• Noelle, tall slender, with voluminous curves and elegantly long legs. Ike watches her all the time, Ike, her best friend, her crutch, since high school. When her auburn hair falls into her eyes, or when her warm honey eyes look up at him, gold in the sunlight, his heart skips a beat. Every move she makes is graceful with a dancer’s agility, and every move he makes is with purpose, but not shy from awkwardness.

    As she dances upon her stage, yes, her stage, for when Noelle dances, she owns the stage, the curtains, and even the audience, who is entranced but her movements that are so close to love. As she leaps into the air, her audience’s hearts leap with her, when she sweeps down, with depression of the dance, her audience’s hearts ache for her. When Noelle struts across the ballroom floor, under the critical eyes of the judges, being led by her partner in a dance so close to love making, the tango, the audience wishes she was in their bedroom. Whether they be man woman, child or infant, they become entranced by her, but this isn’t why Ike loves her.

    Ike loves her because of the look on her face after those dances, a drained, pained look, for she gave all she had to the audience, and left none for herself. He loves her because of her willingness to give to others, despite what it does to her. He loves her because she smiles like the sun, warm and delightful like, and cries like the moon, with so much to give, but none to accept for all of the earthlings are asleep when the moon comes out. Ike love her because she is a jewel that many want, a jewel to be treasured and treated with care, but is often thrown away, for the jewel holder’s own idiocy to not know how precious the jewel he had. Ike loves her, because he simply cannot. He was made to love her, to treasure her, to treat her with care and love, to make her feel like she is the most beautiful woman in the world. He was made to give back what she gave away on the dance floor, to always be there for her.

    Noelle, a woman with a cold heart from being raised in a cold household, doesn’t know love, even when she is showered in it. She gives away all she has to offer to others, and lets herself be taken advantage of, simply because she wants to be loved, she wants to be a necessity, a constant want. So she dance with her heart in her hand, giving it to all who will accept, and then goes home with men who promise to love her with all their hearts with their fingers crossed behind their backs. Men who traps her in their beds, shedding her of all she has, what she can give, and what she must have, they take all, and then leave her limp and alone, in a dirtied bed.

    As she picks herself up from yet another semen stench bed, and slips on her dress that is made of nothing but silk, she looks back at the man she thought would love her. He stood near a window, a cigarette livid red at the tip, between his fingers. The rain hit the window’s glass with a pitter and a patter, the night sky a grayish black, everything outside colored monotones of purples and blues. The man turns his head a bit, “You heard me, get out, you worthless whore.”

    Noelle turns on heel, and silently, without another word she walks down the endless hall to the front door. The millions of pictures whisper words of shame, and disgust, filling her ears with words she heard over a thousand times; ‘you’ll sleep with anyone,’ ‘you’re just a gold digging whore,’ ‘you should give up the dance floor, and go to the pole, a whore like you belong there,’ ‘you? How could I love you? Your’s just a bed warmer.She opens the door, and goes through, closing the door without a sound, she recalls the time when she use to slam the door when things ended like they always did, but soon gave that up, because not letting them know you’re hurt is better than letting them know they have some sort of control over you. She went down the apartment hallway and wait for the elevator, and when the ominous silver doors opens to a small, quite, secluded space, she dashed inside, pushing the button the close the doors in a hurry. And finally when the doors closed, she let the tears roll down her face, she looked down at her perfectly pedicured barefooted feet. Barefooted because the man bought her the shoes when he took her shopping last Tuesday, they were left at the foot of the king sized bed in the room where the man is probably still smoking a cigarette in. Near the head of the bed, are her stockings, she left them because the had holes in them from the man’s aggressive behavior in bed, and in the living room, draped like trophies on the couch, and on the coffee table is her underwear, which would’ve taken to long to put on, so she left them also, a reminder to the man that she even existed.

    The elevator stopped, and the silver doors open, Noelle turns to the mirror on the elevator walls and wiped away the tears, and attempted to clean up her mascara that now made her look like a raccoon. Giving up, she stood straight up with a dancers’ grace, and had her head held high, and walked out of the waiting elevator, and out of the upscale apartment building.

    Noelle walked out into the cold rain, a match to her heart. She let the rain soak through her thick mane of auburn curls and waves; she let the rain soak through her mist gray silk dress. She let the rain slid down her shoulders and her back. She didn’t avoid puddles, and barely reacted when a car past by and showered her in drain water that collected by the sidewalk. Noelle just continued walking, losing her sense of direction, only walking because there was nothing else to do.

    Looking up at an illuminating sign, Noelle went into a bar, not noticing the dozens of motorcycles mixed in with cars. Going through the door she was hit by a wave of heat, and an odor of liquor, men and sweat. The bar was crowded, but not over crowed, it was just enough people to say the bar was pretty popular, but not over popular. Noelle weaved her way through the crowd, keeping towards the wall, she approached the bar, settling herself onto a barstool. She sat there, looking at everyone, and then she turned her back on everyone, she had nothing to give these people; she had nothing for even herself.

