• Hello. Nice to meet you.
    My name is Blade September. I'm fifteen years old and live in Amestris. I am an alchemist (or well, in fact I'm still practicing). And, oh yeah, I'm a girl. I do have a strange name, but well, nothing to do for it. And, actually, I like my name.
    It was a rainy day when I got totally fed up with the old books I was trying to learn alchemy from. They were totally useless. Actually, I couldn't understand a word of them. I could only transmute very few things. The only things I seemed to manage to make properly were wooden cups and bread. Well, I could keep on living because of that ability. I sold the cups I had made and brought some food with the money. If I couldn't sel anything, then I could make some bread of the grass in front of the cottage I lived in.
    I was an orphan. My parents had died in the Ishbal war. My dad was ishbalan and my mom tried to protect him. They both died in a huge explosion created by the national alchemists. I had been just a baby in those times and can't really remember anything about it, but my mom's parents had saved me and brought me to Green Village with them, and there I had always been living. My grandparents had died whan I was five and after that my life had been horrible... Until that alchemist passed through the Green Village.
    She was a state alchemist, and I looked at her very angrily. She's one of those who killed my parents, I thought and went hiding under an old boat on the bank of the lake near the village. I was only ten years old after all, and very afraid of all the alchemists, and especially of the state alchemists. I thought I'd be safe there, but I was wrong. The alchemist was going to the island in the middle of the lake, and she, of course, rent the boat I was hiding under. It was the only boat in our village after all, an old rowing boat that I loved.
    The state alchemist came, turned the boat over and found me. I was so afraid that I couldn't even move. She just stared at me, a small, scared kid, andlooked kind of surprised.
    "Who are you?"
    I was too scared to answer, but I still couldn't move. The state alchemist was still staring at me, looking somewhat confused. "Is something wrong?"
    I tried to ansver, but I couldn't, I really couldn't.
    The state alchemist kneeled down and touched my hair. "Are you afraid of me?" she asked.
    I started crying and nodded. "You're... a state alchemist... My parents were killed..." I said and tried to stop crying, but couldn't.
    "Don't worry", she said. "I'm not going to kill you."
    The state alchemist's name was Zelene and she was very kind. She was the one who taught me how to make bread and cups. She didn't have much time, but she told me that I had the abilities to become a very skillful alchemist if I just tried hard enough. I've never been afraid of alchemists after that.
    Wait a minute, I was telling you about how I got fed of the books I tried to learn alchemy from, right? Sorry, I started telling about totally different things.
    Yup, those books were full of rubbish, really, I've never read books as stupid after that...
    I left the Green Village. I got the money for the train ticket by selling the best cups I ever had made (I had been saving them for some reason) and left the village. I didn't tell anyone I was leaving. Everyone in the village always watched the train leaving, and all of them propably saw me climbing on. They didn't try to stop me and nobody was really surprised of the fact that I just simply left. They had all known I'd leave the village someday.
    I didn't actually know where I was going. I just climbed on the first train that passed by. But I never regretted leaving. Really, I think that my life really started from there.