• The path that is set before us,
    One uncluttered by falling leaves.
    A path to adulthood, responsibility,
    One made up of broken dreams
    And forgotten desires.

    The darkness beneath the surrounding trees ,
    Seems to call your name.
    Children's laughter echoes through the tree branches.
    Music plays in the distance, calling for you.
    A wolf howls in the distance,
    Reminding you of the danger.

    Your dreams lay hidden within the shadowy forest.
    All it takes is one-step,
    And you will leave the path set out before you.
    But following your dreams can be dangerous,
    Anything could happen.

    Staying on the path will lead you,
    to a long and prosperous life,
    while the woods can lead you anywhere.
    Is the risk worth taking?

    Would you rather follow your dreams,
    And live a life of uncertainty,
    Or would you rather follow the path you are already on,
    That so many have travelled before you.
    The choice seems almost easy,
    But nothing ever is.

    If you stay on the path,
    You give up everything you ever wanted,
    Everything you ever were.
    If you step into the woods,
    Anything can happen.