January 2020
[01/30/20 05:08pm] feeling down today
August 2019
[08/10/19 07:27pm] leans back in my chair
October 2018
[10/28/18 03:45pm] treading dangerously close to my old bullshit[10/20/18 02:07am] i know its just the depression[10/18/18 02:23pm] the sentiments of the last few years amuse me[10/18/18 10:18am] hard to believe that was last yr
May 2017
[05/28/17 06:28pm] when it fucking rains it pours
April 2017
[04/08/17 09:51pm] "this is why we can't talk as much"[04/05/17 02:34am] I get to be treated like the dog, yay[04/02/17 01:22pm] Literally so depressed I don't care anymore
March 2017
[03/21/17 08:34pm] can't keep doing this[03/20/17 10:59am] very lonely[03/19/17 01:16pm] How we end up alone[03/19/17 01:14pm] "leaving and not coming back"[03/10/17 12:49pm] can't stop laughing[03/09/17 05:57pm] fighting my paranoia[03/08/17 06:52pm] she's going to try to help me leave too[03/07/17 09:52pm] reminded of my execution[03/06/17 01:46pm] went into shock[03/03/17 03:02pm] I lost myself last night
February 2017
[02/25/17 09:48am] replaced[02/25/17 08:04am] shes leaving for sure[02/25/17 07:04am] might as well use this journal
October 2016
[10/17/16 09:13pm] so fucking done
September 2016
[09/27/16 02:06pm] she can't stand someone with a mentality like me
May 2016
[05/16/16 08:15am] ~
March 2016
[03/01/16 01:38pm] The boy from the sun (Lyrics)[03/01/16 04:14am] The coming curse (Lyrics)[03/01/16 04:01am] Like Fire (Lyrics)[03/01/16 03:53am] So you die (Lyrics)[03/01/16 02:15am] Good Luck (Lyrics)
February 2016
[02/29/16 03:31am] Lazy (Lyrics)[02/28/16 06:25pm] Rocketman (Lyrics)[02/27/16 07:13pm] The less they know, the better[02/27/16 11:33am] Misty (Lyrics)[02/26/16 06:11pm] Yours Forever (Lyrics)[02/26/16 12:00pm] Day by Day (Lyrics)[02/23/16 05:16pm] Wind (lyrics)[02/23/16 03:42am] reading about the death of a soulmate[02/23/16 03:32am] Days like today, I miss her more than ever[02/23/16 03:25am] First Heard Your Name (Lyrics)[02/23/16 02:41am] Guess she's hell bent on burning bridges[02/21/16 03:29pm] Ten Ton Brick (Lyrics)[02/21/16 03:03pm] Cold Inside (Lyrics)[02/21/16 12:37pm] Interesting[02/19/16 02:44pm] INTJ thing[02/19/16 02:08am] Fun with jess[02/18/16 01:59pm] OMG I'M GOING TO BE THE SINGLE FRIEND YES[02/14/16 12:43pm] Libido spikes[02/12/16 08:11am] more neptune + life talk[02/12/16 01:18am] Getting sick of this shit reaaaaaal quick[02/11/16 02:37am] "Icicle stomach feeling"[02/11/16 12:51am] Finishing up K-Sha & Noire's Arc[02/10/16 11:26pm] So the more tired I am, the lower my mental defens...[02/10/16 03:06pm] ugh a simple gesture[02/10/16 01:02pm] bleh, confused, I guess? not really[02/10/16 10:27am] OMG NEPTUNIA SO GOOD[02/09/16 01:22pm] going to burn me some bridges[02/09/16 09:15am] fascinating[02/09/16 12:28am] I really do wonder who reads these[02/08/16 11:54pm] Neptunia V2 OST Lyrics[02/08/16 11:30pm] 2D DOMINATION HAS BEGUN[02/08/16 10:33pm] Guess everyone got bored~[02/08/16 01:48pm] TRUTH BOMBSS[02/08/16 08:12am] This is still so beautiful[02/08/16 07:54am] concern[02/07/16 10:50pm] huh[02/06/16 11:33pm] Frost finally making moves on chloe[02/06/16 08:21am] got invited to a rave[02/06/16 03:06am] Tying up loose ends[02/06/16 02:30am] Curiosity [02/06/16 01:52am] I'm definitely investing in some good headphones soon[02/06/16 01:47am] The End (Lyrics)[02/06/16 12:52am] MAN THE TRUTH OF THIS PAGE[02/05/16 03:49pm] Ugghhh sick stomach feeling is back[02/05/16 03:42pm] Stress release[02/05/16 02:25pm] I won't lie, I'm sad the fantasy is gone[02/05/16 02:11pm] strawpoll[02/05/16 01:59pm] WHO THE FUCK IS READING THESE?![02/05/16 01:52pm] god damn that was an intense conversation[02/05/16 04:57am] I don't know what love is[02/05/16 03:40am] It's done.[02/05/16 03:24am] Very, very strong feelings[02/05/16 03:08am] "if it makes you happy"[02/05/16 01:13am] Ego sum terebravisse hoc mundo[02/05/16 01:00am] too angry to function[02/05/16 12:58am] I keep getting pissed off so[02/05/16 12:42am] Maybe I wasn't meant to [02/05/16 12:00am] another harmony dream[02/04/16 09:37pm] going back to bed[02/04/16 09:32pm] something new to get used to[02/04/16 09:11pm] Don't Leave (Lyrics)[02/04/16 08:56pm] details[02/04/16 08:40pm] hollow[02/04/16 03:32pm] well i dropped the knife on myself[02/04/16 03:29pm] not saying im happy with the outcome[02/04/16 03:25pm] god damn i'm dumb sometimes[02/04/16 03:06pm] "don't do anything you might regret"[02/04/16 02:36pm] Strangers (Lyrics)[02/04/16 12:20pm] Lose Myself (Lyrics)[02/04/16 10:00am] Poking around my past[02/03/16 02:12pm] trying to solve neenas riddle[02/03/16 06:07am] Danse Russe (Lyrics)[02/03/16 05:30am] The Footsteps of Dreams (Lyrics)[02/03/16 05:01am] the song of my life[02/03/16 04:57am] It's done[02/03/16 04:09am] might have to stop talking to harmony[02/03/16 02:57am] feel like i'm living a lie[02/03/16 01:13am] Dealing with chloes shit right now[02/03/16 12:14am] GIRL (Lyrics)[02/01/16 03:22am] May have gone too far this time[02/01/16 03:15am] "I hate your waifu shit"[02/01/16 02:26am] Paper Boats (Lyrics)[02/01/16 02:23am] Signals (Lyrics)[02/01/16 01:57am] I'm so fucking detached from reality
January 2016
[01/31/16 02:00am] I kind of want to burn everything away[01/28/16 02:58am] Deep thinking[01/12/16 10:43pm] Found out she cheated[01/08/16 09:22pm] She went to hondo, today
December 2015
[12/31/15 11:52pm] Recounting 2015 [12/10/15 03:46am] The hate is consuming me
November 2015
[11/01/15 11:06am] WE're broken up, and I didn't even know
October 2015
[10/23/15 06:08am] done for good. can't do this[10/20/15 10:49pm] She's become almost like a new person[10/13/15 08:29pm] Probably breaking up again, soon
August 2015
[08/27/15 02:39am] panic attack[08/21/15 02:37am] 3 days away from her has helped some[08/19/15 08:34am] Concerned about her.[08/18/15 10:23am] Not even mad, just annoyed[08/12/15 06:42pm] She went today.[08/11/15 09:35pm] IF THINGS DON'T FUCKING IMPROVE I'M DEAD[08/11/15 01:41pm] I got played like a fucking fiddle.[08/09/15 02:08pm] I almost cried when I came home[08/09/15 05:19am] time for the mask[08/09/15 01:18am] I don't like being right[08/01/15 10:34am] I feel light headed
July 2015
[07/31/15 10:21am] I started crying in my head[07/31/15 01:16am] She's already reaching her limit.[07/30/15 01:52pm] I hate feeling trapped.[07/29/15 10:53pm] I've made a lot of mistakes[07/28/15 10:58pm] *Sits*[07/26/15 01:28am] AND A FUCKING NOTHER THING[07/26/15 01:21am] royally fucking pissed
June 2015
[06/23/15 12:59pm] Trust [06/22/15 01:04am] "If we get back together"
May 2015
[05/31/15 09:35pm] 5/31/15, 6:45 AM[05/26/15 01:34pm] Who will come next[05/25/15 01:21pm] Right Now (Lyrics)[05/25/15 01:15pm] and its done. [05/25/15 01:10pm] she left skype logged on again[05/24/15 08:57pm] she left skyped logged on[05/24/15 12:58pm] gathering 85% complete[05/20/15 08:21am] gathering 60% complete[05/20/15 01:01am] gathering 45% complete[05/19/15 11:17pm] First heard your name[05/19/15 08:47pm] gathering 40% complete[05/19/15 09:25am] gathering 20% complete[05/19/15 08:57am] Gathering my thoughts[05/14/15 12:02am] I'm going to miss Chloe.[05/11/15 03:01pm] My best friend is hell bent on ditching me[05/10/15 02:07pm] Discussing deep shit with chloe
April 2015
[04/29/15 04:54am] Working with children in adult bodies is annoying.[04/28/15 11:12am] He apologized for the dad thing, atleast.[04/28/15 02:39am] Update again [04/21/15 08:49am] Rundown of the past few days/months[04/21/15 08:33am] FROST WAS RIGHT Q__Q[04/20/15 02:53pm] fuck text limits[04/20/15 02:51pm] skype logs part 3[04/20/15 02:49pm] skype logs part 2[04/20/15 02:41pm] Skype logs since the unblock part 1[04/20/15 02:36pm] General thoughts, aftermath.[04/20/15 02:29pm] General thoughts, aftermath.[04/20/15 02:19pm] hopefully gave him the clean break he wanted.[04/20/15 09:46am] he won't give up, OR improve[04/18/15 03:19pm] It's over. [04/17/15 11:01am] Don't understanddd she must have told me a lieee~ [04/11/15 03:32am] rofl what a fool[04/09/15 06:54am] another update[04/05/15 04:29am] Better make a formal post
January 2015
[01/15/15 02:42am] Man, fuck me over TWICE?[01/07/15 02:56am] Things are getting better[01/01/15 05:28am] I don't understand a damn thing[01/01/15 01:10am] nope still can't drink[01/01/15 12:32am] new year starting like shit
December 2014
[12/31/14 01:05am] I've become Pavlov's Dog, metaphorically[12/29/14 05:19am] chance meeting[12/28/14 01:00pm] GOOD DAY WITH sad undertones[12/27/14 12:23am] I don't know how to make friends anymore..[12/03/14 07:36pm] Thanks for twisting the knife.
November 2014
[11/23/14 01:44pm] My own prison[11/23/14 01:22pm] Why am I doing this to myself[11/23/14 12:54pm] Not really tired, idk.[11/22/14 10:29am] Losing everything, hilariously
July 2014
[07/16/14 03:24am] Pretty good week!
June 2014
[06/10/14 02:10pm] It's really over. [06/06/14 01:56am] End of a friendship, I guess.