    “Hey beautiful, want me to buy you a drink? What’s your poison?” a gruff voice said beside her.

    Noelle looked up, to the welder of the voice, in place was a snake, a weasel, you know the type. The guy with an ego as big as a whale, a cocky male, who thinks he’s the hottest, that he’s the best, and that you should be kissing his feet just because he’s paying some attention to you.

    “Yeah, sure, why not? I want, uh, something strong, really strong.” Noelle replied, looking him dead in his eyes.

    The guy smiled, then shouted an order to the bartender, then turned back to her, “So what’s a pretty girl like you in a place like this?” he leaned on the bar with one arm.

    “Doing what she likes,” Noelle raised an eyebrow, daring him in a manor many males find seductive.

    “Strong willed huh?”

    “Yeah.” Noelle said, as the bartender placed her drink in front of her. Noelle picked it up, tilted her head back, and chugged it, ignoring the burning sensation trickling down her throat.

    “Wow!” the snake like guy cried, then smiled, “I love me a girl who can hold her liquor!”
    Noelle smiled as he ordered her another drink, and chugged it just like the first one, by the 3rd one, Noelle turned to him, her speech slurring, “Hey, can you give me a quarter, I gotta call someone.”

    The guy smiled, and handed her one, and watched as she got up from the bar and went to the pay phone.

    Slipping the quarter in the slot, Noelle punched in Ike’s number, and waited as the phone rang, “Hello?” came Ike’s groggy voice.

    “Ikey!” Noelle exclaimed, “oh Ikey! You just have to come,” her speech slurred, “it’s so much fun here! This cool guy keeps getting me drinks!”

    Ike sat up in his bed in his tiny apartment; he glanced out his window and out on the wet outside world. “Where are you Noelle?” she asked, hurriedly jumping out of his bed, and puling on his pant, and a t-shirt, which held tight to his buff chest.

    “Uh, I don’t know,” Noelle said, then turned, with the phone pressed to her face, and yelled out to the crowd, “Hey, all you drunks, what’s this place called?”

    No one replied for a second, and then someone said, “Hey! Chick, it’s called Sailor’s Home!”

    “Thanks!” Noelle shouted back, then turned back around and said, “It’s called Sailor’s Home Ikey. Are you gonna come, maybe the nice guy will buy drinks for you to.”

    “Uh, I don’t think he will, but listen to me Noelle,” Ike shoved his feet into his steel toed, black combat boots, quickly tying them up. “Listen to me Noelle, listen; stay right the-”

    Noelle cut him off, saying, “Oh I gotta to go, Ikey, the nice guy is calling me, love you, buh-bye!” She set the phone of the hook, and turned back to the bar.

    Ike stared into the darkness, cussing, he shoved his cell phone into his pockets, grabbed his keys and ran out the door, locking it behind him. He ran out to where he parked his car, starting the engine, and then pulling into the street.

    “Come on beautiful, I got someplace I want you to see,” the guy said, sliding his arm around her waist.
    “I don’t know Ikey’s on his way over I think.” Noelle replied tilting her head.
    “Oh, come on, darling, they’ll be all the drinks you could want there.”

    “Well, okay…” Noelle let the guy pull her through the crowd, and out of the door.

    Ike raced down the streets, flying past stops, and barely stopping on red lights. He knew where the Sailor’s Home was, it was a popular bar, tat almost everyone went to. He turned the corner, and saw her. Noelle was being led away by a weasel looking guy. Ike parked the car in the parking lot, and got out. Running down the street in big sweeping steps. Ike is built big, with a broad chest, and wide shoulders, and long legs, and big hands. He was well built and muscular. He easily caught up with them.

    “Noelle!” Ike shouted, closing the space between them in three steps. “Come on, let me get you home.”

    “Ikey!” Noelle threw her arms around his neck, kissing his face, “oh, it is just fantastic to see you, Ikey! Now we can all go to this nice guys place and get all the drinks we want.”

    “No Noelle, you’re going home, where we have all the ice cream you want, how ‘bout that, huh? Want an ice cream sundae?” Ike said, hitting her weak point, Noelle could never say ‘no’ to ice cream, let alone an ice cream sundae.

    “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I want ice cream! I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! I scream you scream, we all scream for ice cream! I scream you scream we all…” Noelle shouted the chant over and over.

    “Hey, you can’t take her!” the guy said, his face pink with anger.

    Ike turned to him, pushing Noelle (who was still shouting the chant at the top of her lungs) behind him. “Oh yeah, what are you gonna do ‘bout it?” Ike squared his shoulder, and straightened his back.

