• Clouds are filling the dark winter sky, my breath misting when I whisper 'Welcome back'.
    The season for locking the bad things away, a fight or a fear or a terrible day.
    It may not be snowing, but quite cold outside, it may always be different, but not inside.

    One whole month of this Holiday, not one day or eight. It's the feelings that fill the end of the year.
    More smiles are given, more greeting are shared, and the spirit-lifting music that drifts almost everywhere.

    A tree glowing brightly, lights the place that's my home. Decked in beautiful colors that seem to enchant
    even if it keeps getting knocked down by a cat.

    No room for a stocking, but that's no big deal. Small decorations spread out here and there, not very much
    but it still brings on cheer.

    The friends that I live with are also a joy, to share and make new traditions. The songs that we like, the movies
    we'll watch, the things we'll make up in the kitchen.

    Some of my family will light a tree, while some of them light candles for eight nights, that makes
    me happy too. Everyone has a different way of celebration, but it's still a Happy Holiday to you.