• “Bonds are one of love and hate, those bonds are always severed and broken. Bonds between the heart though, are eternal and always tested”

    No wind blows, barren land on which we stand. We are near an abandoned mine away from wandering eyes. Jessica stands to my far left, her silver hair falls in front of her widened gray eyes. Who could blame her, who would want to look at a monster.

    John smirks at me, his face smug. His hazel eyes blazing with jealousy It was his meddling that caused us to find out about an unimaginable power that lies within me.

    Yeah. My friends since childhood.

    John looks at me with a curious hateful stare. “What’s wrong Aiden,” he asks a smile playing on his lips.

    I say nothing, fixing him with a disbelievable, hateful glare.

    He catches it with a grin. “What?” he says, “Don’t you believe me? Fine. But everyone you know and love already knew about it, ever since you were born.” His face becomes serious. “They wanted to keep Jessica and I from you. They were afraid that you might have lashed out at us with your power by accident. But when they tried to separate us, it was too late. Our friendship was so strong we were inseparable. Instead they pretended that everything was alright, and that nothing was wrong.”

    I listened to these words, said so knowingly and hatefully. Could this be true? Am I just a beast within the eyes of my family and friends? I try to shake away these thoughts, but those words were creating something inside of me. No, they were weakening something. Something inside me was struggling to be released.

    As I struggle to hold this feeling down, John continues, “They created a false reality for you, one in which you were happy and loved. But the thing is, they never loved you. Never. They hated you, you were nothing to them, just a monster.”

    Those words did it. They break the restraints and unleashed the thing within me. My power.

    My body starts to shake uncontrollably, as I struggle to stand. Then I throw my head back and scream at the top of my voice, causing the earth to shake around me. The ground splits separating my friends from me. Wind starts howling and pummels the ground furiously. My ears are deafened from the chaos and my vision blurs. Blind fury and rage fuel my power. A voice inside me wants those who have hate for me to pay. The voice tries to seduce me into the chaos that my power has caused.

    A bright light catches my eye. My vision focuses back and I see a fiery ball of fire floating in my hand. I panic and try to extinguish it only for it to spread and circulate around me to form a barrier of flames.

    The voices grow louder, roaring above that of the flames around me, still trying to tempt me and create more chaos. I clench my eyes tightly shut, wishing for all this to just disappear.

    Then I hear something odd, a split second of silence inside the chaos.

    I see something pierce through the flames. I gasp and grab at my chest. I feel cool, wet, metal, and I pull my hand back to see my hands stained by my own blood.

    The chaos cedes. I look and see a metal pole pulled from nearby rubble protruding from my chest. I see a hand holding it and I look up to see gray eyes. They meet mine and for a moment time stops.

    I gasp and manage to open my mouth. “Jessica,” I breath, and a tear falls from those shining gray eyes. I try to raise my hand to catch it, but I cannot.

    The chaos is gone and I catch a glimpse of a figure cloaked in black heading towards us, then I fall into darkness.