• The love of my life has gone. Gone in the blink of an eye. Just like that he left me. When he said he was leaving I thought he meant he was going away. "Where are you going?" I had asked, amused. "You never go anywhere."
    "Malyria, I'm not leaving town, I'm leaving you." I stared at him with expressionless eyes.
    "I... I met someone. His name is Alex."
    "He?" He?!?! What the hell?! "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you from time to time." I usually freaked when a boy broke up with me but he must be going through hell trying to think of a way to tell his parents. Unless he already told his parents. "Um, how did your parents take it?" I can't believe I had the nerve to ask.
    "I actually was hoping you would help me with that."
    "Oh!" Yeah, of course I was going to help him, I loved him and would do anything for him. How could he not know that? "of course I'll help you with your parents..."
    "So your not mad or anything? I thought you would like, unleash your rage on me. I hope your not mad. Are you?"
    "No, I'm not mad. You must be going through a tough time right now. I will help you. With your parents at least."
    "Thank you." He said, a little more happy.
    I never did get to help him with his parents. They moved, they moved far away. I guess he was wrong. He was leaving town after all. I've been wondering if he told anyone else about him and Alex. And if they were the ones who told his parents. I'll always miss him, no matter what.