• Even though he's forgotten
    She never can
    The shouts, the swears
    Still ring in her ears
    He wasn't there when she fell
    And she never dared tell
    Tell him she was afraid
    Afraid to walk the path he had lain
    She wept nightly
    Always sure to do so silently
    For she knew all to well the danger
    Of awakening his fearsome anger
    The bruises of being thrown
    Were never before shown
    The lives led by both girls were equally bad
    Though neither ever appeared forlorn, sad
    They pushed it away
    To the backs of their minds for another day
    Accused of constantly lying
    He never heard their broken souls crying
    Mother never said a word
    Stood by and watched, as though she never heard
    Daddy, why did you give it control?
    Let it rip apart a family before it had a chance to be whole?
    The cries he never heard, he didn't know
    Lush made him too slow.