April 2014
[04/09/14 01:52pm] Kinda wish she'd just fucking leave me already. :/
February 2014
[02/27/14 12:57am] Going to go back to not giving a fuck[02/24/14 10:45pm] Really getting the shits.[02/24/14 09:29pm] Trying to avoid being swallowed by debt
December 2013
[12/20/13 07:50pm] "Rikkful"
November 2013
[11/11/13 12:49pm] Pissed the fuck off
September 2013
[09/20/13 01:41am] Now he fucked up big time.[09/19/13 01:03pm] Got rid of Red.[09/19/13 03:45am] Another beautiful day.[09/18/13 02:50pm] Wonderful fucking week!
October 2012
[10/30/12 03:57am] :/ these feels.
July 2012
[07/11/12 01:38am] depressionnn
June 2012
[06/11/12 07:46am] I suppose things are the way they were meant to be
May 2012
[05/14/12 12:20am] Let today get to me[05/10/12 05:52pm] Ready to eat a bullet
March 2012
[03/19/12 05:20am] stressed out :/
February 2012
[02/24/12 11:59pm] so fucking stressed i feel like crying[02/24/12 02:26am] Fuck this shitty house.[02/16/12 12:33am] Back to the grind
January 2012
[01/23/12 06:05am] just plain fucked[01/17/12 12:11am] Maybe my dreams a prophetic? [01/12/12 05:22pm] another losing chloe dream
December 2011
[12/26/11 05:07pm] My dreams are very important to me[12/24/11 10:59pm] "Dream" dejavu[12/17/11 07:44pm] Sad and alone.[12/13/11 02:18am] IF she wants to find someone else, let her.[12/08/11 04:10am] ARG (videogame related) [12/02/11 11:21pm] Stress and worries
September 2011
[09/16/11 11:34pm] Pretty tired of getting cut off :/[09/10/11 06:12pm] (Honestly) Considering moving back to TX.
August 2011
[08/17/11 02:41am] Ridiculously sick of everything atm[08/01/11 09:59pm] Don't know what's going on
July 2011
[07/15/11 11:14pm] So her living in a dorm[07/12/11 05:52pm] Maybe she needs to live alone.[07/10/11 10:07pm] Chloe: You can read this when I think you're ready[07/08/11 07:27pm] =__= another life change coming up?
June 2011
[06/28/11 06:25pm] People are retarded.[06/12/11 03:04am] also, fuck people.[06/12/11 02:37am] adsfghjkl[06/09/11 03:24am] aaaaaeeeeeeeerrrrrrrfffffffff
May 2011
[05/18/11 10:34pm] It was worth a try.[05/18/11 07:17pm] Balancing out the bad with the good[05/05/11 03:44am] asdf
April 2011
[04/19/11 08:31pm] FUCK TODAY IS SHITTY[04/18/11 11:18pm] wtf[04/18/11 11:17pm] Meh[04/11/11 01:49am] Can't cry this time[04/10/11 10:17pm] Fucking spoiled brat.[04/07/11 07:46pm] trying to stay calm~[04/01/11 02:25am] well whatever.
March 2011
[03/29/11 02:43am] fuck this[03/22/11 09:27pm] trying to not yell[03/14/11 10:25pm] Trying to make the best of it.[03/14/11 08:19pm] meh.[03/11/11 06:43am] just posting..[03/02/11 03:12am] bluh
February 2011
[02/23/11 07:40pm] ...[02/20/11 11:27pm] = =[02/19/11 04:04am] stfu[02/15/11 10:45pm] well[02/10/11 07:35am] venting
January 2011
[01/23/11 09:40pm] eh.. [01/14/11 07:53am] moved~[01/05/11 02:17am] what the fuck ever.[01/01/11 10:31pm] meh, i can never do anything right
December 2010
[12/27/10 05:45am] Update just for the sake of updating~[12/21/10 04:57am] eh[12/21/10 02:33am] lsjdfadf[12/18/10 05:38am] llflfl[12/18/10 05:36am] i'm hungryy[12/16/10 05:02pm] First day of apt hunting~[12/08/10 11:27am] LEGO[12/04/10 12:59pm] First time in a long time[12/02/10 08:06am] Actually.. really happy.
November 2010
[11/29/10 04:43am] Mad World[11/21/10 05:59am] The world is fucking crazy.[11/14/10 07:34pm] dream within a dream[11/13/10 05:14am] I wish I could live for you.[11/06/10 06:29am] sleepy day[11/02/10 09:15am] I am strong.[11/02/10 07:05am] o o
October 2010
[10/30/10 09:53am] -shrug-[10/13/10 06:28am] Better[10/09/10 02:31pm] Dream
September 2010
[09/28/10 05:04am] Glad she doesn't read these[09/28/10 03:31am] ^ ^[09/27/10 06:34am] Blarghty[09/20/10 11:48pm] meh.[09/19/10 08:48pm] Ugh.[09/16/10 07:14am] bleh[09/11/10 08:48am] Meh.[09/08/10 12:12am] Moving soon..[09/05/10 01:58am] Blarg.. [09/04/10 12:30am] =/[09/03/10 09:06am] I want to fade.
August 2010
[08/27/10 01:30am] OKAY... [08/26/10 09:34pm] aww.. lol[08/25/10 12:11am] fuck my phone = =[08/23/10 05:32pm] =___=[08/21/10 07:44am] Fuck fuck fuck[08/18/10 08:27am] No excuse.[08/17/10 08:26am] Starting a new chapter soon[08/04/10 01:20am] don't want anyone[08/01/10 10:29pm] Maybe I won't move then.[08/01/10 02:39am] sign? Or coincidence...
