I promised to introduce my voices a few postings back. I guess I forgot that I would...Well I promise soon to give you details about them but my voices are Damia, Dante, Tia, Tidus, Red XIII, Raven, Nameless, Rhyth, and last but not least my very own avatar Acino has become a voice in my mind. Gaia is taking over my brain eek Yes, some of them are the characters from the game but they have adapted their own personalities in my mind making them unique to me.
Edit: I forgot Numair! gonk Dear god I feel bad now...that sneaky little ninja Nightelf Druid of the Talon was hiding from me before when I was taking role of my voices ninja
Moonlight Masquerade · Sat Mar 05, 2005 @ 01:01am · 5 Comments |