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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Forty: Nothing to see here
So my journal entries have gone over-the-hill.

I know it's already Tuesday, but I figured I'd let you know I'm not dropping the journal entries. Still shooting for every Friday, every week smile

But since I spent a bunch of time dealing with the Easter Event ( gonk ) I wasn't in the mood, really, to do this. Just a few things I wanted to mention briefly:

Blue Easter
Blue easter eggs were loaded into Towns, but we couldn't get the graphic showing up properly (so potentially, they were invisible). Some people got them accidentally. They're not equippable, and they were only good for selling to the shops - so in my opinion they're pretty much worthless, except as a way of remembering what went wrong with this event rofl

My 2 Weeks Notice
Some people were calling for my resignation last week. No, this doesn't bother me too much. What bothered me more was that they thought we didn't care -- when really, plenty of Gaia staffers live and die by how the users react to things - and I'm one of them.

I was really upset over the event backlash -- not so much just because many of you were complaining, but because I knew we didn't manage to deliver to the users.

Now, users complain no matter what we do. We're pretty good at telling whether something was a success or not. For example: Inventory Arranger. When the new one went out, people were complaining left and right -- but the net effect was positive, and for the most part, it was people who just didn't know how to use it.

With this past event, we had dropped the egg... er... ball.

So yeah, I was pretty upset that users felt as though we had failed them. Very upset in fact (if you ask anyone at Gaia HQ, I was pretty much surly and upset all of Friday) - but not because of rude things users were saying.

The Future of Gaia
Some user sent me a PM along these lines:
Somebody made a topic in the GCD, about how long Gaia Online is going to stay alive. People said atleast until this generation grows up, and the next will look at it as something that the older generation played and won't like it as much.

I was just wondering what you thought.

it was an interesting question. I've never run a business as big as Gaia is or as long lived as Gaia will be, but here was my response:

Gaia is a living, breathing thing. Though it's a huge, lumbering beast it is possible to change it when tastes change.

However, it's dangerous to talk about things in generations like that, because age groups are a gradient, not concrete chunks. Let's say you're 15. You begin to grow up. Does that mean the next generation is your kids? No, it's the new 15 year old who's a couple weeks younger than you. And when he grows up, there's another 15 year old just after him.

It's more important that we pay attention to what's interesting. The good thing about a site like Gaia, though, is that the users create 99% of the content on the site -- so people will be talking about whatever interests them. For a lot of users on Gaia, the storyline, the events, etc. aren't what brings them back -- it's interacting with their friends and talking about stuff that interests them. Having an avatar that represents you is just a big bonus over other community sites, since you can also express who you are (which isn't a sensibility that's going away any time soon).

So yeah, people will change, but I don't think it'll ever just be like interest in the site switches off in the mind of a younger generation.

I'm writing this on the floor of my bedroom (I just sold my desk) and it's looking like it's going to be a very busy week - so my links will have to suffer again for another entry.

Unless I decide later today that I want to hop in and throw some in, which is entirely possible rofl

Also, another shortish entry. But if I have my way, this Friday's post will be a biggun. Of course, I don't always get my way sad

EDIT #1: Why I sold the desk
So a lot of people are asking why I sold the desk. I'll rip off what I just wrote for Leena_Nightshade:

I'm redecorating my room. So I decided to scrap the HUGE desk I had and get a smaller one. I felt the size of it was representative of the amount of value I gave it in my life, and I kind of saw it as a shrine to a lifestyle that wasn't the kind of lifestyle I wanted to live.

So I'll leave you on that very cryptic note rofl

User Comments: [83] Viewing page 0 of 2 · Goto Page: 1 2 »  [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 06:57pm
Must steal first comment!

Edit: Yes!!!!!! I can't believe I got on the first page let alone the first comment.

Okay...here's my real comment.

Okay, so it was bound to happen again, an event was bound to mess up. It's Gaia's Murphy Law.

User Image

And we got our free (hello, FREE!!!! F. R. E. E.) items safe and sound into our little nests of our inventories. The site didn't crash. The event didn't have to be disabled to fix anything. Things are getting better. In comparsion to the other events, it may not have run as smoothly as the prior two events, but Que Sera, Sera!

Things turn out fine!

