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Well, it turned out that it didn't really matter what time the King had arrived. He could've arrived when the very last word and still be alright. For after his presence was announced to the others, Yoh began reciting a wonderful summary that could've belonged to the notorious perfectionist, Publius Vergilius Maro, himself. Such a summary, truly deserved an applaud. The fluidity of those accursed words as they filled the King's virgin ears and mind with things his younger sibling would've rather explain on his own time -perhaps on one of those little one on one sessions he was constantly pestering the ever so busy king about-. He even imagined them soaking in the site of beautiful, gorgeous women dancing around in colorful attire -that created a strange but intriguing image as they expertly danced around the room-, luring in all the attention a male can possess in one setting. At the climax of their captivating dance, Suen would lean over to his doing brother ever so slightly and deliver the news. Since the king's mind will too preoccupied with the performance, he most likely would've mistaken his words for something else and nod his head to whatever the younger male just said. It wouldn't be until much later that day that the king confronted him about it. Asking if he really said that he has left Gong and his most of his promiscuous ways for the young spicy trainer. Their conversation would go on like for hours. Until finally, the love struck canary was able to convince his brother that it was the right thing to do. Reassuring him that even though his partner wasn't going to be with a female -like his parents, Auntie Trinity, Yeonsan, and his people wanted-, he was still going to be the strangely charismatic that they knew and loved. Yes, it would've been simply remarkable had the play ended up the way the dreamer wanted. But alas, such things don't exist for the drama prone teenager. Not right now, anyways.

It would've been easy -maybe even a little too easy- for the homosapien to be upset with the female for doing what she did. So the male didn't. He was so drama out that the prince decided to enter the world of conformists and take the busier road more taken to get to his desired destination; which was currently another entrance into the brother's heart that felt so distant from him. In a risible way, the seventeen year old wished to thank Yoh. She made the task a lot more easier on the male. Instead of using suddlety and surreptitiously getting the message across, she had been completely blunt and straight forward with the King. Those little green monsters might've been lurking in the back and all around the brunette's mind when he saw her cuddling with an injured soldier -that would've pushed people away under normal circumstances-; yet he couldn't help but feel a little at ease that the tired princess was resting safely in his arms instead of in the hands of the antagonist of their story. Maybe he was starting to forgive the girl for becoming so attached to Shou in such a short time that they've known one another. Who knew. And goodness... Did that girl look adorable pressed against Shou's body as if he was some kind of stuffed animal, preferably a teddy bear. For seeing the strong soldier as a peach colored bunny with ears nearly as long as the body itself, and two adorable hot pink flowers sown onto it's stomach, would've been rather silly, no?

Indeed, it would have been extremely odd -maybe even alarming- to see the normally aloof person that was Shou haphazardly waltzing around, tossing little hot pink flower pedals as his light laughter filled the sparkling animated atmosphere. But that wasn't one of the surprisingly few thoughts that were residing in the teenager's mind right now. Nor were the thoughts of cruel punishments that would've been reserved for Yoh once his little night with Lady Gong was over. Nope, the only things that were occupying his mind -or taking up the majority of it like a large house cat with the family couch- were the inevitable feelings of fear and curiousity that coursed through him as he stood there, anxiously waiting for what was going to happen to his and the benevolent ruler's relationship. Was he going to lose his brother? The one and only immediate family member he had left in the world? The person he mainly clung onto because he was afraid that the older male might depart if he let go, just like their parents did those many years ago? So... What was it going to be? Was he going to love him and accept him like Suen had dreamed in that outrageous fantasy? Or was he going to cast him away, being overwhelmed by the fear of catching his younger sibling's invisible disease? Oh why? Why must his beautiful, perfect sibling torment him with this agonizing wait?

The strange thing was, Suen didn't steal a single glance when the maid began undressing the young girl, revealing her wounds to the world. Nor did those orange hues of his wander when the dear maids exit the room, looking for comfortable pajamas for the child to where, which were coming from the older side of his seemingly never-ending closet. Nope, they stayed stationed on his brother's hues. Searching... Praying... Pleading for an answer as if he were some farmer that needed assistance with his agricultural crises. 'Had I disappoint him that much....' the male pondered in disbelief, not exactly knowing what he would do if and when the grim answer presented itself to him.

Suen reluctantly pulled his attention away from his brother and remorsefully glanced at the knight. His glossy, naturally light lips formed a little u when Shou generously reminded him of tonight's activities but remained completely silence. He slightly bowed his head to him and waved a goodbye as he began heading towards the door. The Prince shortly paused when he was beside the king, but he couldn't even sum up the courage to talk to him before continuing and exiting the room. His silky brown curtain -gently sprinkled by Gong's perfume- softly hid his eyes as his feet automatically dragged the boy over to his/Yoh's room. 'Gong, you've won. You've successfully distanced me from everyone. I hope your happy, oh deadly concubine. I hope you're happy.' Cause if the evil genius wasn't proud of her success, then who was going to be? The frightful mouse? The strong teddy bear? The stern lioness? The responsible cub? Or even him, the playful cub? We're they suppose to jubilate as death mirthfully danced her way into their own personal Jiminy crickets? The answer had better been a "No" or else the rather misbehaved female was going to be very disappointed.

