• My gun was out of ammo, my sword was about to shatter and im out of magic. The "Gliskion" or "Glis" was looking directly where i was hiding. He was the last one and the second in command in the ShadowLand fleet. Yes it sounds like fair ground ride but its worse than you can imagine.
    I should probably explain, my name is Moon and i work with the secret police. My dad died mysteriously and my mum died at childbirth so... yes i am an orphan.
    I was raised by my team leader, Wolf, since god knows when. ah yes, my team really consists of me, Regal, Wolf, Faux and Sam (short for Samantini or something). we were in a type of military observatory getting rid of the Glis inside.
    anyways, back to my story. I had used all my ammo on the other Gliskion so i was left with my sword (which wasnt exatly in great shape, literally). the Glis kept coming towards me, sword raised ready to strike. i brought my sword up just in time to defend myself from a killer blow. i got out of my hiding spot and lunged at the Glis. he side-stepped and hit me on the ribs with a punch. i moved away in a defensive stance. if there is one thing you dont want to do its fight a Glis in sword-to-sword combat. i recovered then hit it with a feint to the right then a lunge on the left. Sadly the blow bounce of his armour. i drew my sword up, holding it with one hand.

    big mistake.

    the Glis hit the top of my sword and pushed it to the left. i had to let go or have my hand dislocated. my sword fell to the floor with a Clang. i was unarmed. i walked backwards slowly until i fell backwards. i sat there, watching the glis bring up his sword.

    at least i will see my parents.


    i opened my eyes. i was still in the observatory. the glis had hit the control panal 15 meters away. i looked behind me. Faux was reloading his rocket launcher.
    "hi Moon" he said
    "where the hell where you?" i shouted
    "checkin around" he said
    "you were there the whole time wernt you" i said
    "pretty much" i got up and retrived my sword. i heard gunfire so i turned around. the Glis was scaling the wall.
    "wat ho Moon!" Some one was shooting the glis from a balconey
    "damn you to hell Sam" i shouted. He smirked and looked at the glis climing the wall
    "thats new!" he said. i looked round at the control panel. it was glowing red. there were large letters on the main screen:

    self destruction in 2 minutes

    i swore, ran over to the control panel and hit all the switches and buttons. the observatory moved left a little and a picture appeared on the right screen.

    i looked at it.

    it was a moon. a green moon. for some reason it scared me, terrified me. i thought i would go insane. i saw a button on the side of the control panel. it said shut down. i pressed it. the moon dissapered as well as the countdown.

    i blacked out.