And people will always find something to complain about. If Gaia were utopia there would be people wondering why the sky doesn't change colors to their whims~

Summer is coming...fewer events, and hopefully a less stressed Fleep! sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:00pm
Haha I thought I was going to get the first comment ^^

That is pretty sad that gaians were that rude to you about the event..

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Leena no Majo
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:02pm
Just out of curiosity, why did you sell your desk?

With every big business there will be things that go wrong, and stuff that gets done that you just wish could of been better. While it's nature to get upset at these things, try not to dwell on them and just resolve to do better the next time =^.^=

When I was back reading your posts I happened to see that the idea of dropping the St. Patrick's day event is being kicked around. Again, out of curiosity couldn't you just reuse the event but change the prizes?

When I was admining on a mud, for some of the minor holidays we just reused the same events but changed what users got for them, and they didn't seem to mind. Then again, there was only about 500 people on at a time..max.

So maybe you could do that with the St. patties event so we don't lose it?

But seriously, for having such a short time to do it, it was good for what it was. 3nodding

And as for losing interest in gaia...PPFFTTT! I'll play even when I'm dead.

I fully intend of getting my future kids addicted to this site ninja

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:02pm
Links! Yey!


I want a blue easter egg. Give me onee!!! ^_^;; EDIT_2: Not worth anything? Yeah, as if putting a low price on event items for stores ever did anything to make them not worth a thing on the marketplace. That's why permanent item exchanging works, because the items that you exchange for events become rare items if they can only be exchanged during that time period. Normal exchange items can be traded in any time. Cept for Word Bump creds.

Anyways, I didn't even write a GCD post about this Easter Event. I felt disappointed. I'm sorry you guys weren't able to do more. I wasn't disappointed in you, but just in the way things turned out man.

I absolutely love the new inventory arranger, although I think it would have been better if house, items, and inventory storage were all the same object type. I'm sure you have plenty of reasons for doing the things you did. Or, whoever did it had their reasons. You're not in the Flash department, aye. Who knows what backend stuff you may or may not have done for the arranger. Someone did them, that's the important thing. If robots did them we would not be very pleased with your work efforts.

The future of Gaia? Over one bad event? Holy crap people just get way too overexcited about this stuff. . . ^_^;;

What do Canadian pirates wear?! AN AYEPATCH! LOL! Your desk, eh? Did you sign it? That's going on GaiBAy.

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Cid High-Wind
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:07pm
Well Fleep, the Easter event may not have matched up, but I know you only had two days to code it. Doesn't really make you feel much better about the back-lash but I know you tried with what was given to you. sweatdrop

And you sold your desk? surprised

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:15pm
Question of the day is why Fleep sold his desk. He should just make one comment then direct everyone to it. Might save some time.

Perhaps it was too old, you pawned it, ordered another off the intarwebz, and it hasn't come in yet? That's my crazy theory on that matter.

I was disappointed by the fact that there wasn't storyline. I mean, it's more or less a tradition that there's storyline on April 1st and, with Easter around the corner I could see it being held then. But there wasn't. And I'm sure I was left hanging with other users.

But whatever. So long as it happens, I guess.

The event wasn't that bad. You guys just need to find a way to control the surplus.

Edit: Wow, I wasn't too far off. surprised And my idea was heard and/or used! *swoons*

Modernizing the living space?

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Crystal Kinamoto
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commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:18pm
Well, hey. You tried! One of the things that I forgot to think about during the Easter event was how much I hate coding. It's so difficult, and when for some reason there's an error, it's even more difficult to go back, find the error, and then fix it.
And at least we got our items!! Thanks for the awesomeness, Fleep! mrgreen

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:21pm
Don't ever write "Two weeks notice". I nearly cried.... but reading on... it was okay.... but not okay..... if that makes any sense.... which.... it doesn't.... hmmm.... I should shut up.

Why did you sell your desk? You could totally replace it with like... a cheap-o cardtable. It's what I do..... mmmm poor, struggling nearly-college Student Zi.

Edit: ??? Fight the establishment Fleep! Show the man you don't need no stinkin' desk!