Well, the last ten minutes of math class didn't exactly flowed as well as most people would've like. Instead the calm peaceful stream that gently flowed into a bigger body of water, it was an overly dramatic hurricane by the name of Devon and his only target for destruction was the only one who didn't bother to take notice of his deadly entrance. Sebastian was just about to substitute the large formula filled with random letters and coefficients to actual numbers when he saw something rushed into his line of vision. Thinking it was for someone else -for who (aside from his limited group of friends) on Earth would be brave enough to even consider bothering the studious boy-, he simply continued with his work. Without so much as a single warning, the teenager was pulled away from his study, causing the tip of the graphite to make a big squiggly line to the side of the page. His icy blue eyes slightly widened as a result from shock but quickly narrowed before it was noticeable by the other. He clinched his hands into fists as urges of beating this delirious lunatic into a bloody pulp. He swiped the guys hand away from his now crumpled collar and was so close to punching him when he opened his stupid mouth and recited the funniest thing he ever heard in his seventeen years of living. Sebastian? Going out with someone like her? He'd have to be freaking insane or extremely brave to ever like someone in their tumultuous family. "That?" he demanded, the anger extremely rich his voice. "That's the reason why you're behaving so barbarously?" He let out a sigh and shook his head. "Honestly, I knew you were dull but I didn't think you were that dull. Unlike the fanboys that love nothing but to ogle at her, I have better things to do with my time then to go out with that eccentric female. Now leave my presence, I had enough of your stupidity for one day." Why was he behaving so nicely towards the male and not killing him for accusing him of such a ridiculous crime? No, it wasn't because they were wonderful friends and that he would feel awful if he hurt him. Nor was it because he had a 'change of heart' or anything like that. It was simply because, Arik would never stop bickering about it if he threw the first punch. Seriously, why was that guy best friends with him? It just didn't make a whole lot of sense to the male. Then again, wondering about such things didn't make sense to him either. Wasn't he suppose to care only about himself? What happened to that 'the world revolved around me' philosophy that he grown so accustomed to? 'Must be having an off day.'

By the time the teacher had arrived, Sebastian had caught the other's fist and was about to crush it in his hand. Who would've known Devon would've gotten so mad at him for saying the truth. It wasn't like his sister wasn't strange. No normal person would go to school wearing a dress that was practically see threw -he unwillingly heard the rumors-. He let go of the fist and stated, "Next time, kid." Purposely condescending because of how childish he was behaving "Think." His icy blue orbs followed the irritated teenager as he stormed out the door. When the thing slammed for the second time, the students were just waiting for the door to fall off it's hinges and the glass to start breaking and crash down onto the ground. Unfortunately for their overly active imagination, the only thing that happened was two medium sized cracks. Sebastian just sat down on his desk and erased the thick squiggly line. After brushing the eraser trail away with his fingers the teenager put the packet in his 'homework' folder and began packing up his stuff. The only thing that was playing in his mind like a broken tape recorder was the word "Unbeliev-a-freaking-ble" He leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes. His left one slightly twitched as students began gossiping among themselves. Not willing to stand for anymore stupidity right now, he turned around and gave the dimwits the coldest stare they had the privilege of seeing. Such a stare would make a wild beast turn into a completely tamed house pet in a matter of nanoseconds. He turned around and glanced up at the clock. 9:29... a few seconds later the high pitched bell rang, granting the teenager a vague sense of salvation.

Sebastian picked up the messenger bag lying on the ground next to him and place the strap over his left shoulder. He picked up the things that were lying on the desk and exited the room. When he entered the hallway, he received many looks from random people. Some were completely jealous. While many others were simply stunned that he was going out with that Mitty chick. He rolled his eyes at the idiots. There were too many to kill in so little time to do it. 'How ludicrous' He walked over to his locker and spun the dial. By the way he was doing things, no one would be able to tell that he was brainstorming a plot to quicken mankind's downfall. When it failed to open the first time he looked at it as if to ask, 'are you kidding me?' The annoyance grew as one of the surprisingly many girls who stalked the poor male on a daily basis hesitantly walked up to him and asked if the rumor was true, causing him to wonder why it didn't dispatch after he told Devon he wasn't? What more proof did the brainless people need? Did they want him to go up to the freaking girl and announce that the chance of them even being slightly close to a couple was as slim as donkeys flying. Even him indulging in an act of bestiality would've been more likely than him going out with her, and he found that short of thing just revolting. He might even kill himself if he turned into one of those sick f's. He ignored the ignorant female and tried to open his locker. As he gave her the cold shoulder, the female continued to blab on and on about his and Mikki's relationship. When she was done with saying how surprised she was when she heard it, she went on to saying how better suited she'd be for him. By that time, the male had already put away his things for first hour, replaced it with the things for his second hour class, silently closed the locker door, spun the dial so no one would get in, and leave. So as the girl was expressing how wonderful they'd be together, people were giving her worried looks and wondering if she was going insane.

A sigh escaped the male's system when he entered the empty class. Finally, he was able to be alone. He placed his things on his assigned desk and sat down. The male rested his messenger bag on the desk with the logo facing the ceiling and used it as a pillow. He wasn't exactly having what one would consider a good day. Hopefully that bubbly Arik kid would say or do something funny -not embarrassing funny but haha funny- so the light at the end of the dark tunnel would appear sooner. To depend on someone for something like that was simply sickening. Yet when it was the only thing he could do without causing even more attention to fall upon himself, the teenager had no choice but to take it. Once again, the broken take recorder began to play that wonderful word, which did nothing but made him wonder why he was forced to deal with it in the first place. What did he do to lead the brother into thinking that? He barely even knew much, much less had a single conversation with her. 'Unbelievable'

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