July 2010
[07/31/10 07:48pm] eh.. meh.. [07/31/10 12:39pm] we're so much alike sometimes[07/31/10 02:30am] I'm stupid. x__x[07/30/10 04:49am] Lydis timeline[07/23/10 05:17pm] too fucking forgiving.[07/22/10 10:43pm] Meh.. [07/19/10 06:42pm] wooo[07/19/10 01:31pm] My heart is closed tightly.. [07/16/10 07:22pm] Something bad is going to happen today.[07/12/10 09:26am] caffeine od[07/11/10 06:53pm] blah blah lonely day blah blah[07/11/10 04:59pm] fucked up dream[07/11/10 09:14am] she has done[07/09/10 06:30pm] Hello, darkness, my old friend.[07/06/10 06:47pm] Made it through.. gotta stay strong.[07/05/10 08:57pm] E-Will[07/05/10 07:59pm] Angels (lyrics)[07/05/10 07:48pm] Just a thought (Lyrics)[07/05/10 07:43pm] oh, thats why i felt shitty[07/05/10 03:43am] Why do I feel this way?[07/04/10 05:44pm] Sleepy.. [07/04/10 03:20am] x.x;;[07/03/10 11:41pm] What the hell (good vibes)
June 2010
[06/25/10 09:12pm] wow. o o[06/25/10 06:26pm] dont know how much longer i can take it[06/25/10 04:31pm] Time to use this power o mine~[06/24/10 05:22pm] updated journal entry[06/24/10 05:10am] Faith[06/23/10 07:30am] x x[06/22/10 01:30am] @ @[06/21/10 05:51pm] Plan B[06/21/10 04:40pm] Don't care anymore.[06/21/10 07:20am] -stares at the moon-[06/20/10 08:44pm] ...[06/20/10 06:00am] blech.[06/20/10 02:10am] Rain (Lyrics)[06/20/10 02:08am] not a friend in the world[06/20/10 01:32am] meh.. what the hell[06/18/10 06:06am] *yawn*[06/12/10 07:55am] Staring at my phone.[06/12/10 06:20am] My mood is crap.[06/08/10 02:48am] *SNAP*[06/08/10 02:33am] Meh...[06/07/10 08:40pm] A-Kon changed me[06/02/10 01:04pm] My dad = Chloe's mom
May 2010
[05/30/10 05:52pm] Gonna have fun[05/30/10 03:49am] CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE[05/30/10 02:55am] I need to invest in good headphones.[05/29/10 10:16pm] X[05/27/10 02:20pm] Story Sample[05/27/10 12:20am] "With all you did nothing has changed"[05/26/10 09:35am] Sleepy, positive feeling.[05/26/10 04:29am] Work Sched 26th - 1st[05/24/10 08:54pm] *throws phone at wall*[05/24/10 09:35am] What about my party side[05/23/10 01:35pm] everything is so.. weird[05/21/10 03:36am] Just postin'.. [05/21/10 03:29am] *hugs journal*[05/19/10 01:32am] Happiness is all that matters..[05/19/10 01:27am] With everything that's changed..[05/17/10 08:47pm] UGH FUCKING REALLY[05/15/10 07:46pm] Worrying about important stupid things[05/11/10 05:19pm] -snuggles pillow-[05/09/10 12:50pm] Did a lot of thinking x x[05/07/10 09:46pm] sleep is good...[05/05/10 10:22pm] I miss the old days..[05/05/10 09:34pm] Grandpa just died.[05/05/10 06:45pm] : )[05/05/10 12:41pm] she got in, dragged me out..[05/05/10 10:07am] She won't stop banging, screaming[05/05/10 07:33am] -crawls into hole-[05/04/10 03:02am] My heart yearns for her..[05/03/10 07:03am] Faith..[05/03/10 03:22am] Sat in the shower, let the water wash over my brain..[05/02/10 07:00am] x x life is good.[05/01/10 08:46pm] I made life harder on everyone..[05/01/10 12:27pm] x x[05/01/10 03:00am] Chloe just left.
