• She dropped the phone.She picked it up and threw it way but when she did that it turned day.The doorbell rang."ummm,Hi come on in."Emily's friends came inside her house.one of her friends noticed a man staring in through the window."Who's that?"She asked."I dont know.Ill go tell him to leave.As soon as she got to him he disapeared.She saw a weird figure staring at her.She was screaming.The figure was getting closer.closer.Closer.She snapped back and noticed she fell.She came back."Angela!melissa!Where are you guys!"She screamed for them.She looked everywhere for them.She checked in the backyard."AAAH!Angela!Melissa!noooooo!"She found her friends face down in the ground in a pool of blood.She saw her friends hanging in a strange room."Whoa!"She had another vision.A vision of the near future.