Alrighty. I am just letting everyone of you hackers out there. Now that I have personally been attacked, I shall destroy each and every one of you. Prepare yourselves, cause when I find you, you won't know WHAT hit you. Xp
okay... now about the journal entry... i kno how ur mad and all and i see what u mean and y ur doin this all but.... give her a chance! just let her see that you've changed, tell her how u really feel, she needs to kno! and if u guys work things out, then that's cool but if she doesn't give a s**t, then give up on her! she should care and she should get a chance.... i see what you've been through but everyone deserves a chance! plus, it's not her fault that her brother messed up and she might not of known where u were when u were born.... just see what she says to what u feel, then let things go from there..... lolz mrgreen
That previous comment confused the hell out of me. Almost made me think I was commenting on the wrong journal entry. Anyway, im sorry that they got you. You have my support in the eradication of the idiots.
Andru Kaiten · Community Member · Mon Mar 10, 2008 @ 11:24am
0 Zhou 0 · Community Member · Fri Apr 18, 2008 @ 09:53am