• Once there lived too beings of dubious worth in a place separated by unimaginable lengths from our world. One was a b*****d fusion of Dragon and human, her soft skin broken by an odd scale and her beautiful face was surprisingly enhanced by the twin horns that rose from her skull; the other was a creature of a man, though he may shift from a lupine form of a beast, his eyes of gold always spoke of calm and joy.
    They were frowned upon by most, only to be expected really. The wandered through life, not entirely alone with those who judged a person on who they really were. One day they came across each other and they saw the look of one that had been shunned in their eyes. They soon be came friends.
    Together the Half-Dragon named Lucidus and the Werewolf named Veluterus found that they found each others company preferable. Lucidus and Veluterus could often be seen joking with each other for they were both of a humorous and witty nature despite the pain of their early years.
    This continued for a long while until Veluterus, so used to ignoring appearances, noticed Lucidus' casing for the first time. Though many had disliked Lucidus for her heritage, even the stuffiest of speciests could not deny that she had the makings of a Goddess. So sweet, intelligent, and funny. . . and yet so beautiful. How could I have not seen this earlier. Veluterus thought and the next day he asked Lucidus if she would wish to court him. "Yes." She said with a glowing smile, for she found Veluterus sweet, intelligent, funny, and had noticed that his shoulders were of broad character and his stature of Olympian form.
    Then they would often be found joking as before, but now wrapped in each others arms. Lucidus would smile with eyes closed as she was shielded by Veluterus' large body. "How sweet." Their friends would say, happy that the two had found each other and that the were so devoted to each other.
    It was not to last, sadly. Lucidus found this feeling frightening and the thought of hurting the wonderful person who wanted her to smile made her hide. Veluterus had similar fears but was determined to work hard so that Lucidus would be safe and feel loved for as long as she live.
    It started quietly; when asked if she had time Lucidus would be vague and when he went to kiss her, she showed diminished passion. Finally, the friends told him that it would seem she had decided to end this relationship. "Why?" Veluterus would ask. "Was she not happy? Were her smiles hallow when she was in my arms?"
    The friends could only reply, "I know not, even we do not understand."
    Veluterus first thoughts were that he had done wrong. Maybe I had offended her. How did I fail to make my love happy? the thoughts swirled through his saddened mind, escaping as drops down his cheeks.
    Needing to hear from her own mouth that she did not love him and why, he went to Lucidus' house. Their he asked, "What did I do, Lucidus? How did I fail you?"
    "You did not fail me, Veluterus." She replied.
    "Then why?"
    "I do not know." Were the last words he heard before he walked out the door.
    Looking up to the moon he remembered how it had been before love and then howled releasing his spirit to the heavens as a star that will always shine for the beautiful outcast with the twin horns and sweet smile.