Yeata Zi
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commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:31pm
Awww Fleep..I think you are being too hard on yourself!! Like you said,there will always be some ppl you cant please no matter what you do.Those that spend the majority of the time griping and picking things apart should stop and realize you all dont HAVE to create events/items.(I still think the chickies were/are wicked cute!)
Some of us do appreciate the hard work you and everyone else puts into Gaia 3nodding
Fleep and resign just do not compute..ya cant do it! LoL And pftttt on anyone for suggesting such a thing!!
Hmm sold ya desk huh? Me thinks you stuffed that monkey you had thrown at you from a few weeks ago into it and had to get rid of it quick cos it was gettin too wild and loud,and neighbors was griping..and so on and so forth... whee Getcha a new desk soon...floors are bad for the bum!
~Crossin fingers Fleep gets his way~...double dose of Fleep in a week=good thing! xx

Further proof Fleep is wicked cool...Fleep truly reads his comments!! ^_^ (and responds..like..wow...)

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:48pm
Oh I wondered where they were at well thats still so cool invisible eggs it was scavenger hunt were couldn't see the stuff ... I like it.
I thought the Easter event was great/very awesome we got free items Quote: "free",egg hunting, a site that didn''t crash at all, and floating eggs.

You sold your desk, how come? 0-0

chi honda
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Gothic Waffle
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commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:50pm
Heh, Me and a few friends organized a search party in towns clicking everywhere just trying to find an invisible blue egg. We had a great time. This really has nothing to do with your entry.

People always complain. You really can't get around it xD

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 07:58pm
You can have my desk. heart
Well it's true Gaians can and will complain about anything, but still I loved the Event. (except I had nothing to do for 2 days of it) I will always remember the blue egg as proof that Gaians will follow those who they THINK are awesome. The whole LORD EGGY thing was kind of silly...

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Wooper to Quagsire
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commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 08:19pm
I liked the Easter Event. I like the Easter items too, eventhough they look weird with my avatar. sweatdrop Well my avatar is suspose to be a scary, tough looking avatar, and the cuteness of the chickys, well.....don't go with my avatar. I guess I'll have to make a cute avatar then. 3nodding I'll be on gaia for a loooooong time, too. whee

Edit: You need to relax more. whee Don't let stress buid up. 3nodding Don't be sad , be biggrin .

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 08:25pm
I think the event bombed compared to other easters since it was supose to be a MAIN event and not a mini st. pattys level one but I guess I understand how you were rushed. More events for the price of quailty on a BIG one isn't the right thing to do and I hope that is learned 3nodding I still loved the items though<3 cute chickys.

Been avoiding SF all weekend... But from what I've seen its a nitemare in there D:

But keep up the effort Fleep! I know you always have the best intentions with pleasing us and I know you put a lot of work into this site heart

devilish tenshi
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Tsukabu Nosoratori
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 08:27pm
Aw Fleep, even though the event was a bust we still love you! I love reading your posts whee

And hope you have a desk soon, I've been without a proper desk for 2 weeks since I moved sweatdrop

Edit: I won't say this was the worst thing that's happened to gaia, but not the best. I've been here from 04 and remember the days when the WHOLE SITE was shut down for errors and other uncontrollable issues... But I'm still here... and I still love the site!

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 08:40pm
i liked the event, it was alright. it could have been worse. im grateful we had an event. its alot of pressure on you guys to keep up this place.

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Nick Winchester
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 08:51pm
I hope everything turns out well for you Fleep, Take care 3nodding

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 08:59pm
i didn't mind the event, it was sufficient. no crashing, minimal random log outs (though i think that was more inactivity ninja ), and items that worked somewhat with the squid set (in a few positions, it looks like i'm eating the chicks xd ).

sold your desk? desks are overrated. all you need is a decent stool. it can function as a seat, step stool, desk, night stand...

if you get the chance, mention to the art team that spiders along the same lines as the chicks would be cool. ninja

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 09:16pm

Sorry about being harsh on you earlier. I understand now what has been going on and why the event wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I was having a really bad day the first day of the event. ^_^;;

Communication with the users of Gaia is key to keeping users from complaining and making threads like the ones that ticked you off.

If you had just come out in the beginning and said - I know this event sucks but we didn't have time due to all the other stuff we had to do. Then it might not have been as bad in SF.

Like I said, If I was capable of helping you guys out I would. But I only know a tiny bit of all the different things that you know.