April 2010
[04/27/10 01:36pm] It's falling off D:[04/27/10 10:01am] Its all coming back[04/26/10 08:33pm] we've cleared the air..[04/26/10 12:54am] *Stares at Phone*[04/25/10 05:22am] Soon (update)[04/24/10 10:28am] Going to give her my spare panda[04/24/10 03:05am] ^ ^[04/22/10 11:03pm] -it splits down the middle, and falls away-[04/22/10 10:26am] -her porcelain mask hits the ground-[04/20/10 10:20pm] Broken (Lyrics) ((Gorillaz))[04/20/10 09:54pm] Rhinestone Eyes (lyrics)[04/16/10 02:25am] Few more months, just a few more months.. [04/15/10 06:56pm] Music.[04/15/10 04:30am] Dont want to be friends anymore[04/14/10 05:31am] I love her.[04/13/10 08:27am] Tommorow will be a better day.[04/13/10 07:25am] Naive [04/12/10 06:51am] -sigh- urgh[04/11/10 04:59am] I'm so tired of being dissapointed.[04/10/10 07:15pm] iPhone[04/08/10 09:48pm] -facepalm-[04/08/10 01:20pm] 6am rant[04/08/10 01:06pm] Work Journal #whatev - April[04/08/10 12:59pm] Work Journal # DONT CARE - April[04/08/10 03:27am] SO. FML.[04/08/10 03:07am] very interesting[04/08/10 01:56am] Lonely Day (Lyrics..kinda.)[04/07/10 09:43pm] My camera is becoming my bestie[04/07/10 05:45pm] blah dream[04/06/10 07:12am] she's perfect x x[04/06/10 04:59am] Just another day in hell.[04/04/10 09:15pm] ehhhhhh dying[04/03/10 12:24pm] Work Journal #1 - April[04/02/10 07:31pm] -stares at the sky-[04/02/10 08:18am] sleepy.. everything is gonna be ok[04/01/10 01:07pm] scared
March 2010
[03/31/10 10:02pm] she's doing so well...[03/30/10 02:31am] I love her, I love her[03/29/10 07:08pm] fucked up dream..[03/29/10 08:07am] ----[03/29/10 12:53am] She runs away (lyrics)[03/27/10 09:12pm] may be moving sooner than I thought..[03/25/10 07:32pm] -sigh-[03/25/10 05:43pm] Barely Breathing (Lyrics)[03/25/10 08:31am] neena is still mad xx [03/25/10 02:52am] I hope she dies first.. [03/24/10 12:52pm] 6am rant.. [03/24/10 03:03am] -[03/23/10 01:19pm] another happy post >.<[03/23/10 02:43am] SO HAPPY ><[03/22/10 09:34am] Life is getting better, piece by piece.. [03/20/10 01:20pm] o__o[03/20/10 12:50pm] The storm will pass..[03/19/10 01:07pm] HAPPY.[03/19/10 12:55pm] Work Journal #4 - March[03/19/10 01:17am] havent felt this way in a while..[03/19/10 12:50am] this is just a rough patch..[03/18/10 08:07pm] Pokemon stuffs >.>[03/18/10 07:56pm] I'll be strong.[03/18/10 07:33pm] Hmmm..Lilith help us.. [03/18/10 03:36pm] The talk last night..[03/17/10 07:45pm] Lilith is warm.[03/17/10 06:11pm] FUCK.. what the fuck do I do[03/17/10 01:03pm] one hell of a night[03/16/10 06:47pm] I'm so happy that i'm not crazy x.x[03/16/10 06:30pm] Random venting[03/16/10 05:58pm] I feel better..[03/16/10 04:50pm] It's going to take me some time..[03/16/10 03:51pm] But when she's gone..[03/16/10 03:43pm] Hm.. [03/16/10 03:33pm] Had a serious talk with chloe.[03/16/10 12:57pm] Work Journal #2 - March[03/16/10 12:49pm] Work Journal #1 - March[03/15/10 10:11pm] ...[03/15/10 09:53pm] Happy as hell X3[03/15/10 09:24pm] hurt feelings (whats new?)[03/15/10 01:36pm] emotions are back.[03/15/10 12:39pm] Well (Lyrics)[03/15/10 11:29am] Sleeping is becoming impossible..[03/15/10 11:14am] I'm starting to hate waking up..[03/15/10 06:06am] my eyes only 3[03/15/10 06:00am] Finally got to talk to chloe[03/15/10 01:03am] my eyes only 2[03/14/10 11:06pm] my eyes only[03/14/10 11:04pm] I dunno. [03/14/10 09:17pm] It's a good thing when I get upset.[03/14/10 09:11pm] Scary..[03/14/10 08:18pm] Okay. I decided something.[03/14/10 11:26am] hm.[03/13/10 11:25pm] My life is so wishy washy..[03/12/10 12:56pm] DAMNN HERRR[03/11/10 07:33am] As creepy as this sounds..[03/10/10 01:38pm] feeling detached.. [03/07/10 03:48am] too happy[03/05/10 06:45am] April 30 x x[03/05/10 01:08am] sometimes I wonder why I bother.[03/04/10 03:20am] The light before we land[03/04/10 03:17am] randomly emo[03/03/10 12:42pm] SO HAPPY [03/02/10 12:54pm] lol she still wont say it![03/02/10 02:11am] encoded post[03/01/10 01:49am] <.<.. meh.
February 2010
