• right now i'm smiling
    smiling very bright
    people think i'm happy
    and that i'm a pure delight
    i learned years ago about what i could hide
    now i just smile and act happy keeping up my disguise
    no one ever notices tears i shed at night
    or the sadness i keep deep down inside
    and even when it's over
    my friends i see inside
    shattered little pieces
    kept in a disguise
    people hurt them
    and they pretend not to care
    but i see through the smile
    the true repulse and offense
    since when did anyone deserve it
    when was it decided
    we all suffer while you all laugh
    yet inside you all became broken
    when you heard your very own laugh
    so i'll go ahead and smile
    make everyone else alright
    your learning your own hard lesson stuck at night time
    while i walk towards daylight
    to smile while not in disguise