Once upon a time in a land named Gaia, a young girl who weilded sorcery and strength decided to venture the lands and search for others who were called The Red Mages! She eventually found a RM named Red Mage 89 and they both teamed up to form a clan of RMs! We have found one other who wants to join! Our quest continues~
Ahh, today was a great day. My uncle Memo and my oldest cousin David came over to play DnD again! They're starting to get into it and it seems like they really like it! We went on two adventures and had Firelord and Trell over as well.
Ontop of that... I got to talk to Minkus, and more than 10 minutes heh... Ugh, I got all ... lovey dovey and crap though... yes its such a wonderful feeling but goddamn I hate blushing... Its ...gahh... eh! I don't know... I don't like being lovey dovey and such... but then again I do.. Eh, besides, Minkus is the only guy that I'd even try going out with online... But I'd still rather have a physical relationship... All we just talked about was the whole hopeless romantic scene things, I know I know.. cheap, and I feel embarrased just thinking about it... or mentioning it.. but it's...just ^_^ heart Bleh. I hate love and I love love... I'm just one of those confused freaks in life... Anyway... I just wanted to let that out. MOVING ON!
The Red Mages will eventually exsits! Within time...
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