[02/28/10 07:00am] lmao >.>[02/27/10 07:45pm] Neena is ridiculous x x[02/25/10 12:53pm] drama drama drama[02/23/10 03:05am] drama abortion[02/23/10 01:31am] jsdfjka UGH!![02/22/10 02:00pm] i hate condoms[02/22/10 01:03am] stupid stupid girl..[02/22/10 12:07am] w/e = ='[02/21/10 11:56pm] she blocked me = =[02/21/10 11:51pm] I was too harsh[02/21/10 08:51pm] STILL tired [02/21/10 07:34pm] tired[02/21/10 12:22pm] 2:04 AM - Short work journal[02/19/10 01:39pm] going to sleep, feeling better..[02/18/10 12:59pm] x x[02/17/10 10:56pm] healing..[02/17/10 05:02am] -sigh- she butchered the atmosphere.[02/16/10 11:59pm] o o chloe is prob. moving to cali[02/16/10 01:46pm] last night was a great night[02/16/10 03:31am] <__< if chloe goes les.. [02/15/10 04:53am] staying optimistic.. [02/14/10 10:45am] AWH <33[02/14/10 05:13am] ridiculously happy x x[02/13/10 07:16pm] weird.. everything is so soft[02/13/10 06:00pm] Zero (Lyrics)[02/13/10 05:28pm] this is disgusting[02/13/10 10:30am] Mmkay. (Calm)[02/13/10 08:26am] sitting in the room, looking out the window[02/13/10 03:23am] Fuck this.[02/12/10 10:57pm] bad idea[02/12/10 10:51am] v-day is going to suck[02/12/10 10:03am] I know what I did wrong[02/12/10 05:19am] Almost fucked up.. almost..[02/12/10 04:45am] It's not over (Lyrics)[02/12/10 04:38am] 2:35 PM - Work Journal[02/11/10 01:11pm] Relationship/Break up advice for future guys[02/11/10 12:41pm] this will fall on deaf ears.. ((Open Arms - Lyrics))[02/11/10 12:23pm] idkkkkkkkk[02/11/10 05:10am] This love (Lyrics)[02/10/10 01:07pm] lol >.< I'm amused[02/10/10 12:33pm] #5 -- 4:20 AM -- Venting[02/10/10 12:27pm] #4 -- Recap[02/10/10 12:26pm] #3 -- 2:05 AM[02/10/10 12:19pm] #2 -- 12:15AM[02/10/10 12:13pm] #1 -- 11:15PM[02/10/10 02:58am] long rant[02/10/10 12:39am] Lovesong (Lyrics)[02/10/10 12:24am] let neena out[02/09/10 11:57pm] something i want to say[02/09/10 11:30pm] She fucking hates me (Lyrics)[02/09/10 11:00pm] new plans.[02/09/10 10:56pm] meh..w/e[02/09/10 12:43pm] 6am rant[02/09/10 02:52am] I gotta feeling (lyrics)[02/09/10 02:42am] explanations[02/09/10 01:10am] Liar (Lyrics)[02/09/10 12:10am] Throwin' down (lyrics)[02/08/10 10:41pm] ugh god i'm so blah (update)[02/08/10 01:15pm] lol gonna break up with her[02/08/10 01:02pm] LOL OMFG THIS IS HILARIOUS[02/08/10 12:54pm] lol kiwi pwns[02/08/10 12:40pm] may lock neena away[02/08/10 12:38pm] angst[02/08/10 03:52am] ugh![02/08/10 01:14am] Sweet Delilah (Lyrics)[02/08/10 01:11am] want to run away....[02/08/10 01:06am] about lyrics[02/08/10 12:04am] Still (Lyrics)[02/08/10 12:01am] Prob wont' get a chance to talk to chloe[02/07/10 12:19pm] x__x[02/06/10 12:33pm] idk anything[02/02/10 01:17pm] omg chloe is so perfect xx
January 2010
[01/31/10 11:33pm] quick post[01/25/10 01:03am] Vermillion Pt. 2 (Lyrics)[01/24/10 12:42pm] 6am rant[01/22/10 03:28am] discussion:[01/22/10 01:45am] enjoying this moment[01/22/10 12:43am] things wrong in life[01/22/10 12:36am] Worries[01/22/10 12:28am] I hope she stays strong..[01/21/10 02:55am] Work Sched this week[01/20/10 12:15pm] some stuff about work and chloe[01/20/10 02:50am] Got Jealous (lyrics)[01/18/10 03:26am] Hemorrhage (Lyrics)[01/18/10 02:26am] Clingy, needy .__.[01/18/10 01:35am] I'm in a bad mood[01/15/10 11:39pm] next few entries may be private[01/15/10 11:32pm] Feel bad for chloe.. [01/15/10 01:16pm] Work sched~~[01/14/10 12:25pm] 6am rant~~[01/13/10 12:35pm] ok, gonna rant~ (6am rant)[01/13/10 12:24pm] Original rant gone.[01/13/10 01:46am] feel like shit[01/12/10 01:11pm] Ok, taking off the mask.[01/12/10 03:33am] work sched this week[01/11/10 09:01pm] adieu..[01/11/10 08:53pm] give up[01/11/10 12:47pm] 6am mega rant[01/11/10 12:48am] = ='..ffs[01/10/10 09:31am] Good day[01/08/10 08:35am] Posting this because chloe's asleep XP[01/06/10 01:55am] Want to be left alone..[01/05/10 11:11pm] My own prison (lyrics)[01/05/10 09:13pm] lots to update..[01/05/10 12:19am] Work Sched.[01/04/10 12:28pm] 6am rant[01/03/10 07:40am] sleepy, long rant[01/03/10 05:07am] idk, secret[01/02/10 09:39pm] Chloe is the best thing that happened to me[01/01/10 11:24am] Status update![01/01/10 11:05am] Stance on drugs~[01/01/10 09:16am] Brown Eyes (Lyrics)[01/01/10 09:14am] Hurt..[01/01/10 08:30am] Gonna stop lying to myself.[01/01/10 06:54am] Everybody's Fool[01/01/10 03:53am] Feeling down.[01/01/10 03:19am] Half the man I used to be (Lyrics)
December 2009
[12/31/09 10:11am] /sigh[12/31/09 07:29am] Is she the one..?[12/31/09 07:23am] meh..[12/28/09 08:04pm] o.0[12/28/09 06:44am] I'm a clueless uke[12/27/09 12:24pm] Idk .. another tired rant[12/27/09 02:42am] you know whats fucked up[12/27/09 02:35am] w/e mood[12/26/09 11:23pm] Pissed~[12/23/09 07:52pm] summore stuffs[12/20/09 12:40pm] LOTS of stuff..rl and all[12/11/09 09:59am] everything is ok[12/08/09 07:27am] Sched Dec. 09 - Dec. 15[12/07/09 04:21am] Doing some honest thinking[12/06/09 08:42am] lol[12/03/09 03:33am] Schedule Dec. 02 - Dec. 09[12/03/09 12:31am] Annoyed @ work.[12/01/09 02:51am] Saving all my love for you (Lyrics)[12/01/09 01:37am] No more spending money~[12/01/09 12:31am] Anxiety 'bout Work[12/01/09 12:22am] Dreading work tonight