But on the positive side... you guys learned how much you can handle. At least you'll have tons of time to work on the next event... H2K7. I'm sure you and your team will cook up something awesome for us.

Thanks for at least giving us a small event. Even though it wasn't the best. At least the chickies are cute and there weren't any crashes. 3nodding

Oh and good luck getting a new desk. ^_^

I hope you had a happy Easter even though you had to deal with all the crud in site feedback.

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 09:19pm
It sucks that people were complaining about the event.
I thought it was really cool.
And, at least you tried to add something extra. In my opinion, trying and not quite getting what you aimed for is a hell of a lot better than not even trying at all.
Things go wrong. That's part of being human. (Though, being the awesome one you are, you seem to make a lot less blunders than the rest of us.)
Much obsessive admiration,


Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 09:21pm
I'm sorry to hear so many people are negative about the new things.

I'm a little frustrated that I can't sell things back to the store via my inventory, but I deal with it. I'm glad you guys got the new inventory arranger fixed so fast. I'm not pleased that it defaults to itty-bitty icon view (I'd like an option to set it to load as one or the other), but overall I really like being able to sort by price; I've been sorting my inventory that way for years.

And I had lots of fun with the Easter event. Two years ago, I was ill on Easter and made myself sicker because of stress due to being unable to get all the items in time. I'm glad Gaia chose to make the event items less difficult to get.

Thank you for your hard work.

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 09:27pm
I think the Event went by great!
In my opinion, there just isn't enough Story with the events. I know that you usually only have story for Major Holiday events, but i think it's pretty neat when there is sometihng that really ties the event to the world of Gaia.
>.< (I hope you finish re-decorating soon =P)

Dwarf Woot
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commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 09:37pm
Sorry about your thoughts on the event =(
I wasn't entirely happy with the event, but I don't think it went all that bad.
I mean at least we had an event, at least there were event items; right?
Well I appreciate it at least. :]

Keep up the great work!

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 09:43pm

Let's see...where to start?
Hmmm...Best place is probably the event. DD :
I was kind of disappointed that the event didn't go like previous Easter events.
Ya'know..you get 10 eggs, get an item, etc.
Then again, I'm just a grumpy oldbie. x D
It was still nice.
There was plenty of time for me to actually get the items, which was really nice considering how I went out of town.
And lots of people seemed to like the items and their poses.
It was a nice small event.
Users are used to laggy big events.

Oh, and you had better not quit any time soon, Mister. DD :<

So, Gaia's future, eh?
Well, it better be around long enough for me to actually get a job there.
It will, probably.
We're still growing. <333
Just wait until BS is out.
Hoardes of new users.

You sold your desk?
And what if I wanted it?
Did you even consider that, Mister? mad

x D
Hope you got plenty of money from it.

Don't beat yourself up too much over the event.

Community Member
Strawberry-Bunny Rose
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 09:49pm
As I told you, I appreciated the effort you guys put in.

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 09:54pm
Er...I didn't realize there were troubles with the Easter event. I thought it was pulled off very well, and my friends and I all had fun running around and comparing chickies. While I did notice that some things with the overall site were acting a little wonky, like it kept saying I wasn't signed in, hey, I just refresh the page and I'm good to go. I mean, if you compare that to the site a couple years ago when things would just completely crash randomly, this was as smooth as silk...but I guess some people will always complain. Oh well, I had a great time.

And as for the invisible blue eggs? Well, that would explain why I was having so much trouble finding them! I just thought they were incredibly well-hidden! whee That's rather appropriate, for Easter; don't take it too hard, and don't listen to all the whiners. I thought this was one of the best holidays, yet.

Community Member
Tiana Luscinia
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 10:01pm
Sorry some users were mean, Fleep. And I'm sorry that you weren't satisfied with the event... But I like free items and the lil' chicks were cute. You can always learn from any mistakes you think you made so that future events can be better.

Some users can be brutal because you can't throw up the perfect, glitch free event in five seconds to satisfy them. xp

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 10:13pm
Complainers will always have a louder voice than the supporters... But regardless.. As long as you have done your best in that small time frame then I think is good enough. I had no idea people were so afflicted about the easter event... I personally enjoyed the event until it got repeatative in the last few days... but I'm not complaining since I've got free items :p.

