• Chapter 4: Blood bath
    I woke up that morning tired and exhausted and I had no idea why. So I stumbled out of bed and reached my closet. I pulled out some clothes and put them on. I grabbed my ring with a cross on it necklace, and went outside for some fresh air. I walked around my house several times before I decided to walk back home and get my bag. When I walked in I got and couldn’t help myself but scream. As I did I approached the blood cover bodies of my parents and leaned over them crying. Soon tears were streaming down my face as my face turned into pain and angry. I felt myself being dragged then picked up. As my capture turned me around I suddenly couldn’t help but feel a sudden lust for blood.
    I screamed and howled in pain and swiped my hand around. My capture let go and was holding her face and laughing an evil menacing laugh. “You are that wolf demon child then…I shall rip you apart like my master said too!” At this she charged. I saw her arm swipe at me but I moved in time to see it come at me again. I kept dodging her and eventually took her arm and ripped it off. Her arm was bleeding but her laugh wouldn’t stop mocking me. My head was spinning with images and memories.
    “What’s wrong? Can’t keep your wolf side under control demon?” Her laugh kept mocking me and I realized this was her doing.
    I stood up and looked at her. Her laugh stopped and her eyes went from mocking to shock. I walked toward her slowly I felt her try to move but her legs wouldn’t move, because I could feel my grip on her life. “I am now wolf demon….” I heard my own voice and I knew it wasn’t mine, but for some reason I didn’t care…I only wanted one thing…revenge! “I am a hybrid!!!” I threw back my fist and swung at her face. “Grrr!!!!” Her face crumpled in easily when my fist hit causing her to crumple to the ground. She started bleeding endlessly and then stopped moving.
    I dropped to my knees, and then I smelt the smoke starting. “Wolf…” I heard a voice and look up to see my father twitching and looking at me. I quickly went to him and looked him over. “Father…” tears started to run down my cheeks. “Wolf…listen to me...I’m not your father…your parents were killed when you were born and you were brought to my door step…I took care of you until you were ready to learn the truth…” He coughed up blood. “…And I think you’re ready…you are the ultimate hybrid…you must run and flee…blend in with the humans and keep yourself hidden…no one must know of your existence…you are too important to lose…”, he coughed up more blood, “…You must find your…” He looked at me with sad eyes. “Must find what!?!? Must find what!?!?” I shook him to keep him up. “You must...find your...true...self…I love you...my child…” He gave his last breath to me. I felt rage and blood lust shoot through me and something slipped from his hands. It was a note it looked very familiar, so I picked it up and read it.
    Dear Radley’s,
    We wish you take good care of our daughter and hope she is very good for you. But unfortunately the mother died during birth and I being hunted down my demon hunters and the Gov. as well, so I ask you to take special care of my child and keep her safe. I don’t want anyone getting their hands on her. I know this is a lot to ask, but please you still owe me George. This will repay our debt and I’ll set you free. I don’t have much time, but I must go and leave my child in your care…I hope you do what’s best for her and keep her safe…She is the only hope we have left for bringing the world to peace once again.
    Sincerely your best friend,
    Lunar Caustic Angel
    P.S. When she finally changes give her this note, because that means she is ready for her training…from me…If I am not alive or something bad be fallen you send her to the location of the human world…I will be waiting for her there as will our old friend Akira, she will take good care of her there
    Akira address: 2737 N. 28th street – location: east side of human village, tell her Lunar sent her and take this ring for proof. As I read that last part a ring appeared on my hand. I tried to take it off, but it wouldn’t come off. Then I realized why…it had my mothers and fathers symbols together, and I realized that would keep me disguised and uncover. I looked at it admiring it and ran outside. As I busted through the wall the whole building collapsed…I watched it in silence then ran off in the forest letting the tears roll down silently…for the honor of my dad’s friends death….