• One afternoon in school, we were finished up in learning about the digestive system with Ms. Leonard. Then, it was THAT time again---music class with Mr. T, something I really hated since many of us were forced to sing... and I know I sing so horribly. So there, we went downstairs and straight into the library, where Mr. T was waiting while right next to his piano. Singing in front of the class would be humiliating for me, but not for Donniqua herself because she's a great choir person.

    In the beginning of the choir section, we had a "la la la" warmup, something that I almost never got used to doing. By the end of the first "twelve" of them (supposedly), Mr. T began to lay his eyes on Donniqua Williams. I was watching VERY carefully since I pretty much knew something wasn't right... almost not QUITE right, I would say. Neither of us had ever expected his strange behavior, but we were quite nervous on what Mr. T would do next.

    But anyway, while Mr. T was staring at Donniqua, we moved on to our first song "Do Re Mi"; well, the lyrics are like this: "Do, a deer, a female deer. Re, a drop of golden sun; Mi, a name I call myself; Fa, a long long way to run..." Well, you get the rest of the lyrics since I only know at least half of it. So while we were singing along to THAT song, Mr. T called for Donniqua to stand in front of the class, leaving all of us bewildered with curiosity. Then, he ordered Keyona Green to stand in a certain corner in the library---notice the rage expression in his face. NOW I knew something was not right with Mr. T... then, it finally happened.

    The moment Keyona had to stand in the corner, Mr. T seized for Donniqua and grabbed some tweezers, hoping to yank out her vocal chords. Because Donniqua's voice was so lovely, Mr. T thought he wanted them for himself. What a stupid teacher! But anyway, when THAT happened, all of the other students tried to save her, even Keyona himself, but Mr. T, supposedly having superhuman strength, knocked everyone back but me since I had to stand where I was, waiting for the moment to strike. Once everything was clear, I grabbed for a nearby chair and tossed it at Mr. T, severely injuring him for a split second. Next thing I knew, he picked up the piano with his own hands and all of us ran. Luckily, none of us were hurt when he threw the piano. Even Ms. Leonard had tried to call 911 only to be knocked out cold by Mr. T. I couldn't do anything since there was no time, so me and Donniqua fled outside.

    There we were, me and Donniqua... running for our lives while Mr. T was chasing after us, shouting, "I WANT HER VOICE, HER LOVELY SINGING VOICE!" OK, is it me... or is that dude now being a freak? Eh, no matter... we just ran for our lives anyway. The pursuit was short lived when Mr. T pounced on me like a cheetah, his eyes being piercingly bloodshot. I even noticed his teeth being as razor sharp as a sabertooth tiger's. Luckily, there was Anthony Martinez to the rescue, who swatted him multiple times with a baseball bat to get him off of me. He was like, "Dave, Donniqua, this way!" and we followed him. But I looked back and he just turned into a massive coldblooded beast. Great, what's this world gone into, anyway?

    Two hours have passed and the weather has became dark and fiercely with a torrential downpour. I guess it's just me, Anthony, and Donniqua left in this dark, dark forest. We couldn't turn back, so we had to keep moving forward. We were completely vulnerable to the cold weather since there was no jackets worn, but we wouldn't let THAT stop us. SO... the three of us continued running for our lives, trying to find a place to hide from Mr. T, now a ginormous ugly beast. We were growing exhausted, famished, and even a little feverish. No place to return home and this is the nightmare we have found ourselves into.

    Again, it struck me the second time.

    All of a sudden, Mr. T came out of nowhere and ambushed all three of us. First, he picked up Anthony and slammed him a couple times. Donniqua and I were desperate to save his life by tossing huge rocks at his face to almost no avail. Then, Mr. T proceeded to savagely beat Anthony, to the point of death, but luckily... I had saved HIS life by shooting a pallet in Mr. T's mouth with a slingshot. The pallet then became dislodged somewhere in his throat and he was briefly suffocating. Donniqua and I helped Anthony stagger to his feet, and the pursuit was resuming.

    But again, the pursuit was short-lived when Mr. T regained his strength. He caught up to us and grabbed Anthony before proceeding to toss him off the cliff of this dark, wretched place. He also pulled out his violin in an attempt to savagely beat Donniqua unconscious before proceeding to remove her vocal chords. Again, I was able to thwart him, but Donniqua tried to flee for her life only to slip and fall off the cliff. And I was like, "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" And with that, Mr. T lunged at me and held me down. His strength was overwhelming.

    Strike three.... it finally came to me.

    That moment when he chomped on my shoulder REALLY hard, I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed, apparently in shock. Much like Ordenana's ending to HIS story about Ms. Slatt, it was JUST a stupid dream. Well, let's just say that I'm glad it was ALL a dream because if something like that EVER happened in reality, I would not hesitate to try and fight Mr. T in real hand-to-hand combat. But anyway... you get the point. It was all a plain old nightmare caused by my own "absentminded randomness occurring in my mind for every time I fall asleep". Let's just say I have to cut down on how much candy I eat before bedtime these days... silly me! (And that's how it all ended)