And not to pile on more work for you and the staff... but may I suggest that we have a small plot or storyline for the events..(but in like quest format). it doesn't have to connect to the other events or anything. But yes since an event usually last for a few days it does get repetitive doing the same thing over and over again.

Take care fleep, always glad to see your journal entries 3nodding

Noblesse heart

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LabTech David
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 11:04pm
Yay the Friday's journals update now! domokun
I didn't like the event that much. But I still appreciate you guys put effort into the website though. surprised

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 11:11pm
All I have to say is...

What the ********.

The Blue egg glitch left people wondering what the ******** is going on.
And absolutely NOBODY could EDIT the ******** ROBO BUNNIES post to EXPLAIN what the ******** is going on to SUSPEND the confusion?

This event was the lowest point Gaia EVER faced.

A shitty a** announcement from a shitty a** robo bunny for a shitty a** event that glitched for the days it was in progress.


I just don't understand how a CORPORATION like Gaia who, currently, is bent on money more then art and experience.

Get this through your skull right now:
Gaia is not a place for teens.
Gaia is not a place to hang out.
Gaia is not a cool, after-school, kid party.

Gaia is an EXPERIENCE, NOT a website.

It seems what Gaia USED to be, HAS fallen into the likes of MapleStory and Neopets.
Gaia, just like the other creations, has fallen to a target market for max profit.
That target market is teens,
that target market is a hangout,
that target market is little tiny bastards who clog what this community USED to be.

If only there could be some way Gaia can change its destructive future.
As far as I can see, the battle system will not deliver, the apple fell too far from the tree.
The tree, which is the original design within itself.

Though, I still have hope.
I still log in every day.
I still buy donation items.
I still hang in there.


Because Gaia is something I've grown to love.
Something I've bonded with.
Something I feel I've contributed to and built.

I'm 100% behind everything Gaia does, EVEN IF it feels like that the foundation Gaia built just a few years ago is crumbleing.

I wish I could have the same feelings that I did in the past with Gaia.
The excitement.
The experience.

I love you Fleep.
I truly do.
But do us all a favor,
learn from your mistakes.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 11:15pm
I think Ferratus_Susceptor said everything I have ever wanted to say, but better.

He is right.

I am still here. 03 baby, still here.

But its losing me. I'm trying to find the spark again.

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 11:45pm
Awww, I didn't think the Easter Event was bad. In fact, I was thrilled since it was Chickie-centric when there was only one chickie item last year. (I heart Chickies!)

Think about the positives Fleep! biggrin

No enormous amount of "BuMp 4 EGGS!!!1!!!" posts (meaning less posts to store on the site and less data transfer, which means less money the event cost you guys.).

Gaia didn't slow to a crawl or roll over and die from massive amount of new posts and data transfer knocking out servers left and right. Sure there were some minor issues (None of which was bad enough to prevent users from getting at least a full set of chickies), but overall things ran considerably better than Easter '04 (No offense to it's programmer/s and staffers who stayed behind/left dinner to fix the problems! I understand things like that can happen with high server load!). Easter '04 was my first Event on Gaia, and it wasn't working a good amount of the time I was on, and having to look at every single post over pages and pages of text to find the eggs was hard on the eyes after awhile. I just barely got my last hat literally 8 minutes before it ended.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 11:56pm
I'll admit that the Easter event was a disappointment to me, but I didn't have to read any comments to figure, "Hm, we've gotten a TON of stuff lately including a few very recent events. Maybe they're just overworked or didn't have much time to plan this event?"

The insanely over the top reaction of some of the users is what has really ticked me off. Wanting event planners to be fired? WTF? Honestly, it's like these people expect every aspect of the site to be run by perfect robots or something.

I wasn't exactly happy with the event, but I put that aside given all the things we've gotten lately. Big updates and mini events.

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 12:04am
The Event wasn't that bad, at least I didn't think so, It would have been nice if there wasn't an egg limit, and if there was maybe one non-chicky item. If there was no egg limit I would have been frolicking happily around all weekend gathering eggs. I loved the chickies, they're cute and the different poses were nice, so I don't think that was a failure.

And I agree that there should have been an announcement somewhere by someone saying that the towns part was not working. That would have made alot of people less confused.

