• ~Chapter 1~

    The sun shined brightly through the leaves warming my skin. A howl rippled through the air and a smile stretched across my face.

    "Come on Natala, Tibirius is calling." I spoke softly to the sleek wolf beside me.

    The slender female lifted her head when I said her name. I admired her snow white fur; it felt like silk to the touch. Another howl rang and Natala gave me a knowing look. If the wolf could take she would complain about how impatient her mate was. Together we took off; her on four paws and me on two feet. The rush of running was on I thoroughly enjoyed. As soon as I reached the edge of the trees, I pushed myself as fast as I could go. A familiar yip told me Natala wasn’t too far behind. We sprinted through the meadow enjoying the rays that washed over us. I could barely see the rocks ahead, but there was no way I could miss the powerful black wolf who sat atop it. I slowed upon approach and bowed my head in a sign of respect. Natala brushed passed me and settled upon the rock next to her mate. Together the two were a dangerous pair; both sleek but powerful. Their ocean blue eyes saw everything and anything, it was truly amazing.

    “Hello Tibirius. Where is the rest of your pack?” Questioning him, I settled in soft golden grass of the meadow.

    As if summoned, the rest of the wolves crawled out from behind the rocks. I stared in awe as twenty wolves began to fill the area around me. It was simply spectacular! A familiar flash of silver fur was all the warning I was given before an adolescent wolf launched himself at me.

    “ Gah! Kiko! Would you get off of me?! I’m happy to see you too but for the love of god get off!” The laughter that spilled from me was light and pleasant, but Kiko knew better.

    Giving a small bark, the silver wolf climbed off or me. I gave him an awkward one-armed hug and rustled his silver fur. Familiar ocean blue eyes stared back and I gave him a big grin. He was totally Tibirius’ son; there was no denying that. His playfulness was definitely from Natala. Kiko licked my face and I couldn’t help but laugh again. Wiping the drool from my face, I swatted Kiko on the head. An odd feeling began in my middle. It was almost one of those gut feelings that something seriously was wrong. Tibirius gave a harsh bark and instantly the playful pup quieted. I should have known then something was wrong. Kiko never quieted down without a fight. Shooting pain blossomed from my hand and spread up my arm. I couldn’t help the small cry of pain that escaped me. That nagging feeling that something was wrong seemed to grow as I examined my arm. The black tribal tattoo that coated my whole right arm seemed to be moving, almost as if it was pulsating. Something wet touched my face and I gave Kiko a distressed look.

    “I’m fine but something is wrong. Something has happened in my pack. Something has happened to…my alpha. Oh no.” I felt the confirmation in my words as they left my lips.

    The blood completely left my face as I pushed to me feet and took off in a mad sprint. Behind me the mournful howls of the wolf pack began to arise and sing loudly. It can’t be. No. Tears stung my vision as I ran through the field; soon my feet pounded against the weather worn concrete. The building that seemed to loom before me posed no threat as I grabbed the front doors and threw them open. No one was there to greet me when I entered. My panic rose and my tears grew blinding. I needed to find someone, anyone to tell me this was all a dream. That this pain wasn’t real. Coming around a corner, I ran smack into someone and that someone wrapped his hands around my wrists.

    “Timoan. Where is Timoan?” I cried desperately trying to get away from his grip.

    “Sybil, calm down. Please calm down.” A familiar voice washed over my skin. Under any other circumstances, I would have listened to the powerful almost velvety voice, but not now. Not when I knew Timoan was in danger.

    “No! Where is he?!”

    I fought to get away but his strength was too great. I finally gave in. The man released his grip on my wrists and pulled me into his arms. Heavy sobs racked through me and my knees could no longer hold me. The man helped lower me to the ground where I cried against his shoulder.

    “Sybil. I’m so sorry. He-”

    “Hush now Dimitri. She doesn’t need the details at the moment. She’s grieving far more than the rest of us. Even more than me, and I was his mate.” The voice that cut Dimitri off was gentle and oh so comforting. I pushed away from Dimitri and ran towards the voice.

    “Myst. Please tell me it’s not true. He can’t be gone.” I sobbed burying my face into her arms.

    The female sighed and folded herself around me. I glanced up at her tear streaked face hoping I was wrong. Myst shook her head and her snow white hair fell from behind her shoulder to brush against my face. I met her eyes and choked back another sob. The ice blue orbs were so full of sadness that it gripped my heart. How could such a beautiful woman be so sad? Myst was practically perfect in every way.

