
that skyla was lone

12:27 Skype Mic Test

12:27 Skype Mic Test
I wonder if she ever got into law school..

12:27 Skype Mic Test

12:27 Skype Mic Test

12:28 Ghost
much like the rest of the people from chars, she likely died of an OD

12:28 Skype Mic Test
Sadly, probably

12:28 Skype Mic Test
more of a chance that her kids dad beat her to death

12:28 Skype Mic Test
since she was always showing me bruises and s**t

12:29 Skype Mic Test
OK ok, I know you're not really in the happy type mood at the moment, bu tgod damn

12:30 Skype Mic Test
"Getting to be on the registers today. It's harder than it looks"

12:30 Skype Mic Test
Mina on FB

12:30 Ghost

12:30 Skype Mic Test
Yeah what?

12:30 Ghost
I'm not sure what you wanted me to say, honestly

12:31 Skype Mic Test
Huh, guess you really arent the person Ive spent 10 years knowing

12:31 Skype Mic Test
Oh well.

12:31 Ghost
guess not?

12:31 Ghost
I already let you know how I feel about mina.

12:31 Ghost
"Hey, James, here's par for the course!"

12:31 Ghost

12:32 Skype Mic Test
what is that..football or something?

12:32 Ghost
figure of speech

12:32 Skype Mic Test
No idea what it is

12:32 Skype Mic Test
going to asume an insult though

12:33 Ghost
more or less, "this is what you'd expect, it's pretty normal for thing "

12:33 Skype Mic Test

12:33 Ghost
hilariously, I even tried to give mina a second chance for you, back in the skype chat days.

12:33 Ghost
I re-added her and all.

12:34 Ghost
She ignored me, which, whatever. live and let live

12:34 Skype Mic Test
You keep saying live and let live, yet this whole intire night has been filled of you doing the exact opposite.

12:35 Skype Mic Test
hypocrite much~

12:35 Ghost
how do you figure that?

12:35 Ghost
I already told you, I can't have what I want

12:35 Ghost
I'm not going to sit here and try to beat you over the head with my rhetoric

12:36 Skype Mic Test
What you want huh. and that would be what? From what I have gathered has been me listning to you. which I am

12:36 Skype Mic Test
But that I was refering to was you saying live and let live, and at the same time burning down a 10 year relationship

12:37 Skype Mic Test
So yeah, you're a ******** hypocrite.

12:37 Ghost
I wasn't the one who blocked you for 2 months

12:37 Skype Mic Test
Hey, hey. play a differnt harp.

12:37 Ghost
I don't understand the reference

12:37 Skype Mic Test
I will not -ever- aploligise for putting my daughter before you

12:38 Skype Mic Test
so you might as well get over it

12:38 Ghost
good thing I didn't ask you to

12:38 Skype Mic Test
You want me to, since you seem so butt hurt and bring it up every other chance you get

12:38 Skype Mic Test
Live and let live bro

12:38 Ghost
no, you keep trying to play me as the villain, which alright fine

12:38 Ghost
I'm just clarifying my stance

12:39 Skype Mic Test
You ******** are a villain though. You're like a tophat and a swirly moustache away from inventing a ******** death ray

12:39 Skype Mic Test
A villain in this though? not so much

12:41 Skype Mic Test
You are however being an incredible hypocrite with a lot. Such as trying to force me into seeing you're point of view so I "understand" when at the same time dismissing mine.

12:41 Ghost
when did I dismiss yours?

12:42 Skype Mic Test
Can I just cut and paste this whole convo or will that break skype?

12:42 Ghost
clarify, re-represent your point

12:44 Skype Mic Test
Every time I have tried to state my view its "stupid" and when you dont directly state that, you imply it with a series of condecending and -thinly- veiled insults hidden behind taking the moral ground and being an "adult"

12:44 Ghost
I haven't called your views stupid, I said that the reason for you initially blocking me was stupid, because we were literally friendly the day before

12:45 Ghost
also, you need to stop assuming i'm insulting you, man.

12:45 Ghost
If I wanted to insult you, I'd do it directly

12:45 Skype Mic Test
You are though.

12:45 Skype Mic Test
Actually stop

12:45 Skype Mic Test
right there

12:45 Skype Mic Test
"because we were literally friendly the day before"

12:45 Skype Mic Test
Now, apply that to -now-

12:46 Ghost
yeah, we were super friendly those 2 months

12:46 Skype Mic Test
Why did you go from talking just fine to me a couple of days ago and suddenly just turn on me?

12:46 Ghost
I was talking to you then like I'm talking to you now

12:46 Ghost
I was talking to you like I talk to anyone

12:52 Ghost
did you get that last msg?