I am looking forward to the next event with mucho interest!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 01:11am

I must say, due to this vicious turn of events, I'm stepping away from the SF right now.
It's pretty depressing.
As a regular there, I can't stand the über aura of negativity growing much bigger and faster than usual.

I was also looking into the past Easter items, and looking at them.. and the users complaining how they aren't that good... I just noticed that the past items weren't that great either.

That main thing I didn't like about the event however, was that there was no event forum. It's pretty much the one thing that brings everybody from all of their home forums into a big community once in a while.

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 01:14am
You won't even fail us, until you've got a mad reason to shut down this site down for good.
And if everyone at Gaia HQ will start going insane and kill each other off with toy guns and peanuts.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 02:01am
People expect a lot from events, especially those around to see the previous ones. While I'm fairly new, I know how excessively better the 2k6 Easter event was compared to this one. The problem most users bring up is that Gaia needs to start doing less events, dropping the smaller and less celebratory ones to focus more on the bigger, more important ones. By working on the bigger events (like for holidays such as Christmas, Halloween, and Easter) for longer periods of time, refining and making them more interesting/involving, more users might be pleased.

I understand that it didn't go so well this year, but if the devs had more time to spend on doing a holiday event or working on some other site-wide event, the overall quality of Gaia would increase, if only just a little out of that 1% that we don't contribute. The quality of the Easter 2k7 event was...questionable, especially since it was almost identical in every way to the St. Patrick's Day event. All I'm saying is...quantity does not make quality. I'll wait a year, maybe longer, for a new event, so long as I know that I'll be able to go into it expecting a lot...and come out of it pleased.

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 02:20am
Don't quit, Fleep! Yeah, I think the easter event sucked, but you did the daily chance, quest system, and all kinds of great things. Plus it seems like your the only dev who talks to the community.

Elijah Frost
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commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 04:04am
[color=darkblue]Don't quit. I've only been on for about a year, but in that year gaia has improved and grown in many ways. The site's gone from being rather small and quiet, to exploding with activity, games and events. Everytime I turn around, there is some new event or feature. I love to see what each event will bring, and what new creative items will be given out. I think that people don't understand how hard it is to create an event, even a small one. People get frustrated because the items wern't what they expected or can't be equiped how they want, but they should stop and think about all the work that went into those fuzzy little chicks that everyone seems to be complaing about. I personaly think they're adorable, and that the event was fun. Latley gaia has been swarmed by new creations and events that people are feeling like they should be better, and get more out of them. But have these people even stopped to consider that you and your team work long hard hours making sure that these items work right to the best of your abilitys, and people still find things to complain about. They should realize that not everything will work perfectly. You said so your self that latley you've been swamped. Your putting so much work week after week into the gaia that I know and have come to love. You guys at gaia HQ are really outdoing yourselves. To all the people who want to complain about the great work they are doing: Back off. Try doing what they are doing day after day. Week after week. They do this because they want to see us enjoy things and have fun with the events and items. They work hard to make sure things run smoothly and try to make them fit our expectations. Instead of complaining, you should take a look over what gaia has been doing the past couple of months. They've been rasing the bar, and they deserve a pat on the back (and maybe a week of rest) instead of all the complaints and flames they've been getting. Don't let the haters get to you fleep. You're the best ~*~Lillita~*~[/color]

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 04:53am
Fleep your like a phoenix D: so we know you'll rise even in the down times.
fleep and devs are like cheese_whine xp don't let those sayings get to you.
also, hope you get a desk to your liking xd

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Marek The Alienated Elite
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commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 05:09am
I hate not having a desk, I just went two months without one. Leg cramps. : (

Cheer up, Fleep. The negative threads will go away and I'm sure you'll make some great stuff in the future.

Thanks for keeping up with the journal.

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 05:14am
"I'm writing this on the floor of my bedroom" .... "and I kind of saw it as a shrine to a lifestyle that wasn't the kind of lifestyle I wanted to live."
First thing that came to mind is Buddhism ... hmm...

..also not everyone hated the invey arranger, I found it a lot better.

and the easter event.. IT was free items! Oh come on, and they are cute as .. hell isnt that cute.. and I got no other noun... If people don't like the fact the admins are trying and throwing chicks in thier face .. I mean most guys loved getting chicks all around them 8D and the girls loved the cuteness.