November 2009
[11/30/09 10:37pm] Feel better after sleeping[11/30/09 05:16pm] Can't sleep[11/30/09 05:05pm] This is so strange..[11/30/09 04:31pm] Chloe doesn't love me anymore..[11/25/09 11:13pm] Dad being a baby -___-[11/23/09 10:54pm] WORK SCHED[11/23/09 10:37pm] blah moment[11/21/09 02:05am] @__@[11/13/09 12:31pm] Got my check, etc.[11/12/09 07:16pm] Work tonight too.. bah[11/12/09 02:51am] Hybrid Rainbows..[11/10/09 05:58pm] Work Sched. 11/11 - 11/17[11/09/09 03:04am] SO HAPPY (also nervous D: )[11/08/09 10:52pm] Talk (Lyrics, PERFECT SONG)[11/08/09 10:37pm] Tear away (Lyrics)[11/08/09 09:18pm] Mayday (Lyrics)[11/08/09 08:27pm] Chloe might go on a date[11/08/09 07:35pm] Hearts are rock, Love is a river.[11/08/09 04:31pm] Work talk + happiness[11/07/09 05:10pm] ehhhhh.....[11/06/09 10:33pm] Last night.. was.. perfect.[11/05/09 03:39am] xxx[11/05/09 02:21am] The Happy Song (Lyrics)[11/05/09 02:11am] Not going to sleep much friday.[11/05/09 12:03am] Adonis (Lyrics)[11/04/09 11:58pm] Portrait (Lyrics)[11/04/09 08:51pm] Work Schedule[11/04/09 04:52am] Forgotten Love (Lyrics)[11/04/09 03:33am] Life[11/03/09 05:27pm] doing things with dad[11/03/09 04:44pm] Status Report #001[11/03/09 12:55pm] I am being pushed away from.[11/03/09 12:36pm] woke up wanted to cry[11/03/09 05:13am] pissed again[11/03/09 05:06am] Almost Human (Lyrics)[11/03/09 04:48am] I've managed![11/03/09 03:58am] Temporary resident being..[11/03/09 03:47am] Forfeiting my life.[11/03/09 03:34am] Blocked her and her friend.[11/03/09 03:29am] Pissed off.[11/03/09 02:01am] Relationship is dead. Friends now.[11/03/09 01:10am] Breathe (Lyrics)[11/03/09 12:56am] crying[11/03/09 12:28am] story of my life lol[11/02/09 11:28pm] back at the house with mel[11/02/09 09:54pm] hanging with mel[11/02/09 08:01pm] trufax[11/02/09 07:09pm] Fish tale[11/02/09 06:52pm] Mermaid Fishin[11/02/09 06:18pm] aaaaaaaaand I'm over it.[11/02/09 06:11pm] nothing important..[11/02/09 05:59pm] -IF- Things don't work out...[11/02/09 05:40pm] Left offline messages.. final try[11/02/09 03:08pm] Got a job[11/02/09 07:28am] Sleeping on it.[11/02/09 02:15am] finally calmed down.. [11/02/09 01:31am] hate my life, fucking hate it[11/02/09 01:23am] single.. hate my life[11/01/09 06:31pm] don't know how she does it[11/01/09 07:32am] why does being alone hurt
October 2009
[10/30/09 06:50pm] Oddly alone feeling...[10/30/09 05:33pm] Weird dream (another)[10/29/09 01:28pm] JOB[10/28/09 08:06pm] don't know anymore[10/28/09 05:09pm] weird dream[10/28/09 05:38am] 7,[10/27/09 06:29am] lifes a bitch[10/24/09 08:54am] thoughts[10/22/09 08:48pm] Legitimate annoyance~[10/21/09 07:15pm] What am I doing..?[10/21/09 06:29pm] Note from mom...[10/20/09 12:52am] Very worried.[10/20/09 12:07am] hyperactive, ugh[10/19/09 08:16pm] Huh..[10/19/09 07:25pm] Lonely day (Lyrics)[10/19/09 07:01pm] She needs a friend..[10/19/09 06:54pm] Creep (Lyrics)[10/19/09 05:21pm] Secret Journal.[10/19/09 05:19pm] Am I going crazy?![10/19/09 04:56pm] Lost my emotions..?[10/19/09 06:59am] Making plans with my new buddy[10/19/09 04:44am] hate yuu so much[10/19/09 04:11am] I'm a fucking jackass, and I hate myself[10/18/09 09:01pm] cant take it anymore[10/18/09 07:29pm] worried[10/17/09 05:05am] OMG, TODAY, PWNS.[10/16/09 11:04pm] hurr durr[10/16/09 09:34pm] Curse you brain![10/16/09 12:59pm] 6:39 AM[10/16/09 05:34am] Choe's goin to a rave[10/15/09 11:04pm] In love and Lonely (Lyrics) (I wanna sing it to her)[10/15/09 07:50pm] This journal is addicting, lol[10/15/09 07:18pm] If I'm happy, I shouldn't sweat the small stuff..[10/15/09 07:09pm] What is love?[10/15/09 05:51pm] Had a bit of trouble sleeping[10/15/09 07:23am] Hmm~~~[10/15/09 03:16am] Chillin'~[10/14/09 08:02pm] o__o ok~![10/13/09 09:18pm] Being single isn't so bad.[10/13/09 06:47pm] Just got out of the shower.[10/13/09 01:55am] I... dunno.[10/12/09 11:13pm] The death of all the romance (Lyrics)[10/12/09 10:39pm] Believe (Lyrics) ((Pretty much my mood atm))[10/12/09 09:27pm] Why does life have to be so complicated?