• She hurts inside always. Her circles of friends include three people: Despair, Isolation and Pessimism. I know I know she does not have many friends, but she does have tons of enemies. Some of her enemies are: Hope, Laughter, Joy, Friendship, and all of friendship’s friends. Depression: Depression’s friends (Isolation and Despair) don’t work well together. They don’t fight but they just don’t work well together. Isolation likes to take control of Depression. Isolation only hears himself talking and rarely others. Isolation is an expert at persuading people (especially Depression) when joy invites others to a party. Isolation convinces depression not to go to it, it always works. This happens when anyone of Depression’s so-called enemies invites her to go anywhere. Depression never tries to fight back because she doesn’t have the energy. She doesn’t even want to waste her breath trying. She wants to save it for ummmmmmmm… nothing. Depression never has any energy ever. It’s like Depression drinks her own energy like her favorite soft drink. Although isolation was nibbling on depression’s thoughts, Depression was doing a glorious job of eating herself alive with all her sadness. She was a hollow skeleton. Depression barely ate a thing. She was very petite and she ate like a bird. Sometimes Depression would eat nothing for weeks. Pessimism and Despair and Isolation did the same. Despair and Pessimism worked rather well together. They together were very negative. Despair would always talk badly about hope. She said, “Hope is a faker and she’s not real.” Pessimism would just add very negative comments to what Despair said like, “Yep and she’s thinking out way to far she’s got her head way to high up in the clouds.” Together they slowly helped eat her alive with all the sadness and negativity. It was like a feeding frenzy. They were all working together to break Depression up mentally but they were her best friends. On the bright side though, all Depressions so called enemies were building her back up slowly also. Like they invited her to every single birthday and sleepover and party they had. But Depression always declined these offers because of Isolation’s persuasiveness. Isolation always said, “It is better if she stays at home.” but then Isolation leaves at 5:00 pm, leaving Depression in her eerie room. A dull and lifeless bird sat in its cage. Some fish were in their tanks, black and dead. The water; green with algae. Well it was 10:00 o’clock, time for bed. And as she readied herself for bed, here came Anxiety with a bunch of rocks again banging on her window. Depression dis relished Anxiety so much. He always scared her and kept her wondering why he did this stuff to her. Anxiety did the usual rock throwing then paused. But today he did something new. He crept around her house making the floorboards squeak with agony. She tossed and turned all night, listening to the screeching of the floorboards made by Anxiety. When it was finally morning, Anxiety left and Depression could only hear the birds and the fish tank filter humming mournfully. The fish and birds don’t have any names because Depression didn’t have the energy to name them. Plus the fish always died before she could get to the point at which she would name them. In the morning, Pessimism and Despair go to Depression’s house. Depression is thinking about going to Optimism’s party. But Pessimism and Despair say that they don’t think that she should go because they see nothing but dark shadows and silhouettes. Even though Despair can barely see at all, Depression is convinced once again not to go to another party. Pessimism is always negative, not under any circumstances is she positive. Well that’s just the way she is no matter what you do or say. Despair is very down unlike Hope. Hope is always trying to lift people out of their shadows. She has 20/20 vision and can see way far into the future. She can see close things and far things. Now about Joy, Joy was always hanging out with Happiness and Cheerfulness. Optimism was the total opposite of Pessimism she always was on the positive side. Last but not least, Friendship. Everyone loved Friendship, and everyone was her friend. Everyone wanted to hang with her, even Depression, secretly. One day Depression will leave everyone, but sometimes not. Depression doesn’t visit everyone. But one day in the world Depression will die. Die of natural cause, old age, everyone dies even Depression. No one knows how old she is now but hopefully she will die soon, because Depression eats at us mentally and physically taking away our energy and sleep. Actually Anxiety takes our sleep though… THE END

    An IATNB Story.