• The shades surround me, specters of the past,
    And I wonder how much more I can take,
    Reading through letters from what seems like eons ago,
    Looking through albums filled with memories
    Wondering about could-have-been’s and should-have-been’s alike
    Wishing strongly you were here again.

    When last we met, when last we spoke
    Things weren’t that good.
    I hurt you deeply, and you hurt me too,
    Like a couple of masochists turned sadist,
    I cried for hours inside my heart,
    Losing the one who meant the most to me,
    Wanting to die on the surface, and
    Wanting you back in my secret heart.

    You said through a message you want to be friends,
    I replied back that I’d love to.
    But I never heard back from you for days, and
    I began to wonder.
    I wonder what you think of what I said, and
    What you think of me now.
    I love you more than anyone I’ve ever met,
    I want to regress to bright days again.
    I hope to hear back from you,
    I hope, I pray to hear your voice.
    Please don’t ignore me,
    I can’t take anymore.

    My Shaman, you were my lover, and
    I gave my heart to you,
    I thought you were the one who I could surrender myself to with no fear,
    You left me with the saddest of looks,
    I can’t bear to have you upset with me,
    I can’t bear to lose you that way.
    Don’t ever think I’m over you,
    I could never get you out of my mind…