• Everyday I wake up wondering if its my last. I climb out of bed just to throw the uniform on again. Lacing up my boots thinking of past events, thinking how have I been so fortunate? Bullets and RPG's zipping past, rockets and mortars impacting a stones throw away and yet Ive survived it all. Some say I'm lucky but I know its that I'm blessed. Sometimes I contimplate why it is I do what I do, putting my self in harms way time and time again, when instead I could be somewhere else in the arms of safety. I then come to the conclusion, If I'm not the one to do this then who is? I was blessed with the knowledge of a lion, the nerves of steel and strength of a tiger, and the courage and bravery of a dragon. With these five elements I become what so few can and have become. A warrior fighting for a worlds life, happiness and the right of freedom. Some may claim me as a freedom fighter but I however see myself as a loner, seeking refuge in the chaos that surrounds me.Im a mere pawn serving as a crucial piece in a world changing event. I am the defiant refugee that has been sent to clense the land. Im a warrior, a freedom fighter, a loner, a pawn, and a difiant refugee.I am what many fail to be... I am a soldier