Just ussaly the people that have nothing bad to say don't say anything because they think others will, or that by not complaining thier voice will be heard morethey don't wanna get flammed.

*reads other comments*
and Ferratus_Susceptor has a good point..
I really hope gaia doesnt become neopets jr or a place that becomes corrupt as hell and has to resort to everything fun costing money.

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A Song Is Born
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commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 05:19am
People are jerks for saying you should quit! They are horrible! It wasn't the best event I have ever experienced but it was far from, the low level they claimed it to be in my opinion.
I would be so sad if you quit!!!!!

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 05:29am
I just wanted to say that I thought the event was fine. I don't understand the complaining. I mean yall gave them the option to turn it off if they didn't like it. Now I know that gaia will be gaia. Everybody has something to complain about. But I read the topic where they were saying you should give in your notice. I thought that was stupid. Im very happy with what the gaia team has done for this site so far. But when I read that it ticked me off but I wanted to be the bigger person and not say anything. Well enough of me rambling on and on. I wish you the best of luck.

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commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 05:46am
Hey Fleep. Just checking the journal as usual. I think you've inspired me to give my own room a much needed make-over. I feel it doesn't represent me very well any more too. blaugh

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 06:43am
I was hoping Gaia wasn't so financially desperate that they made you sell your desk. Haha. lol

The guy asking for your resignation was just some noob screaming in the SF forum. Most people in that thread didn't think the event itself (nor past mistakes by you) warranted any type of pink slip. I didn't see it as a big deal.

I think the Easter event was half and half myself. I was fine with it but Easter events aren't usually a big deal to me. The big ones are Halloween and Christmas.

It became apparent that you didn't care for the event but I thought it could have been salvageable if Towns was fixed. Though there is more to an event than just the game, I think that is where it fell short. This is a community-based website that needs user participation. I don't know if users were all that active in making Easter a blow up event like they would around Halloween. Maybe it needed a manga update? XD;

I'm just wondering what will happen when we have this long drought of non-events until Halloween. x___x; Are there going to be any events?

Also, Gaia's age group really is more diverse than you'd think. I was 16 when I started and now I'm 20. So people can stay on here a long time regardless of age. It depends on the person. I don't see it as a big deal since Gaia can has expanded tremendously since I was here (and continues to do so every year). But who knows what'll happen.

Sevi Rais
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commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 06:56am
Being the one who people can adress must be a though thing; I mean, now that people know you are actually listening they can finally vent their disappointment and what not more on you. In my eyes, that's totally unfair; as if you were THE one who is responsible for everything! (Last time I checked, that was the admins...)

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I admire you for still hanging on. I do not envy you; It's a job I wouldn't be able to handle. But you can. You must be quite the strong character if you can deal with all this.

Also, I liked the Easter Event; small, cute and simple. Not that all events should be like this, but I actually had time to complete a set without much trouble ^_^

Good luck to thee!!

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 07:37am
No offense fleep, but this seems more then a pitty journal entry then actual facts about change.
You guys have been dropping the ball
and over
and over
from the MCs, to the events, to the new features.
Failing to provide for new users and the existing ones, I'd rather see action then just promises.
But then again, it's your job and a job ain't easy.

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commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 08:15am
hello fleep you could tell us sooner about the fact they were invisible
I didnt go to towns because i thought there werent any eggs.

But now they were only inviseble, i am an event item collector and i am trying to get as much easter items every easter but now i didnt get the chnge to get a blue egg

But anywy i liked the event i have more then 100 orange eggs here XD

Thanks for the event agian

(why didnt you first buy an new desk qand the get rid of the older??)

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 09:44am
I'm sorry..do they not..pay you guys enough?..I dont think the egg thing is funny at all..I've spent money on this site..I love it..I really do.....but you guys left us hanging..and it's not cool..it really isnt..I hope you guys fix it..Im still finding stupid clovers but you cant somehow switch those to eggs?..I know its not just you..but this is just my luck, my birthday is thursday and I couldnt even enjoy the easter event as much as the others. At least you have a job..a fun..job..compared to say..a plumber. rofl

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