• It's hard to imagine them,
    The snow faries.
    Their fluttering wings
    Covered in ice,
    They leave fruit for the birds
    and play tag amongst the icicles.

    I used to watch them from the window
    While waiting for Santa.
    They are beautiful and elegant,
    Mysterious and wise,
    Kind and generous.
    They have bright blue eyes
    And pale clear skin,
    All but one.

    Her eyes are green
    And her skin is tan.
    She's covered in freckles
    and wears a sunny smile all the time.
    She dreams of flowers and hiding eggs for the children.
    She wears a flower in her hair all the time,
    Jasmine, I think it's called.
    Her name is Ivy,
    Probably after the winding ivy tattoos on her legs and arms.

    While the others play, she sits there.
    She's kind of like me,
    In a way.
    She feels kind of left out
    While I never feel let in.
    Maybe she'd be my Christmas friend.