• many a long night i sat
    florid visions echo through soulless halls.
    a ghastly angel absorbs me
    waning memories cease.

    a lethargic atmosphere arises from the fire
    beckoning youthful days forth.
    blankly i stare as the roaring flame
    reminiscing our days together

    we first met at the park
    the ground flush with snow.
    twas on the bridge we found one another
    you were carrying a book taut in your arms
    barely visible beneath your amber fur.

    oh happy times those were
    but alas hewn before your time.
    a frightful Christmas eve t'was
    the bells, harrowing your demise.
    the ghastly image haunts me still.

    now alone i set
    twelfth anniversary of that fateful night.
    the bells chime, once for each year since
    and one to bring us together again.