• Chapter 2: Fight

    "You better start running." Alice grimaced, turning to Jacob. "Emmett realized that you were the last one to have it. Rose is on her way now."

    Jacob winced and mumbled. "Nothing's worse than Blondie, mad at me for loosing her straightener."

    He handed Nessie to me and headed toward the back door. I asked after a few seconds, "What were you doing with Rose's straightener, anyway?"

    Edward suddenly burst out a roar of laughter. I felt as if I was missing some inside joke.

    "You wanted to... Straighten Emmett's hair when wasn't looking? How the heck to you plan on doing that? And why in the world would you feel the urge to do that?" Edward chortled.

    Before he could answer, Emmett roared: "I think he wanted to touch my sexy hair. I mean, admit it. We've all wanted to do it at some point!"

    "When did you get here?" I asked quietly.

    "I outran Rosalie, trust me, it isn't to hard to do. Just mess up her hair and run. She stands there for a few minutes and fixes her hair. Then. she spends about oh, two minutes, looking for you. Then she realizes you left." He grinned.

    We stood in silence for a moment.

    Jacob narrowed his gaze at Emmett. "I was hoping The Psycho would get mad. You know, she loves your curly hair."

    Before anyone could answer, Rosalie burst through the door. Her fists clenched. She charged towards Jacob, her eyes filled with anger.

    Jacob took Nessie out of my arms and used her as a shield.

    "Why are you getting so worked up about this? Just get a new one at wal-mart!" Jacob said, cowering behind Nessie.

    "This isn't just about the straightener. This is about all the times you made fun of me. Where'd you get those jokes, anyway? Spongebob?" She growled, circling him. "And the dog food incident. It took me a week to get that stuff out of my hair."

    Out of the corner of my eye, i saw Edward taking bets from his brother and sister- and they were all in favor for Rosalie.

    "Over reactive, much?" Jacob hissed, and he sounded a little fearful.

    ----To be continued--------