12:54 Skype Mic Test
Nah, last thing is what I said

12:54 Ghost
"I was talking to you then like I'm talking to you now"
Ghost, 19.04.2015 12:46

12:54 Ghost
"I was talking to you like I talk to anyone"
Ghost, 19.04.2015 12:46

12:54 Skype Mic Test
Oh, then yeah, you dint get mine then

12:54 Skype Mic Test
I said if you think so

12:55 Ghost
I actually re-read everything I said to you that day, several times

12:55 Ghost
our conversation wasn't very long

12:55 Skype Mic Test
I find it hard to swallow you have any friends if this is the way you talk to people.

12:55 Ghost
no one else seems to mind

12:55 Skype Mic Test
Alright then

12:55 Ghost
it's funny too, because I just had a talk with the head of a skype group I'm in

12:56 Ghost
I told him, I feel like my personality is just clashing, and that I don't fit in. I feel like maybe I'm not wanted

12:56 Ghost
he said "nah, everyone likes you. I'd be sad if you left, stick around, you're keeping it active"

12:56 Ghost
just talked things out with him, and everything was suddenly OK

12:58 Ghost
talking things out, telling people when you feel uncomfortable, or when you feel like youre a burden, just admitting you aren't sure, and then having someone reassure you, is a good feeling

12:58 Ghost
just being able to talk to people is fantastic

12:58 Ghost
I don't even know if you want that kind of environment, though

12:59 Ghost
I don't know if you want to be able to talk things out, or if you'd rather just sweep them under the rug and move on

12:59 Skype Mic Test
I tried to talk things out. You made it clear all you want is to end it.

13:00 Skype Mic Test
Also, good for you, you found eharmony.

13:00 Ghost
I guess if that's all you took from what I said

13:00 Ghost
no, I've known harmony for a while

13:00 Ghost
she's OK

13:00 Skype Mic Test
Heh, ok.

13:01 Ghost

13:01 Ghost
do you not like harmony, now?

13:03 Skype Mic Test
Never had a problem with her. But you know I wasnt talking about her.

13:03 Ghost
I didn't take you for the spiritual type

13:03 Ghost
"you finally found harmony"

13:04 Ghost
like, well ok

13:04 Ghost
I guess you could call it that

13:04 Skype Mic Test
I said eharmony.

13:04 Ghost
oh, an insult

13:04 Ghost

13:04 Skype Mic Test

13:04 Ghost
I guess talking to people like adults is the equivalent of a dating site...?

13:04 Ghost
I actually don't know what you meant by that either

13:05 Ghost
there are a plethora of things you could've used to be insulting instead, like "oh look you found adult daycare"

13:05 Ghost
or "that's right, everybody gets a medal!"

13:06 Skype Mic Test
eharmony was notorious for being a hippy love fest talk about your feelings dating site.

13:06 Skype Mic Test
The fact I had to explain this is just disappointing

13:06 Ghost
literally all I knew about it was that it was a dating site

13:06 Ghost
I don't visit dating sites..?

13:07 Ghost
I guess the oldschool would consider talking about your feelings to be "hippy"

13:07 Ghost
(see, that's a thinly veiled insult)

13:07 Skype Mic Test
Not nearly as thin as you think.

13:07 Ghost
I thought it was pretty obviously an insult

13:07 Ghost
calling you "oldschool"

13:08 Skype Mic Test
I'td be an insult if not for the fact I know I'm not.

13:08 Ghost
that's not what thinly veiled insult means

13:09 Skype Mic Test
Oh then do enlighten me

13:09 Ghost
it means the insult is thinly veiled, as in you can obviously tell its an insult, despite the veil covering it

13:11 Skype Mic Test
Well I guess you have a different meaning. Here its an insult said in such a way that know know its an insult, but you cant back it up beacuse of the context "No no you misunderstood, I didnt mean it like that, honest"

13:12 Ghost
weird, cultural differences are weird

13:15 Skype Mic Test

13:15 Ghost
That wasn't me insulting or dismissing you, that was sincere

13:15 Skype Mic Test
Thats why I shrugged.

13:16 Ghost
OK, was just making sure

13:20 Skype Mic Test
Well, i've spent my night, talking to someone whos lied to me for over ten years and I dont know who the ******** they are now. And you've managed to depress me. Its too late to get into anything now, and too early to sleep. So thanks for that. I still dont know why you couldnt just let s**t go. God damn.

13:20 Ghost
I did let s**t go.

13:21 Ghost
I just won't let someone walk all over me or my feelings

13:21 Ghost
I don't know why you couldn't just let the catbug s**t go, but there you go, 2 months

13:23 Skype Mic Test
My daughter > you.

