• "OUCH!" I said as I was sitting in the orange SUV with clause and Abel. Abel turned around first staring at clause who was driving and then back at me then I said "you know we need to get a hole in these seats." then Abel said "this thing is so old me and clause have had since the beginning. And yet we haven’t torn the old Junker of a GMC! Well have to do that good thinking." clause turns to Abel "alright we are here Abel. HEY MARK ARE YOU READYY!?" I answered "HECK YA!" Abel turned around and said "you need to use curse words." "I know." then clause got out of the truck and hit is tail on the steering wheel. Then Abel did and he had to drag his tail out. And then I got out and nearly slammed my tail in my door. Then I accidentally stepped on a piece of rubble that happened to be apart of a house that had been HQ. But we had arrived too late to save our comrades. Only one was left and her name was Sid. And she was a dragon. We walked over to her and all that she could tell us was that at one time a sergeant told her to go get the rations. Then when she came back poof. It was gone. then she said "my brother was in there." and then she started crying and bent down beside a tiger that was obviously dead and then she finally got over it and then clause said "well that was great evidence" clause said as soon as he said that we saw a human caring a gun. I pulled out my double trigger silenced berretta with extended clip that my dad had. And Abel pulled out his A.K. 47. With red dot scope. And then clause just stood there holding his SVR edition m60 with double sided clip. I said "do not to kill him I will go get him." clause answered "well don’t get hurt, Hehe." "Ok, Mom. hehe." then I started to run swiftly and silently. I was able to do that ever since. The speech in Washington the world had changed. I had been put on the TV. It questioned the media group whether they should put furrys on the TV. And then it went berserk. They decided no and then furrys everywhere went crazy. There were public hearings. And the public went national. And after that worldwide. And then once the decision was sure that it was a defiantly no. and that there was never a furry aloud on the news. They thought that furrys were different and that humans were perfect. And then just through us out in the cold. And so the furrys got furious! And demand the right. But humans still said no. and then the furrys was able to get guns. And demand it so badly that many humans were taken hostage. But still no news on the TV. About it. So then they took this so personal that someone named pappa porcupine had a Dragonouv with burst fire ammunition. Many in the crowd said that is head seemed to disappear. I don’t know if it’s true or not but many say that he was from my town. I kind of remember him but the name didn’t remember him. Mainly because he was human. But not to talk about that too much. I start quietly behind him and pulled out my switch blade knife. And put knife around the soldiers’ neck. And said in a quite whisper "hey what’s your name?" the man answered while putting his gun on the ground "its Ian mister. Please don’t kill I didn’t want to be here!" I answered in a polite way. "It’s ok. Don’t cry dude! Why are you out here anyway?" he answered in a quivering way. "My daddy said that it would build experience for my college. Wait? Are you a furry?" I answered "ya. Why?" Ian answered "your voice sounds like the kid who saved his family members from a car wreck and then disappeared. I said "really!" while putting my knife away and putting my arm around him. "Hey guys the human is good! ABEL! PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Abel still pointing the gun at Ian finally put it away. And I started walking back to the truck. I think this guy wants to join. Then he turned around and said "hold on a second! I got another dude that would like to join." he turned and yelled "HEY BUDDY GET OUT HERE!" then a teenager that looked about my age appeared out of the rubble. Then I got to thinking; that name sounds familiar! Then I asked "if his Xbox live old name was Jedi?" then he starred at me in astonishment and said "yes! Holy crap Ian! You remember that guy that had a dad in Afghanistan. That’s him! My dad and his dad were in Afghanistan together!" I turned to Abel and said " HEY ABEL!" Abel turned around from playing with clause’s tail. And said "what!" I answered "me and this dude were best of friends before-" as soon as I was about to finish my sentence. I looked at buddy and Ian and noticed that there was a man with a gun going crazy in the HQ! And said "Abel! We got a boggy!" he turned around and looked at the rubble building. And yelled "OOH s**t!" and made way for some cover. Clause set up a mount for his gun over a barrier. And aimed at him. Then I signaled buddy and Ian to get in the truck. Which they did. But as soon as they closed the door. The man at the rubble turned and pointed his gun at us! That is when I made shelter in the building behind us. then the man yelled "we have you surrounded come out and we will only put you in the cell!" then as soon as he said that a man ran through the building I was hiding in. and he stood in the doorway and pointed his gun at Abel and clause. Then I got up and took my 7 years of training into place. I ran be hind him put my switch blade to his collar bone and said "have a nice nap." then stuck the knife up his neck and pulled it out and moved from building to building stabbing each one. There was 7 men in the building I was in I knew there was more so I jumped on the balcony of a 7th floor apartment. And howled. That was my signal to Abel that we weren’t actually surrounded. That was when the man looking at me from the rubble building started to open fire on me and I ran back inside. Then the man who was standing there was not standing there any more. Abel had pulled out his 2 inch bower knife that he loves so much and stabbed it up his neck then I noticed that there was a man coming up behind clause. So I started to run down the stairs. But I knew that it wouldn’t work because he was weapon-drawn to shoot. Then Abel turned