• Merry christmas
    merry christmas
    children are laughing playing together having a good time,
    Familly and friends joining together.
    Merry christmas Merry christmas
    wish what u wish for, your wish will come true
    laughing and play together as one makes a great christmas day
    oh chrstmas eve oh christmas eve how special is it today, how lovy is it.

    Loving every moment of it
    don't u feel happy, happy happy
    the day has come to celabrate.

    Celabrate , celabrate people live your life as u can and make it a wonderful day. love eachother do something nice, god may bless u all.

    Celabration time come on!

    Its celabration ya'll celabration! celabration! celabration ia all around us.

    We wish u a merry christmas and a happy new year.