13:23 Ghost
my dad > you

13:23 Ghost
glad we established that

13:25 Skype Mic Test

13:25 Skype Mic Test
Now stop bitching about how long it was.

13:25 Ghost
stop bitching about "letting it go" when you were the one who couldn't let things go to begin with.

13:25 Skype Mic Test
Uh.. lol?

13:26 Ghost
you wouldn't have blocked me if you could have let it go

13:26 Ghost
but you couldn't, and you did, and here we are

13:26 Skype Mic Test
Actually yes. That was me letting go. instead of blowing up in your face

13:26 Ghost
good, I'm glad you understand that I also let go instead of blowing up in your face

13:27 Ghost
and no, the 2 emails were not me blowing up in your face

13:27 Skype Mic Test

13:27 Ghost
if I blew up in your face, we wouldn't be talking right now

13:27 Skype Mic Test
You dont even hear the s**t coming out of your face, do you?

13:27 Ghost
Do you?

13:27 Ghost
I have never truly, honestly blown up at you.

13:28 Skype Mic Test
Fix that halo man, its got a slight lean.

13:28 Ghost
If I did, we would not be talking. I would have gone nuclear and used every insult, and every possible way I knew to hurt you just to make you suffer.

13:28 Ghost
I would have used every dirty underhanded thing I possibly knew about you

13:28 Ghost
but I didn't.

13:28 Skype Mic Test
You got s**t.

13:28 Skype Mic Test
Thats why you cant.

13:28 Ghost
I could have insulted your kids, for starters.

13:28 Ghost
I could have insulted your life, your country, everything

13:29 Ghost
You don't talk to someone for 10 years without getting to know them

13:29 Skype Mic Test

13:29 Skype Mic Test
Clearly you can

13:29 Skype Mic Test
You pulled of a nice deception

13:29 Ghost
I guess if you're oblivious

13:29 Ghost
you know about me, my mom, my dad

13:29 Ghost
you know about my issues, and the struggles i've dealt with growing up

13:30 Ghost
It always irritates me when people say "YOU COULDN'T ACTUALLY HURT ME, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!"

13:30 Skype Mic Test
Which could all be bullshit for all I know

13:30 Ghost
like, yes I could ********

13:30 Skype Mic Test
I mean, everything else about you turns out it is

13:30 Ghost
I could be a gigantic ******** douchenozzle if I wanted to, but I know better than that

13:30 Ghost
I'm not an angry 15 year old anymore

13:30 Skype Mic Test
You cant do s**t.

13:31 Skype Mic Test
You'll sit there at your computer and play e-chess with unimportant people

13:31 Ghost
that was one of the things I made up to protect your feelings, the e-chess

13:31 Ghost
also, I'm not talking about physically hurting you, don't be ridiculous

13:32 Ghost
I'm talking about using insults and what I know about you to insult you and hurt your feelings

13:32 Ghost
that's what "blowing up in your face" means

13:32 Ghost
gosh, I'm not sitting here thinking i'm a ******** cyber terrorist

13:32 Skype Mic Test
No one said you were

13:32 Ghost
I don't know why you mentioned echess then

13:33 Skype Mic Test
Beacuse thats the limit of anything you could possibly do

13:33 Skype Mic Test
say a few bad things about somone to another, throw some text insults

13:33 Skype Mic Test
Like, gosh

13:33 Skype Mic Test
please dont hurt me

13:33 Ghost
yeah, that's what blowing up in someone's face is

13:33 Skype Mic Test
Which you did

13:33 Ghost
which is why I said, if I actually blew up in your face? we wouldn't be talking right now

13:33 Skype Mic Test
in both emails

13:34 Ghost
actually no, that was me being frustrated and not wanting our friendship to die

13:34 Skype Mic Test

13:34 Skype Mic Test

13:34 Ghost
that was the pain you feel in a frostbitten limb before it turns black and dies

13:34 Ghost

13:34 Ghost
and then it turns black and falls off and that's how it goes

13:34 Skype Mic Test
Oh classic

13:35 Skype Mic Test
Tell me another one uncca dart

13:35 Ghost
I can tell you what I'm thinking right now

13:35 Ghost
"boy, I'm ******** tired. I have to go to work soon, ******** insomnia"

13:35 Ghost
"if someone punched me in the face, these teeth would shatter. I need more calcium in my diet"

13:35 Ghost
"milk is ******** poison"

13:36 Ghost
that's about it

13:36 Skype Mic Test
Well bully for you?

13:36 Ghost
I don't know what you wanted me to say?

