• I was wearing a beautiful black dress with human bones as decorations and jewelry. In this dream, I was standing in the middle of a field with black roses lacing the surrounding trees. I could feel the spirits of my past lives traveling around me in the air, and in the ground. I could feel my senses strengthening as my demon half was surfacing. I could feel my cat ears working their way out of the top of my hand as my human ears disappear. I could feel my tail playful swaying in the wind. Everything was going good until all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure, out of the forest surrounding me, moving toward me.
    It was a tall man with tanned skin, light golden eyes similar to mine, and raven-color hair that neatly fell over his right eye like mine. He was walking toward me and I felt myself backing away. I didn’t run yet, but I knew that there was something a little off about him. He stopped walking and reached for me. And with a velvet sweet voice said, “Why do you run my love?” And with that, I saw his fangs.