around and reacted by pulling out his .357 magnum and shooting hitting his head. And knowing exactly what those people mean by. "His head seemed to disappear" and then we new that that was it because usually a squadron of men in the anti furry army usually consisted of 11. But we still went on scratch less. And then I exited the building. And went back to clause and Abel and said "well what are we going to do about them?" then Abel turned around and said "who?" I pointed to Ian and buddy who were sitting in the car. And Abel was paying attention to me because he was to busy cleaning his knife. so I stamped my foot and said "them" then all he could say is "ooh!" and then after a while we got in the car and thought for a second and said "so you went into the military!" then Ian and buddy turned and said "yea our dads are very anti-furry." so then I thought that we should talk about each others training. So I said "so what was your training like?" they both said "it sucked" then I sat on my tail again. And then "OUCH!" Abel and clause turned and said "when we get home we are redecorating these cars!" then they got into an argument about who's car is who's. so then I just said in the middle of their conversation "I call the charger!" the fur agency all assigned us cars and then gave us more as we went on without any KIA's. So we have 10 cars. And they are all bio fuelled. And all of them are opened up for anyone to use. In fact the agency has a lot of people and we three are all big people in it. There are no ranks. Why would we get paid for killing people? They think that we should ask for something then we should receive it because of the no casualties. So. We have a dodge charger, a black escalade, and the orange one that we are already in. we have had that for the longest. The agency started out with me Abel clause and some unknown mercenaries. And then we started advertising while my training was going on. My training was the hardest because we were the first squad. So we had this jerk that had been paid to come over to the hidden facility. And this was no army training. We had to fight random people in the street and he at least made us fight at least 10 people an hour. Then he made us train in agility and stealth. He mad us run from his gun as he shot at us. Then he made us sneak up behind a drug dealer and steal his drugs. And then sell him and then go to gang wars and kill 1 by 1 before the cops came. And if anything bad happened like one of us getting caught he would leave it to us to break out of the jail and not knowing. And another thing once you got in anything in your life that was put in the records. He made us go into the computers at D.C. and completely wipe out our names out of the computer. And that was the last thing that the government ever saw of us. That was it never got caught after the day we erased our names. And we got completely erased. So... that was some of our training I am not even going to get in to the driving test! So, and I was sitting in the truck and we had figured out what we could do. We could let them protect the outpost that we had setup since training. No one has ever attacked it. But if they did, we had mounted saw with sand bags all over the all abandon mansion. But yet no one had ever thought of going there. So, finally I said "hey buddy you could sleep at the mansion instead of an old road that they had before. Because we always left survivors all over the house, And that there were empty rooms all over the house. I am sure that they could have a bed. But we aren’t always there. We sometimes leave on missions that last for many days. And we would be gone for a long time but we would be back." and then buddy answered "ooh we would love to!" so. That night we all slept at the mansion and played risk. I won. Abel second and clause third. And Buddy and Ian killed each other in the beginning. So that just left us killing each other. And that was the last of that game in a little while. And that night there was a noise that startled me. I started to walk out into the dark in only my under wear. And just stopped by the room that was making the much noise knocked. There was a voice that came out that sounded startled. I am busy and then I heard Clause’s voice in the background. And just kept walking, but I didn’t question all I did was walk by. Well I went to the old library. And visited a Harriet Tubman biography, the first thing I read in the biography was. The husky voice was beautiful but yet just a murmur in the mist. Then I heard an unknown mans voice. And it wasn’t any of the survivors’ voices so I went back by the same room. And it wasn’t them. Then I heard a startling noise in the kitchen. I went up to the door and knocked on the door. And said "we have a un noted visitor!" then walked into the kitchen silently and heard the conversation they were having, all they were talking about was the food in the house… Then what I did was just simply made my howl and they left frightened. Then clause and Abel came in. "hey Abel I didn’t call you?" he said "wha? Ooh, well um... I can explain." then I cut in "hey its okay. I know what happened." and they returned to there beds and I went to sleep. The next morning every one was startled by my howling in my sleep. I woke up by Abel kicking me in my sleep and said "wake midnight howler... good lord what kind of dream were you having?" I answered "honestly... I didn’t have one." then clause entered the room and all dressed up in black armor said "sorry to interrupt. But we got a new mission! We are going down to Wall Street. there are politics being carried by a lot of heavy armed soldiers." then me and Abel answered at the same time "what is the plan" then me getting up in my pajamas said "OUCH! " pulling my pajamas pants off happened to have left my tail in the pants and trying to pull the pants off still. Then in my underwear put on my white armor and said "well shoot. Have you not found a plan yet?" then clause said "well shoot yea. We are going to steak out later on tonight and wait for them in the morning." then I said putting my tactical shirt on "well any tents." then he