    The guy looked Ike up and down, then turned around and shoved his hands into his pockets, and walked off.

    Noelle, taking a break from her chanting, said, “Ikey, where is the nice guy going? He’s not having ice cream??”

    Ike turned to her and smiled, replying, “Nah, he doesn’t like ice cream. Now come on.”

    Noelle smiled, then a weird look passed over her face, she doubled over, and puked right on Ike’s shoes.

    Noelle woke up the next morning in Ike’s bed, wearing a big oversized plain white t-shirt. She sat up fast, and then laid back down, due to the spinning of the room, the bright light spilling into the room, and the throbbing of her head. “Ike!” Noelle called.

    An as expected, Ike poked his head in, “Yeah?”

    “Advil, water, and close those damn blinds!” she rolled over.

    “Coming right up, Mademoiselle,” Ike smiled, and left.

    2 minutes later, Ike had 2 Advils, a glass of water, some hot coffee, and he closed the blinds. Bending down next to her, Ike gave her the Advil and the water first and waited as she popped the Advil into her mouth, and then gulped down some water. Then he handed her the coffee, smiling, “Though night.”

    Noelle looked at him, and then kissed his on his forehead “thanks for rescuing me, oh night in shinning armor,” she smiled.

    “Any time for a lady of such grace and beauty.” Ike smiled back.

    Finishing up the coffee, Noelle went into the bathroom, and it was only when Ike heard the shower turn on did he slump into his bed, burying his head in her scent. He was up all night, carrying her to the toilet, holding her hair, giving her water, and giving her something to eat, and putting her to sleep. He wasn’t complaining he treasured those moments in time in which he got to be with her, even if she was unconscious half the time. Finally, Ike got up out of the bed, and went into the tiny kitchen. He made her favorite, scrambled eggs, waffles, chocolate milk with whip cream, in the chocolate milk and the waffles. He set the tiny table sat in front of a window looking out at a park, for two, and served the plates. Just as he sat down, Noelle strolled in, in nothing but a new t-shirt, and a pair of Ike’s hand knitted socks, Grandma made them.

    “Oh, what a fashion statement, and May I ask, what designer you are wearing?” Ike teased.

    “Oh, the ever so famous Hanes, of course, he’s all the rage this season,” Noelle laughed. It was a laugh of childhood, a laugh of pure fun, a laugh of happiness that only came out when she was with Ike, but of course she doesn’t realize she only laughs that way with Ike.

    Noelle sat down across from him, picked up a fork, and stuffed her face. “I gotta be outta here by 8 o’clock, got rehearsal at ten, and I still gotta have you drop me off at home so I can get my spare key, and change into my dancing clothes. Hey, Ikey, can you give me a lift to the studio?”

    Ike shoved a forkful of eggs into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. “Yeah, I gotta go the shop anyways. Boss called me this morning yelling something about a car I gotta finish by 5 o’clock to day.”

    Noelle laughed, “I woulda liked to have seen that. I can just imagine his vein popping out in the middle of his forehead.”

    “That man is gonna have a stroke soon, mark my words, he will.” Ike waved his fork at Noelle.

    “You’re gonna be the cause of it!” Noelle laughed, pointing her fork at him.

    “He over works me!”

    “No, you’re just a slacker!”

    Ike shook his head, and chuckled, “I thought you’d be on my side. A crying shame, a man’s own friend sides with the enemy. Traitor!” Ike flicked some egg at her.

    Noelle stuck out her tongue, and then glanced at the clock on the wall, “Oh s**t! I gotta hurry up.” Noelle stuffed her face, and then jumped up from the table. “I need pants.”

    “Bottom drawer, you now that,” Ike said, finishing up his chocolate milk, and then started to clean the kitchen.

    15 minutes later, they were in the car, driving to Noelle’s place, where she rushed upstairs, and back down again in 30 minutes. She had on a black leotard, with white stockings, her dance slippers hung over her shoulders, as she tromped down the stairs in some black Nikes. She had a t-shirt on over the leotard, the collar cut off, so it hung on one shoulder, and her long mane was in a high, loose pony tail. Noelle rushed into the car, than said “Go!”

    Ike pulled into the traffic, and drove; they drove on the freeway for quite a while, and then exited into the suburbs, where they were both raised. Ike drove to his car repair shop, and parked in the parking lot. Noelle jumped out the car, kissed Ike on his cheek, and called over her shoulder, “thanks for the ride!”

    Noelle ran down the street, and into the dance studio, she headed up the stairs, and into her dance studio. Her friend, Lilia was already there, and warming up. “Hey girlfriend!” Lilia called, a black curl falling into her milk chocolate face. Her watery black eyes looked at Noelle, and her double curved lips smiled. “Ike gave you a ride?”

    “Yeah, sweet huh?” Noelle said.