13:37 Ghost
you literally just said "tell me another one uncca dart"

13:37 Ghost
I'm not a mind reader

13:37 Skype Mic Test
Thats the britt eqivilant of "cool story bro"

13:37 Ghost
I guess it sucks that i'm not a brit

13:37 Skype Mic Test
If you think.

13:38 Ghost
I do all the time

13:38 Skype Mic Test
Does it hurt?

13:38 Ghost
quite often actually

13:39 Skype Mic Test
yes, childish but couldnt resist that one <.<

13:39 Ghost
my mom's side of the family is prone to migraines

13:39 Skype Mic Test
Oh another condition you suffer from?

13:39 Skype Mic Test
let me add it to the list

13:39 Skype Mic Test
boy this thing is getting LONG

13:39 Ghost
it's something I've told you about in the past

13:40 Ghost
oh wait, you weren't listening

13:40 Ghost
of course you wouldn't know

13:40 Ghost
(I actually laughed at that, but I'm just being petty now)

13:40 Skype Mic Test
I do, just at this point I dont see the point in even trying to be civil. so i'm just throwing s**t out

13:41 Ghost
fair enough

13:41 Ghost
I'm sleep deprived so I just don't care right now, lol

13:41 Ghost
i'm sure you've noticed the degredation of my vocabulary

13:42 Skype Mic Test
awww nah you still dun be talking all those pretty words and suchin -spits-

13:42 Ghost
degredation is an elementary level word so..

13:43 Ghost
it means to degrade...

13:43 Skype Mic Test
-sigh- missed the- you know what thats fine

13:44 Ghost
I couldn't tell a difference, dohohoho~

13:44 Ghost
I'm actually not sure why you haven't blocked me yet, since you said you were going to ..

13:44 Ghost

13:44 Ghost
2-3 hours ago?

13:44 Ghost
so I'm just responding to you

13:44 Skype Mic Test
I said if thats what you wanted. To which I havent gotten an answer.

13:45 Ghost
I already told you I can't have what I want, so I'll just settle

13:45 Ghost
that's what always bothered me about ultimatums

13:45 Skype Mic Test
it was a question. not an ultimatum.

13:46 Ghost
"be my friend or i'm blocking you forever because ******** you"

13:46 Ghost
sec my jam

13:46 Skype Mic Test
No "be my friend unless you dont want that and I'll leave you alone"

13:46 Ghost

13:46 Ghost
I would like to be friends with you, but that's impossible

13:47 Ghost
mission impossible

13:47 Skype Mic Test
So you keep saying.

13:48 Skype Mic Test
And not explaining why

13:48 Ghost
I did

13:48 Ghost
you constantly use woman as an insult, for starters

13:48 Ghost
secondly, you dismiss my claims of my identity, and then get angry at me saying I lied to you for 10 years, which is pretty ******** hurtful I should say

13:48 Ghost
then you keep making fun of the fact that I want to talk things out, and talk about how I feel and why I feel that way

13:51 Skype Mic Test
A: never bothered you before. B: I dont have the right to be angry at you lying to me for 10 years?

13:51 Ghost
I wasn't angry at you for lying to me for 5 years

13:51 Skype Mic Test
And talk things out? all youve done is enforce you want it ended

13:51 Ghost
It did bother me before, too, I just never said anything

13:52 Skype Mic Test
Ah, I never lied

13:52 Skype Mic Test
I ommited

13:52 Ghost
I just chalked it up to "how you were raised"

13:52 Ghost
Yea, I never lited either

13:52 Ghost

13:52 Ghost
hell, I even ******** told you

13:52 Ghost
and you said "BS"

13:52 Skype Mic Test
That halo is slipping again

13:52 Ghost

13:52 Skype Mic Test
And you are SO full of s**t, if seen you call people a womman before

13:53 Skype Mic Test
Ive seen you make period jokes

13:53 Ghost
in your company? yeah

13:53 Ghost
at work, I deal with racist ********

13:53 Ghost
they make racist ******** jokes all the time, and I just smile and nod

13:53 Ghost
I can't change the world

13:53 Ghost
all I can do is change who I hang with

13:53 Ghost
I had been friends with you for so ******** long, that I just accepted it as a quirk

13:54 Ghost
like, it wasn't something big enough to end our friendship over

13:54 Skype Mic Test
Clearly it is though lol

13:54 Ghost
but now that our friendship ended, and you want to start anew? I'm being open about how I feel

13:54 Ghost
like that s**t bugs me

13:54 Ghost
it bugs the ******** out of me

13:56 Ghost
also, when you call me dumbass? that pisses me right the ******** off and makes me want to ditch you, I didn't even know it pissed me off until the first time you called me a dumbass when we were playing WoW and we were PVPing

13:56 Ghost
you said, "quiet, dumbass"

13:57 Ghost
pissed me off so ******** bad I almost logged off

13:57 Ghost
Also, as someone who "clearly doesn't want anything to do with you", I spent the few hours I have to sleep, talking to you

13:57 Ghost
I just got off work, and I have to go to work in a hour, and instead of sleeping like a sane person, I'm sitting here talking to you

13:58 Ghost
so I'm going to go to work tired as ******** and pretty ******** pissed.