answered. "Yea... only two, I will be in a tent with Abel." then Abel said "well shoot. Were did I put my pants?" I turned around and said "in the draw second up third on the right!" Abel looked in there and said "BOO YAH! WIN!" we all laughed and walked out side to the lounge was there were some survivors. The rest were still asleep. Ian was awake and so was Sid. So when we walked out there clause yelled "WHO WANTS SOME BREAKFAST!" the ones who was there said "ME!" then Abel said "WELL WE GOT TO COOK IT! YAY?" then a sigh came over the small crowd as we were still in our suites but didn’t have our weapons on yet. So we started breakfast and I being the messiest cooker had already had eggs on my mussel. Eggs that always seemed to bother me to cook. I looked at Abel and said while he seemed to be giggling "what?" then he said "hold on you got something on your nose." and instead of taking his paw and getting it off. He decided to lick it off. Then I said "you need to brush your teeth." then he giggled and just kept cooking. Of course through the training the man made us differ in many things. We all have different abilities. And we just kept cooking then we just finally got to get our guns on then we went on ahead and just left and we told them we left and be careful. So then we just went on ahead and left because we needed to leave early because the mansion is on the out skirts of Washington. So, we had to drive and in the back drive ways because there weren’t any army seemed to be on the back roads. And we needed to leave early any way because the road blocks always came and hour before the estimated arrival. So we had a place to park the car and at the same time be in the way of the senator coming. Our missions are like hit men missions. It’s that we don’t know why we are killing and who we are killing. We just get cars, weapon, and food which make us all happy. So when we were asking what car we were taking. I of course said the charger. But they didn’t like it. I just liked to drive the car. So we finally chose the black BMW that had a supercharger engine. So of course I wanted to drive. I always liked to drive the BMW it had good handling and speed. so I got to drive and Abel being the back seat driver was correcting me when ever I was about to turn and always said "are you sure that this is the place to turn?" but I always answered "this is the agencies directions." so then he stopped talking about it and I didn’t sit on my tail either! So it was a happy ride over to the house. And for some reason the agency was always right about directions, hits, and were the hits are. So we never ever questioned the agencies messages. So we took orders. And finally we got there; it was a very pretty apartment that had a very good view of the street below. And all we did was sleep and they had the guns at the apartment and they had a note of the estimated time. And that we had at least 3 minutes to get a good shot at the target. So when we finally got to go to sleep I didn’t know that there was an alarm clock in my room but it was in there and it woke me up a 1 hour before the estimated time. and we just left the tents in the car because we knew that we are going to have to camp some where because they would follow us and that it would make it harder for them to find us in a lot of different places because the agency left a car for me.. And the agency knows me because it was a 1970 dodge charger. And that always had made me happy! So when I went to wake Abel up he wasn’t in his room. He always seemed that he had to sleep in someone else’s room. So I went to clause's room and just knocked and said "Clause the alarm is there to wake you up and not to be snoozed!" so then I herd footsteps and then he opened the door and said "dude have you seen Abel?" then I answered "no? He isn’t in his room." then I knew where he would be. So I went to the kitchen because he always made breakfast. And when I went in there he wasn’t there but yet he had the food out. So I went on ahead and at the egg and bacon breakfast that the agency left for us to eat. And then I noticed that when I went to the car there was a note. And I opened the note and read. The note had said every thing that we was supposed to do, So I went back upstairs and Clause and Abel were both in the kitchen Abel turned around and said "want seconds. You always want seconds on missions." I said "always man. Ooh yea, Clause was he?" then as soon as I said that clause started laughing and said "ha. You want believe were he was! He was sitting on the roof asleep on the ledge!" then I knew that there was already food on the table. And I just started laughing and sat down to eat. Then of course I sat on my tail. and noticed after my third serving that we had thirty minutes so I told Abel to get on the roof with the pretty berretta .50 caliber sniper rifle and for some reason it happened to have a extra wide boar for a .50 cal. but he got on the roof and Clause and I got in our different cars. And of course they had already had the road blocks set up and then about thirty minutes later. I finally saw the black escalade that was stopped by the many road blocks on this street. Of course the car got stopped at every single one but it got stopped for an abnormally long time. And they had seemed to question each other for an abnormally long time and then I noticed that the senator was in the back seat. And then as soon as I saw him he disappeared. and the gun shot that could be heard from many miles had gone through the roof of the armored car and as soon as the gun shot happened I started my car about 20 seconds and pressed the pedal to the floor and the road block men started to shoot at me but I had a level 5 armor charger with bullet proof windows and tires. then one of them happened to see me and stopped shooting and the road block opened for me and they nodded and the agents didn’t quit shooting but the road block guards let me bye. So I kept driving following the directions that seemed to be direct with all the road blocks set up and there seemed to be a gap in between two roads. So that was three blocks down and the cars