    “Of course, he’ll do anything for you,” Lilia said, “you, though, girl, you’re just to dimwitted to notice how much he loves you.”

    “I know how much he loves me, and that’s as a brother, goodness, Lil, can we, oh, I don’t know, not talk about Ike’s supposed ‘feelings’ for me?” Noelle sighed, pulling off her Nikes, and sitting down to put on her ballerina shoes.

    “Yeah, yeah, sure. Nervous ‘bout the dance to night? The tango again, but it’s in that billionaire’s mansion, only the best of the best is gonna be there! Hot, rich dudes, and of course, your man, Henri.” Lilia smiled.

    Noelle swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, “yeah, Henri’s gonna be there…anyway, come here and help me up!” Noelle smiled.

    “You lazy bum,” Lilia laughed, and Noelle tried to laugh with her, but it just wasn’t the same without Ike.

    That evening, after the recital, as Noelle was leaving the dressing room, two hands grabbed her at her hips, and pulling her back. Henri whispered in her ear, “that dance was very seductive, yes; very seductive indeed; the whole ******** room was watching the way you threw yourself at your partner! They’re all probably laughing at me, right now as we speak, they’re probably saying I’m an idiot for wasting my time on such a slutty whore, that I’m lowering myself to be with filth like you!” Henri’s grip tightened until his fingernails were cutting into Noelle’s skin. “I think we should go and discuss this in a private room, don’t you think?”

    Noelle didn’t say anything, she wasn’t about anything but Ike, they way he smiled and the way his eyes sparkled when he laughed. Henri dragged Noelle through the crowd and into a room just down the hall from the ballroom.

    Ike felt weird in a tux, but he wanted to surprise Noelle, so it was tolerable. Ike walked around the ballroom for awhile during the intermission, looking for Noelle, but finding Lilia instead.

    “Well, well, I never thought I’d see you in a tux, except for your wedding day, and yet here you are, a 6 foot 8 inches of a hunk in front of me.” Lilia smiled, putting her weight on one hip, and placing a hand on the other.

    Ike smiled, he liked Lilia, she was his favorite out of all of Noelle’s friends, and she wasn’t oblivious to his feelings towards Noelle. “Hey Lil, do you know where Elle is?”

    “Well yeah, I thought I say her go down the hall into the room on the right a few minutes ago with-” Ike didn’t hear the rest, because he was gone already.

    Henri threw Noelle onto to floor, then bent down next to her, “oh, did I hut you?” Noelle didn’t say anything, she didn’t move, she didn’t even breath. Henri pulled her upper body up from the floor by her hair, “Huh, b***h? I can’t hear you?” Noelle didn’t say anything, she was to scared. Henri flung her into a wall, and then dragged her back to the middle of the room by her hair, “Huh? b***h are you ignoring me?” Henri shook her, “Huh b***h, huh?” Noelle laid there; limp, like a broken doll. A smile spread on Henri’s face, “I know something that’ll get you talking,”

    Henri tore at the dress, ripping the boat neck collar, and shoving the skirt up. Slowly, he unzipped the back of her dress, exposing her naked body. “No! Stop it! Stop it, Henri!” She cried tears fell down her face.

    “Talking now b***h? It’s to late for that!” Henri slipped off his suit coat, and unbuckled his pants. Henri tore off Noelle’s underwear, punching her as she attempted to crawl away.
    “What b***h?” Henri roared, “What? You don’t like it? If you don’t like it, then why do you flaunt it? Seducing other men right in front of me, you little skank!” Henri punched Noelle’s face again, dragging her back to him, and she tried to crawl away again. He stood up and kicked her in the ribs, and then kicked her again, and then again. Henri crouched by her again, pulling her head up by her hair, “Since you can seduce men so well, let’s see how good you can ******** one, eh?”

    Towering over her, Henri straddled her, pinning her arms to her sides. And then the door opened. And Ike was there, standing over Henri, pulling Henri off of her, punching Henri over and over again, kicking him into the hallway. Ike threw himself at Henri, punching his face, again and again. Noelle could see from where she laid, Ike being yanked off of Henri, and then she could see Ike pointing into the room, and then at Henri. People started coming into the room, and then all Noelle could see was Lilia, and her hair, that cut off her sight of her surrounding. “Oh, honey, oh, honey, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here, I’m here. Ssssh, it’s gonna be just fine.” Lilia said as she pulled Noelle towards her, and wrapped her arms around her. Noelle closed her eyes, and was embraced by warmth. Like Sunshine tickling your skin as you lay in front of it.

    Noelle woke in a hospital bed, an I.V stuck in her arm, which was spotted with bruises. Noelle turned her head and saw Ike, slumped in a chair, head slack, asleep. “He hasn’t left your side.” Lilia said from Noelle’s other side.

    “I know,” Noelle said, “he never does.”