Squall is allowed to be called Leon in referance to this relationship
Cloud is the main guy in FF7, Leon in 8
Rinoa isn't in KH
They talked to each other
They'd look cute together
Reasons against:
They'd both look cute with whoever they were paired up with
Squall's name is Squall not Leon
Squall is straight
Squall loves Rinoa
Cloud is a slut and likes with 2 girls and 3 guys, while Squall just wants a nice relationship
Their hair styles don't match
Squall is too good for Cloud
Cloud barely knows who is, never mind who he loves
Cloud has a mental problem
Squall doens't say much other than 'Whatever'
So as Squall is straight:
Community Member
Squall not Leon.
Leon = Old man from old FF
Squall = Cute, Kind, perfect, Socially Retarded (sorry Squall) Cute.....