• I look down at my desk and see a piece of paper,
    it calls my name, beckons me, to see if I would help her.
    It's obvious what she wants me for, no reason to decline,
    I picked her up and started to make our stories intertwine.

    I was amazed how she could change her shape,
    by folding things about
    Occasionally she would need some tape
    to make herself stand out.

    Often I forgot she was just a piece of paper,
    this somehow led to something else, and now I think I love her.
    I knew I'd never be able to escape this love,
    So I looked for some help from above.

    He told me no matter what everything would be alright,
    I went to sleep assured, and knew my future would be bright.
    I awoke again, surprised, but everything would be okay.
    For she had changed to human and, surprise, we're getting married today.