• Insignificance
    Fading innocence
    Tearing us in two
    Pulling us into
    A room with the walls closing in
    It was over when it began
    Desperate to find a way
    To live again another day
    A day we will never have

    As the sunlight
    Fades behind the sky
    We too will fade
    Completely out of sight
    As the night falls
    And we cannot see
    Take my hand and
    Together we will leave
    Leave this all behind

    I don't know how
    I can carry on
    To live another day
    As yesterday has gone
    But we push forward
    On this narrow path
    Waiting for tomorrow
    A day we will never have...

    As the sunlight
    Fades behind the sky
    We too will fade
    Completely out of sight
    As the night falls
    And we cannot see
    Take my hand and
    Together we will leave
    Leave this all behind...