• Grey skies,
    White clouds,
    Children born,
    From this pair

    Little angels,
    Six branches,
    Each different

    Snow Flakes
    Snow Flakes

    Laughs of Children,
    In the back,
    While two lovers meet

    Until their death,
    They will rain

    Morphed into the rest,
    Love at first sight,
    True love at least

    These lovers witnessed more,
    Than what they bargained for

    Hot chocolate smoke,
    Melts Jack Frost,
    And all cold hearts,
    Cinnamon swirls the hearts together,
    As they drink up the cup

    Hand and hand they watch the snow,
    Lean in to kiss,
    In between the lips,
    Snowflakes fall,
    The ones we meet before

    Time has passed,
    Our heroes grown weary,
    Their snow still on their lips,
    Lay down quietly,
    One last kiss,
    Until the snow,

    Melts away