Chapter 4
The Breeze of a Traveler
The Breeze of a Traveler
"WAAAAGH!!" Leon shouted as he sat up from his slumber. "What was that!!?" He screamed.
He could hear rapid footsteps comming up to his door. "Whats wrong!!" Shouted A girl with short black hair. She had a white apron with blue close on. She bore the symbol of a red cross on her apren, so he knew she must be a nurse.
"No-nothing... just a bad dream..." Said Leon and he slinked down, ashamed of his fear over what didn't happen. "Thats all"
The woman sighed in releif but walked over to him. "What happened?" The girl asked as she sat down by his bedside. Leon explained the whole dream. Even though it sounded corny after it was put into words. The woman stared in shock at him as she got up trembling. "I-I'm sure its just a dream" she said holding her hand up to sign for him to go back to sleep. Leon quickly complied and rested his head on the pillow, then asked "Who are you?"
She replied quickly "Well I'm Gloria's first daughter." she said with a grin of pride. "Ressa Monduume" She quickly stated with a nod of uneasiness.
"Thats a... n-nice name." he said trying to hide his blushed face under the sheets.
Ressa nodded and headed out of his room. She had a fearful stride into her step. As if plagued by a sort of doubt of fear of something she heard. Bow... Angels... Light?.. could... He be the Fotuler? She thought as she went to her room.
The next morning Leon awoke to a siple meal sitting by his bed, no brightening Gloria to welcome his awakening. So he quickly ate his meal and laid his head down in his pillow. H was nigh to falling back asleep when he heard a loud crash down the hall. He jolted up and got out of bed, no weakness or strain holding him back. Heran down the hall in nothing but his patient robes to see what hapened, his red hair like a blur in the rush.
"What happened?!-" he shouted as he was interupted by another smash of a pot hitting the ground. The shelve dancing along with the pots smashing. Leon suddenly lost his sight as his head became dizzy. Whats going on?! He shouted in his mind. He ran to the window and looked at the small down. All the people around the Sanctum in the middle of the town. He rushed to put his clothes on and headed down the stairs. As he neared the end of the steps a shake rattled his balance as he had to grab the wooden hand railing. "Whats going on!?"
A Girl was sitting on the chain in a small room reading a book. He shouted "Where is everyone!? Whats going on?!"
The girl responded by shuting the book and closing her eyes. "Its the Earth solstice... The plates of Gro and Madu have started to colide under the ground... The people are gathering at the sanctum to see the Aura sphere."
"Aura shpere?" he asked out of ignorance as another shake lost his balance.
"Theres a mechanisim under the sanctum that creates the Aura sphere... It's said to be the door to the Light land..." she said opening her book again. Her black bangs getting stuck in her eyes as she read with her big brown eyes. Leon was shocked to hear that this was a reality that matched what he dreamed.
"Does this have anything to do with-"
"Yazun?" she interupted. "Yes... it is said that when the Fotuler apears before the light, the Yazun of power will apear..."
The boy thought of the dream and asked. "Is there any tasks the Fotuler must do?"
"Not realy... all they must do is guide the Yazun of power to the Apex of Gein'le mountain... allowing the gates of the two worlds to open and the passing to Mydolgo." Leon was about to ask but she interupted again. "We can sit here and chat all day but I think I need to get back to my book." He took the sign that he was annoying her and ran outside. He went to the Sanctum and began to look for Gloria. But his efforts where in vain as the crowd began to gasp as a spark apeared above the sanctum. The ball of light that he had heard of apeared. He gasped as it was the same light illuminating from the bow in his dream...
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