13:58 Ghost
Clearly, though, I don't give two ******** about you, that's why I'm making so much effort, and clearly pointing out the problems I have, because nope, I don't care at all!

13:58 Ghost
If I didn't "care at all", I would've said "******** ya c**t" and blocked you. I wouldn't waste any time talking to you about anything.

13:58 Ghost

14:02 Skype Mic Test
making an effort huh.

14:03 Ghost

14:03 Skype Mic Test
Unless you mean trying to get under my skin for the kicks?

14:03 Skype Mic Test
Or trying to get me to back down?

14:04 Skype Mic Test
"Oh and by the way, Nicole and Sam on my facebook, are actual feminists,not tumblr ******** you should ask them if they think I'm misogynistic."
[Frost], 19.04.2015 13:55

14:04 Skype Mic Test
That didnt load properly

14:04 Ghost
do you talk to them like you talk to me?

14:04 Skype Mic Test

14:04 Ghost
I highly doubt that, lol

14:04 Skype Mic Test
Look through my facebook

14:04 Ghost
I can't.

14:05 Skype Mic Test
You go and spew that tumblr feminism at them <.<

14:05 Skype Mic Test
They'll ******** laugh at you

14:05 Ghost
Right, I'll go tell them "stop being a woman"

14:05 Ghost
"Do you need a tampon?"

14:05 Ghost

14:06 Skype Mic Test
I can tell you right now, they'll both laugh an ask what happened to your balls.

14:06 Ghost
you don't actually understand what I'm saying, do you?

14:06 Ghost
holy s**t lol

14:07 Ghost
I agree with your original sentiment, though. This really is an exercise in futility

14:07 Skype Mic Test
nope too stupid durdurdur

14:07 Ghost
I'll break it down for you

14:07 Ghost
using women as a derogatory term, or relating women to "bad" leads to the overall mindset that being a woman is bad.

14:08 Ghost
being a man is good, and everyone should aspire to be a man.

14:08 Skype Mic Test
I'm familar with tumblr feminism

14:08 Ghost
I'm not even a feminist, lol

14:08 Ghost
that's what's so sad.

14:08 Skype Mic Test
Yeah, you got that right

14:08 Ghost

14:09 Ghost
but I'm sure your "feminist friends" understand that

14:09 Ghost
actually, your "feminist friends" might not even be feminists!

14:09 Ghost
or, they might follow a different wave of feminism

14:09 Ghost
There's a very popular feminist, she was a gamergate supporter, I'll look her up in a second

14:09 Ghost
Essentially, she's a "feminist", who claims that women should stop complaining and just go back to the kitchen.

14:10 Skype Mic Test

14:11 Ghost

14:11 Ghost

14:12 Ghost
I don't know why you even brought this up to begin with, as it wasn't relevant to what I was saying?

14:12 Ghost
I said when you s**t talk women, it personally upsets me

14:12 Skype Mic Test
Oh well

14:12 Ghost
I agree, an excercise in futility.

14:13 Ghost
You just keep looking for excuses as to why I'm wrong, or as to why I'm making this so difficult for you, because you want me to just go back to the way things were

14:14 Skype Mic Test
Ah, no. I got that its not going back that way several hours ago

14:14 Skype Mic Test
I'm arguing with you like I would anyone one else.

14:15 Skype Mic Test
Just like you are

14:15 Ghost
Oh, then lets avoid strawman arguments

14:15 Skype Mic Test
Which is why im not even trying to not offend you

14:15 Ghost
You aren't offending me, which is actually a pretty nice change

14:16 Ghost
You stopped insulting me and you're treating me pretty decently

14:16 Skype Mic Test

14:16 Skype Mic Test
Says the guy that constantly rubbishes me in front of people for 10 years

14:16 Skype Mic Test
Doesnt really mean a lot to me

14:16 Ghost
I don't understand what you meant

14:16 Skype Mic Test
Oh well.

14:17 Ghost

14:18 Skype Mic Test
Anyway, I'm not changing how I have always been just beacuse you suddenly decide to change your

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