that seemed to be following me had all of a suddenly sped up and that’s when I had the chance to turn widely in the cars that were just debris. And that was when I had swiftly changed lanes the pretty hummer that had been following me had hit the car and flipped. Then the man had got out of the hummer and shot directly at my trunk. And that had popped open my trunk and there was nothing in it but clothes. And that was when I had seemed to turn around the street ahead had turned and I had turned with it. But there were more hummers. And then I had knew what was about to happen. A man was going to pop out of the window. But instead of him holding a gun he had a camera. I turned around for a second and stared at the man with the camera and as soon as I did the flash had came out of the camera. But I just kept driving and the hummer seemed to disappear in the distance. And finally I found the road that lead to be the camp that was supposed to be set up by Abel with two tents. There had only been one. So I had parked the bullet holed car. And gotten out of the car and walked toward the tent. Then I heard a silent gunshot landing right behind my feet. I turned and saw a man pointing a gun at me but he was at least 90 feet behind us. So I ran to the tent and opened up a tent that had two men in it with no blanket witch I had the blankets in my car. I glanced inside and saw the men cuddled and yelled "we have shots fired!" then they both got up and put there tactical gear on and walked out and fired there guns crazy at what I had saw to be 1 man. When I looked the second time there were at least 35. And when I had turned around I had pulled out my dads’ gun and open fire while jumping through the air. And I landed in a bush and then glanced at Abel who wasn’t being smart and just stood there. And Clause was still in the tent loading up his m60. So I got up and just started shooting them in the leg. The men we were fighting against had no cover, so they just stood there firing. So then I herd the tent open up and Clause got out there and just open fire with his m60 me being suppressed that the both of them didn’t get shot. Decided that while the suppressing fire was laid down, I can go behind these guys who finally found some cover to work with. And there are at least 24 of them now, and only 4 places to use as cover. So, I moved up to the first bunker and of course they didn’t notice me I just jumped over the bunker and there were 5 men that I didn’t know were behind the bunker. So as soon as I jumped over three of the men turned around to shoot me and 2 started to run. so the men that were about to get up were my number 1 priorities so I kicked one of them over the small car that they were hiding behind and shot the other one that was about to shot. then the third one had already pulled out his gun so I got behind him and pulled my knife into his leg and kicked him over the small bunker and when he fell he had his gun blazing and fell down shooting and killing the man already down there. So I had nothing to worry about but the guys that ran Abel took a shot at both of them and managed to hit them both. So when I had cleared one bunker out the bunker directly across from me had been cleared out by a grenade. So I moved up. Reloading as I went, I had to jump for the bunker because one of the men inside of the bunker had already reloaded and started to come out. So making my mad sprint had accidentally jumped over the bunker so I thought it would be cool to turn around in mid air and shoot. It only killed 2 of the 5 in there. so I just killed the rest by knifing a man and taking his hand that had been holding this nice tar21 and just opened up and got the rest of the men behind there and as soon as I was about to move up I saw Abel just start to mad sprint across the field and jump into there bunker and shoot through the bunker kill one of them then jumping over the bunker and pulled out his .357 magnum and killed the rest of them by getting 3 head shots through one dudes head then through another. And the man standing behind that man. So taking the ammunition on the ground we decided to just drive home I got in the charger and they drove in the BMW. When we arrived at the mansion. Every one had greeted us back hugging and then going back to bed because it was 2 o'clock in the morning. So I got undressed and took a shower and put on my pajamas and went to bed. The next morning when I had woken up I saw Abel curled up next to a vent in my room. I had the only working vent. So I said to him waking him up "get some breakfast." the he moaned and got up and walked into the kitchen. And I went back to sleep only to be woken up by every one in the house coming into my room and howling like I do in my sleep. Except that there was at least 15 people in the room all doing it at once. and they all just laughed and said "good morning" when I woke up and then just walked out then clause said "we are having a day of to spend with the survivors." so I under stood and got dressed and went outside and noticed that Abel wasn’t in the kitchen. Or the library, lobby. We had checked every where we thought he could be. Then we finally found him right next to Clause’s bed and he seemed to be curled up with a kitten that he found. So I kicked him again and he got up yelping. But we finally got up and then he seemed to be talking to himself and so we walked into the lobby and said "well no missions today. I guess we should... HANG OUT!" so we finally started talking to everyone and I started talking to the girl named Sid that we had rescued. So we all just sat around and chatted for a little while. Me getting to know everyone and yet still a little confused on this one girl named Trekky. She knew everything about dating and relationships. And she was an exact copy of me when I was 6. She was a really nice person who would like to find her friends again. I said "do you not like your new ones?" then she just simply started staring around the room and looking at all the things on the wall. And said "ya. I am supposed to hang out with yall. You guys saved my life I got to repay you guys some