Been a while.
It's been a long time since I logged back in here. Five years, huh? Sure goes by fast. Looked at everything I wrote the last few years. I'm gonna admit. Even though I was a hopeless nerd, I still... miss those days. When I wasn't caught up in trying to get money. When all that mattered was just having fun and enjoying life. And now I feel like a Shroedingser's cat. Here, there, and everywhere. I guess I'll start with a recap. Went to BCCC Main for music and business management. Still haven't finished either degree. Owe about 7000 in student loans. Met a wonderful girl named Danielle Fish. I love her a lot. Been three years since we started going out. Everyone's asking when we're getting married, including her. Also got a car, which I also still owe money for. Got a job as a cashier at Giant Foods, messed up. Started working at Food Basics. Hate it. Communication there and quality standards just plain suck. Also got into the martial arts, which I LOVE. Wish I had money for these things though. But it's not all bad. Other than my dad running out on Linda, I'm doing ok. Getting a Landscaping job with a local company starting March, so I'm in training mode again. Still.... it seems like whatever social life I used to have, is nearly gone. In the last year, I worked with a DIrect Distribution company called Amway, and pushed myself so hard that I nearly went insane. So I stopped that. I've been learning to keep good records, and have no idea what the future holds. We'll see.