[10/12/09 09:08pm] Should I stay or Should I go? (Lyrics)[10/12/09 09:15am] Sonofa[10/12/09 04:47am] Goodbye (Lyrics)[10/12/09 03:10am] Stay with me (Lyrics)[10/12/09 02:33am] Getting comfortable being single.[10/11/09 07:11pm] So clear, yet I can't see..[10/11/09 05:47pm] Kinda sucks, that I can't control others[10/11/09 06:39am] Random moment of weakness..[10/11/09 04:59am] Poor Chloe...[10/11/09 04:35am] Survivor (Lyrics)[10/10/09 11:30pm] This much fun (Lyrics)[10/10/09 10:49pm] Bummer (Lyrics)[10/10/09 10:39pm] How it's going to play out[10/10/09 10:33pm] Cry me a river (Lyrics)[10/10/09 10:25pm] Hmmmmmm...[10/10/09 09:41pm] I guess it was her way of dumping me[10/10/09 08:14pm] Kinda weird being single.[10/10/09 05:07am] Looking through past entries[10/10/09 04:56am] I lol'd, IRONY!![10/10/09 03:01am] private (chloe no reading)[10/10/09 01:28am] argh, that's cruel[10/09/09 11:42pm] I will survive (Lyrics)[10/09/09 09:14pm] 'nother thought[10/09/09 08:44pm] Journal = new best friend[10/09/09 08:35pm] Temporarily Single[10/09/09 03:42pm] feeling blah[10/09/09 04:01am] not important, heh[10/09/09 03:18am] mood swings &wonder[10/09/09 02:12am] semi-bad mood[10/08/09 05:09pm] mid morning journal entry o o[10/08/09 07:10am] x x[10/08/09 05:52am] Twitter[10/07/09 06:32am] Duvet (Lyrics)[10/05/09 08:04am] this sums me up perfectly[10/05/09 06:16am] reminded[10/04/09 12:53am] Goin' Crazy~~[10/02/09 02:33am] today sucks
September 2009
[09/30/09 03:51am] butterfingers[09/25/09 07:52am] The Footsteps of Dreams (Lyrics)[09/25/09 07:46am] 1:36 am[09/24/09 11:27pm] pissed off[09/20/09 12:33am] November Rain (lyrics)[09/20/09 12:03am] blah day[09/19/09 05:06am] dunno nothing n'more[09/15/09 07:48pm] new hope[09/14/09 08:51pm] -sigh- .__.[09/14/09 03:25am] random frustration, venting[09/13/09 11:26pm] pondering (pt2)[09/13/09 11:21pm] pondering (pt1)[09/13/09 04:58pm] being randomly blah XP[09/13/09 07:46am] XP somewhat blah ish right now[09/11/09 07:21pm] Pissed off[09/11/09 12:19am] idea for story[09/10/09 02:51am] damn jobs are hard to find.. [09/08/09 01:38am] hum de doo[09/02/09 09:16pm] New job opening...?[09/02/09 06:20pm] dissapointment, possible positive[09/02/09 05:51am] growing up sucks..[09/01/09 01:39am] I wasn't strong enough...
August 2009
[08/31/09 03:42am] fha;dfj LOL!![08/23/09 01:09am] everything is good, like pwns[08/21/09 09:41pm] Like a Killer (Lyrics)[08/21/09 08:31pm] Must be dreaming (Lyrics)[08/21/09 08:00am] The Labyrinth Inside my eyes (Lyrics)[08/21/09 07:40am] Hear me out (Lyrics)[08/21/09 06:48am] why i'm in the wrong about trust[08/21/09 05:59am] semi-breakdown?[08/21/09 04:35am] Major Realization[08/21/09 04:33am] what does trust mean[08/21/09 04:14am] fucking trust issues[08/20/09 08:28pm] Game watch list[08/20/09 02:35am] odd[08/20/09 02:17am] Danger (Lyrics) ((How Im feeling))[08/20/09 01:03am] Summer Rain (Lyrics)[08/20/09 12:14am] Let it Go (Lyrics)[08/19/09 02:04am] hm... actually[08/19/09 02:01am] XP waiting game[08/18/09 03:49am] really going to do it, shit ><;;;[08/18/09 02:56am] I've sure been acting strange, huh XP[08/17/09 09:32pm] El Manana[08/17/09 09:19pm] Very.. somber mood.[08/17/09 07:35am] Deep thinkin'.[08/16/09 07:53am] Why the fuck not?[08/15/09 09:10pm] trouble coping[08/14/09 09:17pm] Over it.[08/14/09 05:07pm] The deep end[08/14/09 07:26am] so relieved[08/14/09 05:47am] break down[08/13/09 09:05am] sex related (nu reading)[08/10/09 01:12am] heh...>__>;[08/04/09 01:22am] Finally clicked..[08/03/09 09:33pm] Broken Record
July 2009
[07/30/09 07:05pm] Modding my PSP[07/27/09 05:53am] lrn2read[07/23/09 06:35am] Shoujo-Ai really fucks you over..[07/23/09 02:57am] Gaia News blog[07/22/09 07:05am] Everything works out..[07/16/09 09:05pm] "short topic"[07/15/09 06:32pm] Rejected.
June 2009
[06/30/09 02:30am] Two halves of a whole[06/16/09 04:16am] Random Donations &Random Quests[06/15/09 06:46pm] RL Pics[06/07/09 07:58pm] being a downer[06/07/09 04:10pm] -sigh-
May 2009
[05/29/09 11:17am] so happy.. (and yet sad)[05/24/09 11:00am] nervous [05/15/09 12:43pm] Next few quests..(updated)[05/14/09 12:18am] Wonderfully Kind Gaians~[05/06/09 09:49pm] Ink Donationss[05/02/09 11:01pm] Outfits (non-related)
April 2009
[04/19/09 12:30am] Outfits + Backstory[04/18/09 06:11am] Open your heart[04/18/09 05:41am] Aura[04/11/09 08:16am] Arts <3[04/07/09 06:16am] Hm.