way." so then I said "well geaz! say that we weren’t there to save you and you still managed to get out and find that friend who you said was in that room with you. would you go with him instead of us?" then she took a while to answer and then finally she decided and said "well I am sure that if we knew where you guys were we would have been with you guys before this whole thing started." then I said "when did we pick you up anyway?" she answered "you picked me up in the nice BMW, you went through a apartment building and walked by my room and said do you need a ride? So I said ya but can you wait for 2 minutes?" so then she told everything exact and precise. When she was finished talking I said "so who were you waiting on anyway?" she answered "a man named Cole. You wouldn’t know him. But if you do find him tell him that Trekky misses him and that he should come down here." well that was the last of what I could gather from her. And all the survivors seemed really nice. They all knew what they were hiding from even though they were civilians. So then we had some nice lunch and then we went straight back to playing risk. Of course I didn’t win this time and we all seemed to know why, I just wasn’t happy that day I kept wondering why in the world that guy took a picture of me. So we just went on playing risk and I got second and clause got first and Abel in the near third with buddy in last. So I had dinner then went to bed. The next morning was an even better wake up call. They had video recorded me howling that night and had seemed to think that it was mean to put the recording right next to my ear. But I didn’t seem to wake me. I just rolled over. Then Abel just came in and had a very happy smile on his face when I started howling, he just kicked me making me fall off the bed and had woken up then. I got up and said "well shoot, I need to clean this room any way. I said while dusting my fur of and Abel just kept laughing while I got dressed and had had to get breakfast ready while we were waiting for clause to get done with what ever mission briefing that had been held. And then after a 40 minute mission briefing he came in and said "well. not only are we fighting against every one but know the world has gone to war, everyone against everyone, the SVR and the Chinese republic are at war and the U.S. are getting harassed by the Japanese and has just declared war and are sending men in. that means more missions and the world is going to hell. So our mission for today is to go to Rhode island street and assonate a man named Vasakyr mashlavoc. he is a well known Russian scientist who is making a anti fur treatment to kill us faster, there is going to be other agencies down there to so, even if we miss we are going to have help. so we packed our bags and went to the cars, this time we didn’t need any tents because it wasn’t going to take that long to kill this man and be gone. So we chose our fastest car the nice Chrysler 300c. And had packed our guns in the trunk and for some reason clause bring rope. We told him not to but he did any way. So when we got in the car I said "ouch! dangit we didn’t drill a hole in this one." then Abel said "no. you just need to learn how not to do that." so I had that stuck in my head on how not to do that all the way up there. We were stopping at this nice gas station. There had seemed to be a lot of those on this street. And this was the one that they had told us to go to and of course we did what we were told because if we didn’t we would probably get hurt or maybe die. So the gas station seemed to have the gas still there so we had emptied most of the fuel into our car and into little gas buckets that we found inside the gas station. We finally got the pumps empty. So we just watched the big building that had a white circle with a big radiation symbol that had said "fracture science inc." and we had spent most of the day filling up the buckets and putting them inside the car. When we saw the scientist getting out and we hid behind the blue Chrysler. I managed to get a look and see which one was mashlavoc. But no one came out. so we waited for a while and no one else came out I pulled out my binoculars and noticed that there was a sign on the door that had a picture of me while I was looking for the man through the glass door. But no one came out. Then I looked back at the sign it said WANTED $20,000. I starred and then I gave the glasses to Abel and he passed it down to clause. They noticed this and said "well we can’t walk through the doors anymore. So I said "great!" then we went back inside and I fell asleep they went to drink some soda. So I woke up the next morning by a horrible dream of the mansion being airstrike while we were gone. watching the mayhem happen just made me really sad then seeing my mother come in after the burn and said "come home son, come home!" it made me even more sad to see this and know that we had missed all the nice survivors. But it was just a dream right? So I woke up but the alarm clock was there the next morning and it had the alarm set to wake me up in the next hour. So I went on ahead to see what pretty things the agency had set up. They had my clothes already sitting on the counter. And the ammo right next to it. I had seen that the armor was a pretty white like it had always been and for some reason they had gloves to come with it and some nice white boots and matching helmet. And it had a nice white holster for my gun. I was astounded by how much extra stuff they had given me white glasses and balaclava. It was as if I had done something great to disserve this. They even had a white hummer sitting outside for me. And there was a note inside it again and it told me everything. So I went back inside and sat down behind the counter and had a nice coke. And looked for a nice radio station to listen to. When I heard a nice song to stop at it was a bob Segar song and I just stopped to listen and then a news cast had came on by a man named general. I spit my coke all over the counter. It said “this is a message to all furrys about the killing of mister senator jack Lowman. The army will pay $20,000 for any one that would catch the husky. He is 6" 3' about 140 pounds and he is always wondering around in a black dodge charger. and if you are listing, we will catch you no matter what this innocent man did nothing to you he was trying to restore peace." then the man stopped talking and I turned off the radio and walked to my room and just sat on my bed wondering how in the world could general be in the army as a trusty speech man. I wondered what I would do if he came at me. Then clause was outside starring at the massive 20 floor building wondering how we would manage to get through the building alive. And he had black suit that was a little like mine just no balaclava. Then I told him everything that we had to do. Then I asked "were in the world is Abel?" then clause responded "god only knows." I giggled and went back inside and searched. He was asleep in the closet that was stuffed full of coke. And finally he got up and said "I love coke!" then he grabbed a random bottle and hugged it then popped the cap and drank it down. Then I found a music player in the closet and then I turned it on and noticed that the music player had songs I loved on it. Including the beast and the harlot. So I had the alarm set to go off and at the time we need to be at the door. Then we all loaded up and walked up to the door. And we all had stood in front of the counter. Waiting in for the clerk to come and unlock the door to the elevator. Then as soon as she closed the elevator door. I pulled out two silenced pistols and everyone except clause had pulled out a silence gun that they had before, clause had to pull out a gun the agency gave him. It was a nice tar21. But we had to be silent. It was the rule. And as soon as we pulled out the guns the security guards pulled out there pistols and had already been shot all 4 of them. It didn’t seem like much for a floor that was about the laboratory. But any way. Clause ran through the building in his black armor was like a shadow through the building. Walked to the security area and all we heard was what sounded like pens dropping. There was at least 60 pen drops. Then he said "dudes lets go!" I ran into a vent after looking at the major body masses that was lying on the ground. I went through the duct and went up and down the vents following the directions to the room. Then I was above the room waiting for the right time. Then had heard the door open and a man that said "we have to evacuate the building" then that was the right time. I had kicked open the bottom of the vent. And fell on the marble table and had my trigger happy finger shooting at least 5 rounds a second. Putting bullets in the security guards and the men around the room. Finally I found the man named mashlavoc and took fire making the bullet hit the cranium and some how I missed the women but I had mercy on them. And left the room and saw the rest of the security guards on the ground and bleeding. And saw clause starring and talking to him. then just walked by him and said "well that’s nice now where is Abel." then he turned around "he is still in the front entrance." we walked to the room and saw that there was a security guard that turned and shot clause right in the ear he fell to the ground and I saw Abel come running from the room and yelling "OOH MY GOD NO!!" then he ran up and just started to put the knife in his back and then his neck and then all over his body was holes from the knifing. Then we carried clause out from the building and into the Chrysler and Abel drove off and I waited for the army to get here. Then got into the hummer and sped off. They started to follow me but just got left behind by my dust. Then I had my iPod and started to listen to my iPod. Then I arrived and parked right next to my charger. When I got out clause came up to me and said "hey man we got to go on a search. Some one we found was wondering around the house and he told us about this man named raj, he is a tiger." well a thought for a second and said "were is this... RAJ located anyway?" then clause said "he is located about 2 miles west from here in a abandon house, we are all getting in different cars and using the walky, ohh nice new car bye the way." Abel ran out with the walkys and said "all righty! We are all on channel seven. Ooh! Who’s car!" I reacted "mine! And I am riding in It." then Abel turned and went to his 1968 Chevy corvette stingray roadster. And clause went to his Chrysler 300c and just jumped in. I got into the hummer and plugged in the iPod I found to the attachment cord that let me listen to it from the car. And followed Abel who was following clause down the same road for at least 2 to 3 miles. And then he stopped in a cul-de-sac and he said getting out of the car "hey we need to search these houses here I got an idea! Abel gets the two on the right. Mark gets the three rights in front of us. And ill get the other two." I turned and said "fine! I get the pretty houses any way." then he said "ohm. Don’t forget to look for any provisions either." then I went to the first house it was a very orange house and was a nice house for a cul-de-sac house. Then I noticed the door was locked so I picked the lock and went in. there was chairs in front of the door and then when I went in the first room that was right in front of the little lobby was a small figure huddled in a corner. I called out "raj... is that your name?" then the figured came out and said "yes, are you coming to get Me." then I came up to him and grabbed his paw and said "i am here to get you out, it’s ok. Is this your house?" he grabbed. Mine and said "ya. This is mine...” he got up and I could see the tears running down his muzzle. I said "well it is nice! Ha-ha... hey you have an iPod?" then he said "yes! Why?" then I answered "my new hummer has a nice cord that connects to your iPod that lets you listen to It." then he turned and said "holy crap THAT’S awesome!" then we walked out to the car and they were waiting for us. And said "well it took you long enough." then we turned and said "well I found him! Does that make you happy and he is riding with me!" then Abel went back to his