• Chapter One

    Rain was pouring down on the streets of Clayne, Aerolis. People were either rushing to their cars or driving somewhere. Thunder crackled as lightning lit up the stormy sky. Rain was pattering against the roof of Aerolis High School. In Math class, a girl with pure white hair and jet black eyes sat at the back of the class, staring at the window and watching the rain. She wasn't really paying attention to what the teacher was saying and she never really payed attention to anything at all. She was twitching her pencil in her hand as she watched the rain pour down. The girl clicked her shoes together and closed her eyes for only a brief second. She reopened her eyes and turned her head to the front of the class.
    "Rayne Aurolias."
    Rayne stood up and picked her stuff up off of the floor, walking to the front of the room to take a blue slip out of the teachers hand. She walked out of the room and began to walk down the long hallway. She walked down the stairs and turned toward the front office. As she stepped inside, a woman with blond hair and pink eyes turned to smile at her. She greeted her mother with a small nod and they headed out of the school and toward a red S.U.V.
    As they got in the car, her mother started the engine and sighed. "Honey, I can't just keep coming and getting you from school early."
    "It's alright, I can have dad come and get me." Rayne said and buckled her seat belt.
    Cartella shook her head and pulled out of the parking lot. "Your father and I want you to stay in school. That's the only way you can get an education."
    "But mom-" Rayne began.
    "You need to stop thinking about the past and start thinking about the present." Cartella interrupted her.
    "What does that mean?" Rayne asked.
    "You keep thinking about your brother, honey." Cartella said.
    "I DO NOT!" Rayne screamed.
    Cartella was startled by how her daughter reacted. She looked at her daughter for a while before facing the road again. She didn't expect a straight out rejection from her at all.
    "He doesn't matter, mom. He's dead and I'm alive." Rayne half cried. "I don't need to think about him anymore. Stop bringing him up."
    Cartella stayed silent and pulled up into their driveway. Rayne burst out of the car and ran into the big two story house. She rushed upstairs to her room and slammed the door. She threw her bag across the room and leaped on the bed. She began to cry softly into her pillow. She looked up at the photo of her brother, the frame having a huge crack through it. She sat up and picked up the picture frame, wiping away her tears. She blinked at the photo and hugged it close to her.
    She laid back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. She rolled over on her side and put the photo back on her stand. She curled up and stared at the photo for a while before rolling on her other side and closing her eyes. Her door opened and her mother walked in. Cartella walked over and brushed Rayne's hair away from her face before pulling the picture frame up on the wall. She walked out of the room and closed the door silently behind her, there were no need for any more words.