    “Oh god.” Another sob overtook me as Myst looked pointedly at Dimitri.

    When he had gotten to his feet, the two of them led me to the meeting rom. Power slid across my skin as I realized Myst had composed herself. Any trace of sadness she had was gone. We were going to face the rest of the pack and no weakness could be showing. We would grieve the death of Timoan later, but now things had to be dealt with. Timoan would have wanted this. He wouldn’t have wanted us to be sad. My arm throbbed painfully once as Dimitri opened the doubled doors and Myst ushered me in. I quickly pulled the emotional mask over my face to hide my sadness. Show no weakness with a room full of werewolves. They would tear you down if you did. It would seem as if nothing could bother me on the outside, but on the inside my heart would ache miserably. All the werewolves rose to their feet upon our arrival. The tension and grief were high. Something had happened to the alpha and some of the members would take advantage of that if they could. Myst and I took our place at the head of the table while Dimitri made his way to the other side. My gaze followed Dimitri and my face warmed a little. We’d grown up together, but I still couldn’t help but have feelings for him. Dirty blond hair hung loosely in his face hiding his ice blue eyes. I didn’t let my attention rest on him for very long. It quickly witched to survey the rest of the wolves in the room. Power seemed to lap at my skin, warm and soothing. Myst twined her fingers with mine and I could feel her power coat me. She was ensuring the wolves would listen to me. With the power of the alpha I would be able to hold their attention.

    “You will listen to Sybil.” Myst’s words surprised me; they were cold and clipped. I snuck a glance at her face and wish I hadn’t. Her ice blue eyes were glittering to gold. With all the mixed emotions she was feeling right now, her control was slipping.

    “Why do we have to listen to some human?” A stupid question that came from the back of the room. Both Myst and I bristled, she growled but I beat her to it.

    “Because Talon, Timoan took me under his wing when I was left on his doorstep. He was my father in every way except birth. That is why I am allowed to talk, If you have a problem with it, I am sure Myst of Dimitri could help you understand better.” I sneered at him staring him down.

    I may be just a little human girl, but at this moment I had the power of an alpha. The black haired male cowered under my gaze. I wasn’t the alpha but I had every right to know what happened to Timoan. A soft murmur arose and I lifted my head higher. Be strong. Show no weakness. My arm had ceased throbbing and that was when I knew that Timoan was truly gone.

    “I was out in The Habit with the wolves. Tibirius called his pack together and they all began howling. I want to know exactly what happened to Timoan because even the wolves knew what was going on. Now tell me.”

    I didn’t ask them, I demanded. When it came to werewolves, if you wanted answers you never asked you demanded. The wolves shifted uneasily around the oval table. After many moments of uncomfortable silence Dimitri stood up.

    “Someone came to him. They were asking about you. Timoan told us to leave him alone with this man. Everyone listened to his orders, but I stayed. I didn’t trust this man; he reeked of death and power. When Dad tried to get me to leave, I told him it was my right as beta to stay and listen.” Dimitri stated proudly as he glanced around the room. “The man asked questions that Timoan seemed to have answers for. The man demanded that you be returned to him. Dad refused him and then a fight broke out.” He paused and beside me I felt Myst tense. “I’m so sorry Sybil, I don’t know how else to put this, but the man ripped Dad’s soul right out of him. I am so sorry.” His voice was small, meek almost and his head was bowed. I swallowed the lump of tears that seemed to grow in my throat. There was more, there just had to be.

    “Go on.” My voice surprised me. For as shaken and as scared as I felt, I sounded calm, almost collected. Dimitri brought his gaze to mine. The horror and sadness embedded there made my chest clench.

    “He turned to me then and I thought for sure I was next. I was ready to go out with a fight, but instead of killing me he simply smiled and said ‘Let that be a warning to everyone who dares protect Sybarius. She will return and we will once again walk the earth.’ And then he just disappeared like out of thin air. I don’t know what he was but he wasn’t a vampire.” Dimitri Shook his head as the murmurs began to flow yet again.

    “No, not a vamp.”I whispered, fear only allowing me to speak so loud. All eyes turned on me and my arm gave a painful throb.

    “Sybil?” Myst asked clearly concerned as I pulled away from her. The warmth from her hand faded as a chill seemed to settle itself within my soul.

    “It wasn’t a vampire that killed Timoan. It was a demon.”