car grunting and clause just got in the car and just didn’t care. So we all just got on the road and we just listen to raj's iPod and of coarse I sat on my tail. And said "OUCH!" and he just questioned me and we just rode until we came to a road block and I had to quickly put on my tactical gear to look more armyish. And when Abel got out to talk to the men from what I could tell the gate man let us by. so we just drove on out and finally when we got to the house we pulled in and then we asked him because he was about the only man that we felt has been in the war long enough to know. We asked him "hey do you want to join the agency?" so he took a while and said "well sure. I need to fight for what’s right." then we went to the computer and I logged into my name and clicked the words sign a new recruit. Then we signed raj up through what seemed to take an hour for what actually took about 20 minutes. Then he finally got signed in and he didn’t need any training because we couldn’t get the trainer. He died from a war that lasted for 5 hours it’s why he stop teaching us was to fight in that war. So it was at least 3 years ago. Then I went to sleep because I didn’t want to stay up for any longer. So the new man had to sleep right down the hall and he woke me up along with Abel and said "hey man, you kind of howl in your sleep." I said "ya I know I do that when ever I had a happy day. So that’s what I wanted to tell him because I knew that it would make him happy. So we just got up and put on there gear and raj had nice golden gear it was really shiny and he had a SPD sniper rifle with a desert eagle. And he already had a carat was a Ferrari it was pretty and fast. But we already had a mission. It was to kill a man named tool ward. I had no clue who he was had just gone on with the mission now we road in pears with me and raj going one way and clause and Abel riding in two different cars a different way. We both used different cars. We always had used different cars it just didn’t make since not to. So we road a Ferrari and a hummer riding behind each other. Had taken a route to were the man named tool had a security check point down a road near the cul-de-sac were raj had lived. We stopped at an apartment building that seemed to be at least 40 stories tall. But we had that building that was still occupied by people and clause and Abel had this nice abandoned hotel. So we had to sneak into the building and find a nice place to stay. So. When we found an office that was not occupied by any humans but we still had to live there with out any one knowing. So we had to go through the vents and find the office. By searching through the vents. So we finally found a room that had a good view. Locked the door. And had our guns spread out everywhere around the room. And had been laying around and listening to our iPod. And fell asleep. The next day we woke up with the mysterious alarm clock that always seemed to appear. He seemed shock but I knew where it came from. So when we got up and had our gear on we had to set up our guns for when this man named tool came. So we sat around for at least an hour. Then finally a black escalade pulled up and stopped in front of the building. But something urged me to stop this but I didn’t know what. Then Abel came in through the walky "hey do see the pigeon?" then pushed the button and responded "yes the pigeon is entering the coup. out." we walked down the hallway and came up to tool and his body guards and stopped them in our nice double breasted suites. And said "hey is this a mister tool?" then the man said "yes!" but he was a kid my age. Then I remembered he was in my class. He was generals’ friend! Now this was all coming to me! Then I nudged raj and pulled out my pistol and shot the four guards before they could do anything about it and said "are you and anti fur activist?" then the teenager started to pull something out of his nice suite. Then I said "dude don’t even think about it. Even if you do manage to shoot me, my buddy raj over here will bit ten holes with a sniper rifle so advise you not." then he starred at me. He couldn’t see me but he most likely knew about me. Then pulled his hand out of his suite. And said "well it pays good." then I went up to him and put my paw around his shoulder and hit him in the back of the head with my berretta knocking him out. Then raj said "wait was there a change of order?" then I said "no. I have a better plan though." then he understood and I picked up the big kid and walked out of the building. Having to kill a couple on the way out raj just pulled his sniper rifle out and said "you gonna DIE!" then shot them all in the head with a sniper. He had really good accuracy. So we walked out of the building and there was our cars I put the man in mine and then drove following raj then Abel called in on the walky "hey dude were did yall go?" then I replied "we are heading back. We didn’t kill him I had a better idea." then he said "DUDE the agency is not going to like this. not one bit!" then I said "I didn’t want to harm him because he was my friend" then I saw Abel and clause car catch up to us as soon as he called in. "dude we got a new mission." then I said "who is it this time?" then the car started to move faster "YOU!" as soon as he said that the back car rammed me and the front one tried to stop I evaded the cars making them ram each other. Then I could see clause’s car getting scary close to me as he evaded them to. So I turned onto a street that was road blocked and got hit again. But hummers are tough so nothing was at that much of harm when it happened. Then I rammed into the road block breaking through the barriers. Then I saw another one right up the road. So I took a road that was a road right behind a house. So I drove my hummer and the 300c following through a back road. then I noticed that tool started waking up I said while nearly running into a fence post "dude look don’t hurt me I am trying to save you right now if you haven’t noticed" then I pointed back at the back window and he starred at the car. And said "well. look at this the man who knocked me out is trying to