• The World from My View

    I live in a world full of color
    And all of the color is frozen
    In a picture
    Still and stiff as glass
    I remember sitting outside of my window during the summertime
    I’d see myself surrounded by deep green grass
    And a lush, painted blue backdrop to accompany the trees
    I would see myself looking up at the clouds for answers
    And longing for the perfect moment
    Although I was already happy enough
    I can smell the lake
    The watery spray smell
    It’s not a salty smell,
    It’s more of a leafy smell
    From when it wafts through the trees
    I can hear the soft wind blowing quietly
    Silky as a ribbon and flowing like the ocean
    It carries the sounds of boats
    Gliding across the lake like whales
    I grab a piece of life
    It’s warm and light
    And feels like lotion seeping through my skin
    Life tastes like a warm milkshake
    It’s not thick anymore
    And I see myself on the lawn
    Drinking one of them while sitting on an Adirondack chair.
    And for some reason
    I feel like I need one right then
    Without this window
    What would life be?