save me." then he started back for what ever was in his pocket then I pulled my gun out again and said "dude don’t make me shoot you. I am crazy, if you haven’t heard the radio lately then your screwed." then he stopped from pulling it out again and said "ooh. Your the crazy senator killer... right!" then I said "no. i am mark" then I pulled off my balaclava and helmet and all he did was stare. So then I just kept driving with a wolf behind me. then I had seen a kid in the road and swerved and hit a rubble pile and barely hitting it happened to turn us over and skid into a building upside down. I unbuckled my seat belt to look and see if clause was gone. But he had taken the same route that we had taken and skidded behind us. I turned around and looked at tool and said "you ok?" he said "yea i am fine. Luckily I had my seat belt on!" then I got out of the hummer and looked at the 300c that had nearly hit our car upside down. Then I looked in the driver seat and noticed that clause was knocked out and on the roof of the car. And I pulled the unfortunate wolf that had a broken arm and pulled him to a building that I hoped wasn’t occupied. Then pulled his walky out of his pants pocket. then said "Abel you there" then he answered "dang you are a good driver, what wait were is clause?!" then I answered before he got any suspicions "we had a crash and I pulled him out of his car he didn’t wear a seat belt." then a pause came on and I said "does this make us friends?" then he said "look dude you got a very high rank on your head. Were are you at?" then I took a while to answer because I had no clue the way he would react right now. I said "27th street you will see the two overturned vehicles and we are in the building a block down." then there was a pause and he said "alright we got a new car so...” then I went to hide somewhere but all I could find in the apartment building was a closet. So I put tool on the next floor. And I hid in the closet. About 3 minutes later there was a knock on the door and then the same door was unlocked. And Abel yells "my wolf! are you alright." but there was no answer and I pulled out of the closet and said "he has been out for a while." as soon as I got out of the closet Abel pulled out his gun but didn’t shoot. Raj just entered the room and said "what’s going on! holy crap who skidded into the building" then Abel put down his gun and said "that was mark white hummer!" so I figured it was alright to pull out my iPod and show Abel. I don’t know why I did it I thought it would make him happy. he said "hey I got one of these... wait were did you get this" then I said "the gas station on the mashlavoc mission." he looked at me clueless for a while then he said "ooh yea!" then he turned to clause and said "what’s wrong with him?" then I said "i am not the medic I think he is" pointing to the motionless body on the ground. He said "crap." so I told tool to come down. Then as soon as he came down Abel pulled out his gun and said "this dude is still on the list" I said "put it down! He is a dear friend!" then Abel just kept acting like he was about to pull the trigger. And put the gun down. Then said "only because your my friend." then clause woke up and then I said "hey clause! Rise and shine" then he reached for a side arm and I said "look in front of you!" then he looked at Abel and said "why can’t I move my arm... OUCH!" Abel said "you broke your arm honey. we are going to get you into the car " so we picked the poor wolf up and out to Abels pretty Honda rice burner that he found in the street and we drove back to the abandon house then Abel said while getting out of the car "take the charger and get a place close from here. Here take this." then he handed me the charger keys and a cell phone. Then he said "you take care and call me as soon as you get settled in." then I said "ooh. Ok mom. Hehe ill call you when I find a nice place, I still want my eggs." then he giggled and said "ill try, ill try" then we waved good bye and then he said "ooh yea tool is gone he left a while ago." then I smiled got into the charger and drove off. I first start in the downtown area, there was nothing many broken houses but yet nothing available. So finally I found a nice house that was in the redneck area. I pulled into the nice 2 story house that was empty and had a computer, a nice lobby, a comfortable bed, a very nice bathroom. So I figured this will do. Put all my clothes into my new closet. And called Abel. he answered and there was a lot of noise but he moved to a different room while saying "hello?" then I said "how are you doing?" then he said "I need to know where you are living now?" then I said "well I am living in a nice 2 story lobby that’s on new Hampshire street." then he said "wow nice! at least you managed something." then I asked "so how is clause?" then Abel said "broken arm isn’t nothing he cant tell me how to fix." then I replied "well I need some breakfast you going to come over tomorrow?" then he said after a while of nursing to clause "yaw. Call me around 5 o'clock." I said "ooh. Ok!" then we said our good byes and hung up the phone. I examined the nice phone that Abel had given me and I noticed that there was an alarm button. I set the clock to wake me up at 4:30 so that way I can get up and exercise and call him early. And laid down on my bed that was very nice and comfortable but had a little bit of a kink in a wire. Then I noticed that I had to do some extra dusting because when I had hit the bed dust went every where. So I turned the sheets over and fell asleep. The next morning started out with a catchy ring tone that had a nice little ring to it. And I got up and went for a nice stroll through the destroyed town. And had put on the white boots and every thing except the armor. And when I came back it was 4:50 and I called Abel and when he answered it sounded like a different atmosphere. More down, and sad. He said in a raspy voice "hey mark! I will be there in a minute, been cooking and have some left over’s. Ooh yea and a boy named Ian said to say hey." then ii answered "takes your time and call me if you need directions!